Category: Staff

PYP Tug of War House Competition Round Two

Due to a screaming success Wutaishan will be hosting a Tug-of-War competition- round two. This will be held on Friday, February 13th from 1:25 to 1:55 in the green gym.

We will allow teams of mixed grade levels from grade 2 to 5. Three students from each grade level will form one team and we hope to provide a number of opportunities to show your strength.

Come on out with great spirit and power to support your teams.

Staff  are most welcome to participate in a fun spirited teacher round but no points will be given.

See you there.

Attention Teachers: Semester One Closing in VC

Please be aware that Cindy is planning to close the S1 grade book in VC this Friday at 3pm. This will mean that we can no longer modify grades or comments from S1. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks! -Kasson

PYP Literacy Coach & Maths Coach

Two new positions will be open as of March 2, 2015. Kath Adams is going to roll over her ASAC position into the PYP Mathematical Coach. Thank you, Kath. The PYP Literacy Coach is open for applications. Please send a one page letter of interest along with qualifications to Marina by Friday, February 6 17:00. The Literacy Coach position comes with an ASAC stipend. See attached job description. (I have also included the Mathematics Coach job description for your interest).Literacy Coach Feb 2015 Mathematics Coach Feb.2015

DK Find out! great for PYP research

DK makes lots of great books and now they also have a website:

Check it out.

From the website:

Get on the learning curve with DK Findout!. We’re creating the ultimate teaching tool for you and your students. DK Findout! will feature:

  • Easy-to-access, authoritative DK content
  • Subject-based, curriculum-linked articles to support classroom learning and teaching
  • Up-to-date resources and ideas for projects and homework

2015 Chinese New Year Assembly Schedule and Performance

Dear All,

This year’s Chinese New Year assembly is on Friday, February 13, happening in just two weeks.  Can all homeroom teachers please remind your students or send notices home for dressing up in traditional Chinese clothes for that day? We’ll have dragon/lion dances, exciting Wei Feng drums, and folk dancers performing in front of the Academic Building. We’ll also have folk art and crafts vendors exhibiting their arts and products in the Foyer. The students can also bring some money and buy goodies they like. Please find the assembly schedule and program in the attachment.

2015 CNY Assembly Programme.pages

Mr. Bratton Out

Just a quick reminder to MYP teachers that I will be out learning about the rich cultural heritage of Nanjing with Grade 8’s all day tomorrow. Juan said that he is happy to do both of our jobs tomorrow since he basically already does every other day anyway. Perfect!