Congratulations to the boys for their 3rd place trophy and to THE GIRLS, THE NEW ACAMIS BASKETBALL CHAMPIONS!!
DK Find out! great for PYP research
DK makes lots of great books and now they also have a website:
Check it out.
From the website:
Get on the learning curve with DK Findout!. We’re creating the ultimate teaching tool for you and your students. DK Findout! will feature:
- Easy-to-access, authoritative DK content
- Subject-based, curriculum-linked articles to support classroom learning and teaching
- Up-to-date resources and ideas for projects and homework
2015 Chinese New Year Assembly Schedule and Performance
Dear All,
This year’s Chinese New Year assembly is on Friday, February 13, happening in just two weeks. Can all homeroom teachers please remind your students or send notices home for dressing up in traditional Chinese clothes for that day? We’ll have dragon/lion dances, exciting Wei Feng drums, and folk dancers performing in front of the Academic Building. We’ll also have folk art and crafts vendors exhibiting their arts and products in the Foyer. The students can also bring some money and buy goodies they like. Please find the assembly schedule and program in the attachment.
ACAMIS Basketball update
Our teams won their first games against the host school WAB yesterday (Thursday) and play 3 more games today (Friday) and another 2 on Saturday. You can see the schedule and watch live matches via the following link and then clicking on the Livestream tab:
Mr. Bratton Out
Just a quick reminder to MYP teachers that I will be out learning about the rich cultural heritage of Nanjing with Grade 8’s all day tomorrow. Juan said that he is happy to do both of our jobs tomorrow since he basically already does every other day anyway. Perfect!
SET minutes: Jan 19 & 23
Dear Colleagues,
Please see attached SET minutes.
2015 01 19&23.pdf
Teacher/teachers’ children’s bus next year
There will be a meeting for any teacher interested in discussing the bus situation next year for teachers and teachers’ children. Monday 2nd February 12:50 Drama Classroom.
Revised and updated Duty Schedule
Thanks to Marina for the new look in the duty schedule. It should be easier to read and includes where to go in case there is an indoor break/lunch.
PM2.5 Readings in Week 21
Dears, please refer to enclosed weekly updates from Facility Team.
Tips on the safe use of bank cards of BOJ
Dear all,
Please find here attached the tips and please read carefully.
Thanks and best wishes,
Phone found in Green Gym at Lunch on Monday
See Mr. Bratton if you think it might be yours!
MYP Swim Gala Wed 11 Feb (Day 3)
There will be a new format to the MYP Swim Gala this year. On Wed 11 Feb (Day 3) the Gr6&7 Gala will be during Block 3, Gr8&9 during Block 4 and Gr10 – 12 during Block 5. This means that outside of these blocks, classes will run as normal (except for Gr11 who are having an EE day). If you teach any of the above grades during the blocks they are scheduled to have their gala, then you will be at the pool rather than teach your class. More information will be given closer to the date.
ASA ‘Sketch and Talk’ is canceled.
Homeroom teachers of grade 3, 4 and 5, please let your students know that ‘Sketch and Talk’ ASA is canceled on Jan. 26, Monday.
Alex Lockwood
One vacancy available for First Aid Training (Saturday, Jan. 24, 2015)
Dear all,
There is ONE vacancy for the First Aid Training to be held on Sat. Jan 24, 2015. Details as below:
A: Time: 9:00am to 12:00am, 13:00pm to 16:00pm (Lunch will not be provided)
B: Venue: Drama Classroom of the Theatre
C: Language: English
D: Trainer: Dr. Zhu from ISOS
E: Clothes: suggest in casual and comfortable clothes as need to kneel on the floor and do hands-on practice. (Skirts are not suitable for Ladies)
If you are interested, please send me an e-mail (, first come first serve.
Best wishes,