Category: Student

Student Council Leadership ( Grade 10-12)

If you are interested in running for Student Council president, please fill out the form in the link below to apply for candidacy.

Please be reminded of the following requirements:

* To run for office, you need to partner up with someone.

* Both candidates should be in Grade 10 or higher, and at least one must have served in the Student Council in the last 2 years or less.

* A team of 2 Grade 12 candidates will not be allowed.

The deadline for application is Friday 8th September.

Here is the link for the form


MAP Testing Coming Up!

Our fall MAP testing session will begin next week with Secondary assessments happening September 11-15 and Primary September 18-26th. Secondary students, please work with your Advisors to be sure you have the most recent MAP (NWEA) program on you laptops. More details to come later this week!

Secondary Tuesday Lunch Move Permanent

Our shift to 11:30am recess and 12:00pm lunch on Tuesdays for secondary students was a resounding success. We will now make this change permanent. This means that secondary students always eat at 12:00pm. Easy to remember, right?! Many thanks to Ms. Moen for this suggestion.

Alice in Wonderland Rehearsal Today

A reminder to all cast members that you have been emailed the rehearsal schedule and we will have our first rehearsal today after school. If you haven’t done so already, check your email, drag the schedule to your desktop, save it (or print it and save it) and come to every rehearsal you’re required to attend đŸ™‚

It’s going to be an amazing production…

The wonderland Production Team

Student Council Candiates

If you are interested in running for Student Council president, please fill out the form in the link below to apply for candidacy.

Please be reminded of the following requirements:

* To run for office, you need to partner up with someone.

* Both candidates should be in Grade 10 or higher, and at least one must have served in the Student Council in the last 2 years or less.

* A team of 2 Grade 12 candidates will not be allowed.

The deadline for application is Friday 8th September.

Here is the link for the form


The NIS Student Council.

(Any questions see  Ms Philip)


Alice in Wonderland Cast List

Congratulations to all who auditioned for this year’s production of Alice in Wonderland! This year was the largest turnout for auditions in NIS history…and there was such a HUGE amount of talent – the production is going to be amazing!

The cast list has been emailed to everyone who auditioned. If, however, you auditioned but not receive an email please see Mr Brown or Ms Philip immediately.

A reminder there will be a meeting for the whole cast Friday lunch 12:30-1:00pm in the Black Box. This is mandatory. We will explain the rehearsal process and give out the schedule. Please be there on time.

The Wonderland Production Team

Higher Education Afternoon

Join us for Higher Education Afternoon information session to delve into the critical topic of NIS students’ college applications. Chinese and Korean translations will be provided.

Event Details:
Date: 29 August, 2023
Time: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PMLocation: NIS PAC

Who: Grade 12 & 11 students (mandatory)and parents (strongly recommended), Grade 9-10 students and parents (optional)

Attendees will learn about the following:

  • College application trends and updates on NIS senior students
  • Tips and insights from innovative university counseling programs implemented by the NIS university counseling department to equip students with tools for achieving their post-secondary goals
  • How families can provide positive and constructive support throughout their child’s PSI application journey
  • Expectations for G12/11 to G10/9 students and how they can prepare themselves as inquiring and well-balanced learners in exploring their post-secondary options

Looking forward to your attendance and participation.

Pearl Noh
University Counselor

DP retreat Grade 12

Dear Grade 12,

see you in the Center 3rd floor today!

I will take attendance at 8:00 am sharp!

Mrs Fox

Tuesday Secondary Lunch Change

This Tuesday we will move the Secondary lunch period to 11:30am-12:30pm with secondary recess FIRST from 11:30-12:00pm and lunch from 12:00-12:30pm. This means that Tuesday will see the Secondary lunch break between Block Three and Block Four with students eating at 12:00pm just like all other days. There should be no impact on Primary lunch. Secondary teachers with BTT this Tuesday have been notified. The goal of this change is to create a smoother and more consistent Secondary student experience on Tuesdays and to improve traffic flow around the cafeteria.  Please see Mr. Bratton or Ms. Morrow with questions. Thanks for giving this a go!

Friday House Photo

Quick reminder, at 8.05 today, please make your way to your meeting point. Teachers, please help direct the students.

Taiping – Green Gym

Wutaishan – Music LGR

Xuanwu – Blue Gym

After a short intro by the House Teachers and Student Leaders, please make your way to the grass pitch for a photo. Again, teachers please help direct the students. Andrew F will have a megaphone to give instructions. Wicky will be using the drone.

N = Taiping

I = Wutaishan

S = Xuanwu

Return to classes by 8.40 am.

Thank you.

Robotics Event in Shanghai

NIS is taking a small team of students to Shanghai for the VEX Robotics 16hr Build Event on Saturday 16th Sept.

There are limited positions available, so if you are keen to come and take part,  come and see Mr Brady to register your name and get further information.  Registration closes Friday 1st Sept. 


Friday House Assembly

For Friday, please wear your house shirt.

At 8.05, please make your way to your meeting point:

Taiping =  Green Gym

Wutaishan = Music Large Group Room

Xuanwu = Blue Gym

We will have a short house meeting to meet your house teachers and house captains.

At. 8.25, we will go to the Grass Pitch to take a photo.

N = Taiping

I = Wutaishan

S = Xuanwu

At 8.40, return to class.

Student House Captains

For all the students who expressed interest in leading their team to a fun, exciting year, please meet Ms Anna in D228 at break time for a very short meeting. 10.15.