Category: Student

MAP Grades 8 & 10 Today, Grades 7 & 10 Tomorrow

Our fall MAP testing session continues today with Grades 8 (8:00am) and 10 (1:00pm). All Secondary MAP testing will be held in the CENTRE LGR on the 3rd floor. Please see the MAP testing schedule here.

Please arrive for your assessment with a charged laptop, a good night’s sleep, and your best effort (like every school day). If you have a MAP test in the morning, please report DIRECTLY to the CENTRE LGR.

Grade 7 is up tomorrow (Friday) at 8:00am with Grade 10 finishing from 1:00pm.


Today’s Birthday Cupcakes have Moved!

Hey, September Birthday Babies! Today is your day!

Birthday cupcakes for SECONDARY STUDENTS will be available in front of the CAFETERIA at break time today. Cupcakes for PRIMARY STUDENTS will be in the EY soft play area (that big green circular carpet) at break time. Staff members may collect their cupcakes in either location.

Happy birthday, September Friends!

MAP Grade 9 & 6 Today, Grades 8 & 10 Tomorrow

Our fall MAP testing session continues today with Grades 9 (8:00am) and 6 (1:00pm). All Secondary MAP testing will be held in the CENTRE LGR on the 3rd floor. Please see the MAP testing schedule here.

Secondary students, please work with your Advisors to be sure you have the most recent MAP (NWEA) program on you laptops. Please use this guide to ensure your laptop is ready to go.

Beyond that, please arrive for your assessment with a charged laptop, a good night’s sleep, and your best effort (like every school day). If you have a MAP test in the morning, please report DIRECTLY to the CENTRE LGR.

Grade 8 is up tomorrow (Thursday) at 8:00am with Grade 10 at 1:00pm.


MAP: Grades 8 & 7 Today, Grades 9 & 6 Tomorrow

Our fall MAP testing session continues with Grades 8 (8:00am) and 7 (12:30pm). All Secondary MAP testing will be held in the CENTRE LGR on the 3rd floor. Please see the MAP testing schedule here.

Secondary students, please work with your Advisors to be sure you have the most recent MAP (NWEA) program on you laptops. Please use this guide to ensure your laptop is ready to go.

Beyond that, please arrive for your assessment with a charged laptop, a good night’s sleep, and your best effort (like every school day). If you have a MAP test in the morning, please report DIRECTLY to the CENTRE LGR.

Grade 9 is up tomorrow (Wednesday) at 8:00am with Grade 6 at 1:00pm.


Grades 6 & 9 MAP Today, Grade 7 & 8 Tomorrow

Our fall MAP testing session will begin Today with Grades 6 (8:00am) and 9 (1:00pm). All Secondary MAP testing will be held in the CENTRE LGR on the 3rd floor. Please see the MAP testing schedule here.

Secondary students, please work with your Advisors to be sure you have the most recent MAP (NWEA) program on you laptops. Please use this guide to ensure your laptop is ready to go.

Beyond that, please arrive for your assessment with a charged laptop, a good night’s sleep, and your best effort (like every school day). If you have a MAP test in the morning, please report DIRECTLY to the CENTRE LGR.

Grade 8 is up tomorrow at 8:00am with Grade 7 at 12:30pm.

Thanks and see you soon!

Student Council Notice

Thanks to all o students who signed up for student council on SchoolsBuddy, you are invited to a meeting NEXT Monday ( sep 18th )where we will discuss arrangements and organisation for this year.

Many Thanks

The NIS Student Council

Student Council Leadership Candidates

If you are interested in running for Student Council president, please fill out the form in the link below to apply for candidacy.

Please be reminded of the following requirements:

* To run for office, you need to partner up with someone.

* Both candidates should be in Grade 10 or higher, and at least one must have served in the Student Council in the last 2 years or less.

* A team of 2 Grade 12 candidates will not be allowed.

The deadline for application is Friday 8th September.

Here is the link for the form

Reminder: MAP Testing Starts Monday!

Our fall MAP testing session will begin Monday with Grades 6 (morning) and 9 (after lunch). MAP is a great opportunity to demonstrate your academic growth in Reading and Maths!

Please see the MAP testing schedule here. All Secondary MAP testing will be held in the CENTRE LGR.

Secondary students, please work with your Advisors today and tomorrow to be sure you have the most recent MAP (NWEA) program on you laptops. Please use this guide to ensure your laptop is ready to go.

If you would like to see what a MAP test looks like, please feel free to access a practice test at Both the username and password are grow.

Beyond that, please arrive for your assessment with a charged laptop, a good night’s sleep, and your best effort!

MAP Testing Starts Monday with Grades 6 and 9!

Our fall MAP testing session will begin Monday with Grades 6 (morning) and 9 (after lunch). MAP is a great opportunity to demonstrate your academic growth in Reading and Maths!

Please see the MAP testing schedule here. All Secondary MAP testing will be held in the CENTRE LGR.

Secondary students, please work with your Advisors today and tomorrow to be sure you have the most recent MAP (NWEA) program on you laptops. Please use this guide to ensure your laptop is ready to go.

If you would like to see what a MAP test looks like, please feel free to access a practice test at Both the username and password are grow.

Beyond that, please arrive for your assessment with a charged laptop, a good night’s sleep, and your best effort!




Elevators are NOT for Everybody

Dear Students,

Elevators at NIS are for those who NEED them to move between floors. NOT those who can walk up and down stairs, but CHOOSE not to. Please walk up and down the stairs; it’s good for you!

Elevator FAQs

  • Can I just ride it because I am feeling lazy? NO.
  • What if I have a big group of lazy people? NO.
  • Can I ride it with my injured friend who NEEDS it to move about campus? ONE person can travel with them. ONE.
  • Are there CCTV cameras in the lifts? YES.

See you on the stairs!


Student Council Leadership Elections

If you are interested in running for Student Council president, please fill out the form in the link below to apply for candidacy.

Please be reminded of the following requirements:

* To run for office, you need to partner up with someone.

* Both candidates should be in Grade 10 or higher, and at least one must have served in the Student Council in the last 2 years or less.

* A team of 2 Grade 12 candidates will not be allowed.

The deadline for application is Friday 8th September.

Here is the link for the form

Reminder: Secondary Lunch Change

Tuesday’s Secondary lunch time is now after Block 3 (like all other days).

  • 10:30-11:30am: Block 3
  • 11:30am-12:00pm: Recess (Please avoid the Green Gym)
  • 12:00-12:30pm: Lunch (like all other days)
  • 12:30-1:30: Block 4


Volunteering! G10-12

A few of the teachers would like to have some Mandarin tutoring. It’s just 10-15 minutes a few times a week. They would like to practice their speaking and listening. These teachers are taking Mandarin lessons but we all know that in order to get better, they should practice! So teach them how to order food or to ask for directions! You could help them practice their numbers!

Some teachers would also like to learn how to use some apps like a pro. Taobao, Alipay, Hippo etc.

Sign up on SchoolsBuddy.