Category: Staff

PYP Large Group Room fully booked

Dear All,

Please note that the PYP Large Group Room is now fully booked from Thursday May 21st to Friday June 19th between 7:45 -15:15 Monday to Friday.

If you have already booked this room, please see Arden for further details.

Thank you

Shanshan Chen

Three first prizes at Flux Film Festival

NIS students submitted twelve films to the Flux Film Festival in Beijing and all twelve were shortlisted. The following three films produced by NIS students won first prize in their respective categories:

High School Documentary Film Category: “The Design Centre”

Middle School Narrative Film Category: “Procrastination”

Middle School Sweded Film Category: “The Avengers Trailer”

Three other films were “Highly Commended”.



Early Year Production – time change

Tuesday May 12 9:10 (*Note time change). In order to accommodate all the G4-8 classes, we have moved the start of the EY Production to 9:10 (block 2).

The Early Years students look forward to showcasing many colours, songs and dances. You are sure to smile, laugh and be in awe! We will see you there.

PYP Exhibition Assembly

K2-G8 please be seated by 8:10 Friday morning for our PYP Exhibition Assembly.

Sam posted a message explaining the tight seating. Please be aware of the change of rows for your grade and the need to use all available seats!


Exhibition Assembly May 8 seating plan

Exhibition Assembly Seating Plan

Exhibition Assembly

Please find attached the seating plan for Friday’s G5 Exhibition Assembly. Things could get tight, so please use all seats effectively (no empty seats mid-row).

Due to numbers Grade 2 will need to have a few students use the bottom Grade 3 row and K2 will need to have a few students use the bottom Grade 1 row.

PYP Large Group Room fully booked

Dear All,

Please note that the PYP Large Group Room is now fully booked from Thursday May 21st to Friday June 19th between 7:45 -15:15 Monday to Friday.

If you have already booked this room, please see Arden for further details.

Thank you

Shanshan Chen

Athletics Day today

House meetings this morning are in:

Xuanwu – blue gym

Taiping – theatre

Wutaishan – Ms Keus’ music room.

Dont forget to put your number down your left arm.

Program of events is below:

Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 6.49.27 AM

communicating with our school nurse

Dear All,

In Lilian’s absence, when you need to contact the nurse for any reason – (to communicate the reason for a student’s absence, to report attendance if you are coving a homeroom, to request health information prior to a field trip, etc, please use Lilian’s email address, but write “Dear Lucy…”

Thank you,

Grade 11 History Class

Dear Grade 11 Teachers, On Friday May 29th I will be hosting a small group of students from Livingstone American School in Shanghai. They will be working with my Grade 11 History class from Blocks 2 – 4 that day. Sorry for any inconvenience. See list of students attached.

Grade 11 History Students


Tonight, at 7pm, #pypchat on twitter. Tonight’s topic is Concept Driven Learning. See wiki for possible questions and resources.

  1. What is concept based learning?
  2. What are the advantages of concept based teaching/ learning?
  3. What are the challenges in concept based teaching /learning?
  4. What are the big ideas (concepts!) in concept based learning?
  5. How do you introduce concepts to students?
  6. What strategies do you use for supporting students in thinking beyond the facts to big conceptual ideas?
  7. How do you assess understanding of concepts?
  8. If you could add one key concept to those offered by the IB, what might it be?
  9. How do you explore concepts across disciplines? How do you plan for transdisciplinary approach?

Nurse Lilian

Good morning!
As of next week, Lucy Mrstica will take on the role of school nurse for the remainder of the school year as Lilian will be away on maternity leave.
As today is Lilian’s last day this school year, please stop by with your happy wishes. We await the exciting news of the birth of her baby.