Category: Student

If you didn’t complete MB in grades 6-10, there is a chance.

Are your entries for SA and Volunteering on ManageBac complete?


In the summary section:

Did you answer Action: What action did you take?


Did you answer Benefit: Who benefits from your action?


In the reflection section:

Did you answer Change: How did you change? Or What changes would you make?


Did you answer Demonstration: How did you demonstrate achieving your chosen outcome?


Did you answer Evidence: Did you upload a photo?


If your answer is NO…sign up on SchoolsBuddy to shred plastic for 15 minutes. Afterwards, come see me and I’ll unlock it.

The final day is June 2nd, 3pm.

Extra Design Workshops This Week

The design workshop will be open during the following times this week:

  • Monday 3pm-4pm
  • Wednesday 12pm-1pm

This is only for current MYP product design students and not an extra student activity.

TODAY!!!! ManageBac G6-11

The deadline is 4pm today, Monday, May 22. Not only will MB be locked, but students in grades 9-11, your access to your OneDrive folder will also be removed.

Grade 7 WIDA Testing Today

Grade 7 – TODAY (Friday)

Hello Grade 7 ELL students

The final round of WIDA testing is this week. Grade 7 come to D240 (Ms Kelly’s room) in Block 1 with your charged laptop.

Names of students involved in testing.

Workshop Open Thursday Lunchtime

The MYP design workshop is open at lunchtime today (Thursday 18th) for current design students to work on/finish projects. This is not student activity. First 18 students only.


WIDA Testing

Grade 6 – TODAY (Thursday)

Hello Grade 6 ELL students

The final round of WIDA testing is this week. Grade 6 come to the LGR in Block 2 with your charged laptop.

Student names are here:

Library closed break & lunch Thursday and Friday

The library will be closed to students during break and lunch on Thursday and Friday due to setting up and breaking down for the Friday event. I will contact primary teachers individually who have lessons and checkout scheduled on these days to make arrangements.

Tech Tip 6 – The Researcher Tool in Word

Todays Tech tip is a super handy tool for students to use when they are writing their research essays.  Microsoft Word has a built-in tool to assist with finding sources and reference material to support the content of their essays called “Researcher”.

Open or create and document in Word, then click the References Tab then click Researcher.

This will open a pane to the right of the document you are working on. You can then type the topic you want to find supporting references for.   This will search the internet for journals and websites that have related content.

You can then read the content of these articles right there in the pane beside word without needing to open a web browser.  Once you find a good supporting website or journal, there is even a link at the bottom of the source that enables you to automatically add that source as a citation.

For a short video that shows you more about how to use this tool you can check out the following video from Microsoft.

That’s it for today’s Tech Tip.  See you again next Tuesday.

Tech Coach Ken


Have you completed your entries on ManageBac?

The deadline is May 22, 2023 at 4pm.

Grades 6-10 need at least 1 Volunteering entry and 1 Service as Action entry.

Grade 9s must complete a total of 2 GCD stories.

Grade 10s must complete a total of 4 GCD stories.

Grade 11s are reminded to complete 8 GCD stories, 5 different outcomes, 1 project and 2 interviews.

NIS Voice and Spaces: Thursday Lunch


What: NSSA Lunch Meeting

When: Thursday, Lunch 2

Where: D240

Why: Come join our inclusive space where students can participate in conversations and art activities.




Athletics Day – Wednesday 10th May (Information) UPDATE

On Wednesday 10th May  students AND staff will participate in Athletics day with the aim for Grade 6-10 showcasing their learning and progress throughout their unit.

Schedule – Athletics Day Schedule Secondary 2023

This day is a collaborative one with students enjoying support to strive for their own personal excellence.

Some things to remember:

Please bring water-bottles and healthy snacks (some will be provided) for the day ahead (no scheduled break-time)

Please wear your house shirts, sports shoes/clothing and bring hats/sun cream as well (weather is expected to be warm)

Eating lunch for Secondary will be from 12:30 followed by your normal blocks 4 and 5

The lists for the events will be posted onto bulletin boards and emailed to you.

Technology – Please make good choices about what tech you bring to school and how you use it!

First event is the 6x200m relay – If you ARE running please come to the start/finish line AFTER checking with with your Block 1 teacher for attendance by 08:05

6x200m Relay teams

Wutaishan – Jiwon, Xavier, Jen, Gabin (G10) Insun, Mia W (G9) Mete, Jessica (G8) William, Ziza (G7) Daniel, Carol (G6)

Taiping – David, Jinseok, Cindy, Linda (G10) Juheon, Anna (G9) Luca, Agatha (G8) Carlos, Maia  (G7) Chanhee, Amy (G6)

Xuanwu – Leo, Michael Q, Carolina, Clara (G10) Alvin, Mia R (G9) Oliver H, Malin (G8) Eunchong, Sarah (G7) Vincent, Harin (G6)

IF a change is needed PLEASE ensure you have a replacement ready to participate

For the 4x100m relay you will need 2 boys and 2 girls per grade/team

(2 ladies and 2 men per team)

Each house can enter as many teams as they like.

‘there is more in you, than you think’ Kurt Hahn