Category: Staff

Language Acquisition

Review and repeat important concepts and vocabulary.

Nurse Contact Details

Good morning,

Please see and save the cell phone number for contacting Nurse Lilian during school hours:
139 5161 7072
Please also remember that Lilian can be contacted by teachers and parents through the email:


35 small notebooks needed for Discover China trip week

Dear Colleagues,  35 small notebooks are needed for Discover China trip week for students to write field notes and other lesson information. If you have some old notebooks and would like to declutter, I would happily take 35 of them off your hands. Please let me know or I will be ordering some new ones. Thank you.

MYP Tech Challenge Results

A fun and exciting Friday afternoon ended with a very tight house race in the MYP Tech Challenge.

The grade 6 winners of the Gliders was Taiping.
The grade 7 winners of the Dominos was Wutaishan.
The grade 8 winners of the Catapults was Wutaishan.
The grade 9 winners of the Rocket Sleds was Wutaishan.
The grade 10 winners of the Tower was Taiping.
Overall Winners of the points from every activity results in a with Wutaishan in first, Taiping in second and Xuanwu in third place. Congratulations to all the students for their participation and enthusiasm.

Inter-House Table Tennis

The Inter-House Table Tennis competitions will take place next week; Grades 9 – 12 on Tuesday lunchtime and Grades 6 – 8 on Wednesday lunchtime. Each House will need a team of two girls and two boys for each of these days. If you are interested in playing in one of these competitions please see your House captains or House leaders as soon as you can.

Science Trolley Missing . . . please help =)

Have you seen a blue trolley like this one. It has gone missing from Steve B’s old room/Dan S new room over the summer and is needed back in the Science department. Please contact Russel or Dan if you have any information. Thank science trolley

Language Acquisition

When using the Student Research Centre on EBSCOHOST use the Lexile Reading Level in Advanced Search to find easier material or use Detailed Search in Kids Search – Middle & Elementary School to limit the Lexile Level.
Here’s a guide to Lexile Levels

1 Up to 300L
2 140L to 500L
3 330L to 700L
4 445L to 810L
5 565L to 910L
6 665L to 1000L
7 735L to 1065L
8 805L to 1100L
9 855L to 1165L
10 905L to 1195L
11 and 12 940L to 1210L

Grade 11 Choice Unit in Life101

This Prototype, Student Choice – Student Voice unit runs on the following four dates: October 16, October 28, November 10, November 20

So far, we have five activities offered:

Danny C – Volleyball
Jacqui W – Tai Chi
Sam B – Presentation and self-presentation
Paul U and Martyn N – Circus Skills
Neila S – Mindfulness

With only 5 options, and 47 students, this could make for some larger-than-anticipated groups. Please email me with suggestions if you have an activity you would like to offer. Another two, at least, would offer a wider and more authentic choice.

As a reminder, if you are not an Advisor, the hope was that you would find two courses across the whole Life101 programme to offer. If you are only currently offering only one, could you please see you way to offering a choice activity for Grade 11 in this slot? (If you are an Advisor, you are hopefully offering at least one Life101 course during the academic year – if you see that you are not, please let me know!)

It’s a great opportunity for you to teach / interact with a new grade level if you haven’t had much to do with grade 11 before.

(The Grade 10 Choice Unit runs on the following dates December 14, January 14, January 26, February 22, and currently has five offerings: DannyC- Gardening, AmyK – Garageband, JacquiP – Vegan Cooking, SamB – Improv and  VickiR – Chinese Watercolours. This is a larger year group, and so an even wider range of activities would also be welcome.)

Thank you to those teachers who have already jumped into the breach, as it were!

Microsoft 365

Hello all,
If anyone has an issue with Microsoft 365 (OneNote, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PowerPoint),
please submit the problem to help
We have a direct contact with Microsoft and can follow up for support.

Bags: The Saga Continues…

Hello MYP/DP Superstars.

Thanks for making the shift to using your locker at the start and end of lunch, for waiting for the bell to head upstairs for Block 5, and for not leaving your bags in the library, games room, or in various other places around the gym/cafeteria. Well done.

Now, the question has become: what should students who are using the library for academic purposes and/or games room attendees do with their backpacks when it’s time to eat lunch?

The answer is simple. These students should take their bags to their directly to their lockers at the start of MYP/DP lunch quietly and independently, then head to the cafeteria. Keywords: directly, quietly, independently. 

Thanks for your continued contribution in making NIS a safe, happy, and secure learning community!

Language Acquisition

Find books in the library written at a lower level about the topic you are teaching.