Category: Staff

Earth Hour- Small jars and tins needed

In preparation for Earth Hour arts & crafts, we are collecting used aluminum/tin cans and small glass jars for candle holder creations. Please note:

  • please check that tin cans have no sharp edges along the rim
  • smaller glass jars are needed. Your help in removing all labels would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for bringing any donations to the Library or PYP Design Room  (John Rinker’s Room) before March 27.

Thanks in advance!


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The Real Inspector Hound

The Accidental Theatre Company returns with their spring production – Tom Stoppard’s ‘The Real Inspector Hound’. For two nights only, this acclaimed company has kindly agreed to present their latest show – an intriguing country house murder mystery / inquiry into the very nature of existence and truth – in special review for the enjoyment of a limited audience before they go out on tour*. Critics from local and national press will be in attendance.

The two shows will be presented in the Black Box at 7pm on the evenings of Wednesday, 1st April and Thursday, 2nd April. Tickets are available from all regular outlets (Centre lobby) and are FREE!

* Catch the show while you can before it goes out on tour: Shanghai, Beijing, Ulan Baator, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Murmansk, Spitzbergen and Reykjavik – schedule TBA (dependent on hitch-hiking opportunities and conditions of spring pack ice).

Early reviews have this to say:

It has scale. It has colour… Large as it is, it is a small masterpiece.
Moon, Second Rate Daily Times

It has a beginning, a middle, and I have no doubt it will have an end. For that, let us give thanks…
Birdboot, First Rate Entertainment Periodical

There are moments, and I would not begrudge it this, when the play, if we can call it that, and I think that on balance we can, aligns itself uncompromisingly on the side of life. Je suis, it seems to be saying, ergo sum.
Moon, Second Rate Daily Times

Sartre meets Shakespeare, Beckett meets Beckham, Joyce meets E.L.James in fifty shades of mauve.
Andrew Kay (NIS Promotions & Props Co.Ltd.)

Without pace, point, focus, interest, drama, wit or originality…
IB Educational Supplement

Some of the cast seem to have given up acting altogether…
Purple Duck


Language Acquisition

This week the Language Acquisition post will look at how to support students after the lesson.

Provide non native speakers with summary notes of the main points of the lesson.

Lost & Found

Lost: iPhone 4, a pair of blue Nike runners

Found: 2 cell phones, 6 watches, a Macbook charger, a gold bracelet

Please see Mrs Tyoschin

Tech Challenge results and thank you

I want to send a big thank you to my fellow teachers, I really appreciate your help in making Friday’s MYP Tech Challenge a success and a really big shout out to Robin for his organisation of all the materials and the setup.

If you have any feedback on how to improve activities, set-up, clean-up, scoring, etc. please talk with or send a message to Robin Marsh and/or Russel Fleming.

MYP/DP Production Auditions

We are pleased to announce another MYP/DP production is coming your way. ‘Grimm Tales’ (adapted by Carol Ann Duffy) will be performed on 1st and 2nd June 2015.

We are holding auditions on the following days:

Monday 30th March

Tuesday 31st March

Lunchtime (1st half) in the Black Box.

If you are a student from grades 6-11 interested in performing in this show please sign-up and collect an audition extract from Ms Philip or Mr Brown.

Look forward to seeing you!

Language Acquisition

Graphic organisers can be used to develop Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency.

Pi Day Auction – 1500RMB raised!

Thanks to all that came out to the Pi Day Auction last Friday. There was an enthusiastic crowd of students and staff bidding to win the delicious baked goods. A total of 1500RMB was raised. The money raised will be split evenly between the Amy Yang Fund & the Pfrang Organisation, 750RMB to each.

See you next year for more Pi day fun!

Inter House Trivia Challenge

Congratulations to Xuanwu, winners of the Inter House Trivia Challenge yesterday. Wutaishan came in 2nd whilst, the overall leaders, Taiping came in 3rd. This closes the gap a bit for the House Shield but Taiping still well out in front. Current points are:

Taiping 675

Wutaishan 605

Xuanwu 560

MYP/DP Book Week Assembly!

Breaking News: MYP/DP Book Week Assembly this Friday at 8am sharp! in the PAC

Our prestigious visiting author, Mr. Ed Vere, will be speaking with us on Friday morning…

Now listen….We went to great lengths to hand-pick this literary professional… just for you, arranged (and paid) for him to fly (literally) across the world…just for you, created an entire schedule to get the most out of his visit in your Arts blocks… just for you, coordinated with your block one teachers to allow this assembly to run until 9:00… just for you, brought in a book fair… just for you,  took untold numbers of “shelfies,” wrote “spine poems,” and heard the story “Bananas!” at least two dozen times (just for you)…. The least you can do is be on-time come Friday morning, right?

See you then!

What if you are an ACAMIS swimmer?  No worries! Ed Vere will stop the assembly at 8:40…just for you… and excuse the team. Please wait until he lets you go (don’t go by your phone, watch, or “spidey-senses.” Thanks.


Language Acquisition

It is important to develop Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency. This means that non native need to engage in demanding tasks. These need to be made accessible by providing the necessary support. Once students are comfortable with these kinds of activities, they can be gradually exposed to tasks that are both cognitively-demanding and context-reduced.

Office 365 Plans

Last year we announced our move to Office 365 and the transition away from iWorks.  Within the IT department we’ve been working on setting up accounts and are announcing that everyone can log into Office 365 using your regular password and your email address without “staff”.  For example, instead of signing on as, I would use

Why move to 365

We are doing this because of Apple’s poor backward compatibility support and their lack of online collaboration. Apple has minimal online collaboration features in iCloud, which only offers an individual level. They also do not provide support using our school email accounts, and we hope to have an integrated system.

Known Issues

Please note we are discovering issues, especially while trying to transfer files from iWorks.  We know Pages files are difficult to import. We’ve found that most issues happen with documents containing tables.  In most cases creating the file from scratch has been the best solution.

Our Goal

Next year our goal is to use Office as our core tool. All computers for the 2015-16 year will have Office software. Apple’s iWorks software will remain on your computers, allowing sufficient time to transition your documents. Beyond 2016, iWorks will not be part of the school’s software image.

Office Transition Time Line

  • 2008-14 iWorks Core Tool
  • 2014-15 Learning Office
  • 2015-16 Office becomes school’s Core Tool
  • 2016-17 iWorks not part of school software image

Maps Needed

Searching for world and city maps
Looking for different world and city maps for an art project. The maps will not be returned to their owners. Any condition accepted (old/ new).
Maps can be brought to Mr. Wiggins’ room (D246) on the second floor of the main building.
Thank you,
Dorothea Moldenhauer

Language Acquisition

Tasks can range in difficulty along one continuum from cognitively undemanding to cognitively demanding; and along another continuum from context-embedded to context-reduced. A context-embedded task is one in which the student has access to a range of additional visual and oral cues; for example a one with illustrations of what is being talked about. A context-reduced task is one such as listening to a lecture or reading dense text, where there are no other sources of help than the language itself. A task which is both cognitively demanding and context- reduced, is likely to be the most difficult for students.