Category: Student

Life 101 Today!

Hello Grade 7-12 Students of Life,

Please see below and/or click the link for the location of your Life 101 session happening today during Block 2. Enjoy!

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Grades 6-9 Field Trip Friday!

Hello All Students in Grades 6-9,

On Friday morning, after Extended Advisory, you should quickly make your way to the PAC where you will be whisked away to the high seas! That’s right, all students in 6-9 will attend the PYP production of “Pirates of the Curry Bean!”

Who? All Grade 6-9 Students

When? Friday during Block One and maybe a few minutes of Block two (8:45-9:45am)

Where? The PAC

How? Leave your stuff in Extended Advisory and head for the PAC ASAP!

Why? Because we love you.

See you there!

Is this your equipment???

This equipment (sport??) has been next to the Black Box for a substantial amount of time. It will be removed (and possibly destroyed) if it is not claimed by Monday 7th March, 8:00am.



Girls Soccer Season — Players wanted

This message is for girls in grades 8-12.

We are looking for more girls to join our practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:20 to 5:50. Here’s why you should do it:

— It’s a great opportunity to get a second season of soccer if you are in grade 8.

— We are playing in two tournaments: one at NIS (26/3) and Shanghai (14-17/4). This means low cost!

— A former professional women’s coach will join Mr Mello in the planning and delivery of training sessions starting next week.

— You can continue to practice until April even if you are ineligible (grade 8) or not selected for ACAMIS.

We can compromise with other activities, particularly for DP students who may wish to practice only once a week. If interested, please email Mr Mello ( or go see him in room D204.

Grade 7, 8 and 9 basketball girls needed

The SCISAC girls basketball team is low on numbers and looking for players from Grade 7, 8 and 9. The end of season trip is to Taiwan, which will be fantastic, (although quite expensive at 4000rmb). The subsidy of 1600rmb can be used for this trip if you have not already used it. If you are interested, sign up on veracross and come to the next practice this afternoon or next Monday. If you may be interested but want to know more please speak to Mr Clarke or Mr Hornell or Ms Anna.

Inter House Volleyball is today

A reminder that the Inter-house Volleyball is at first lunch today in the gym!

Please come along and support your house!

4-5 PM Internet will be off

Our ISP is performing network maintenance, today, Wednesday March 2nd. Internet will be off for one hour.

Climate Change Survey

Dear teachers and students,

The Grade 12 Environmental Systems and Societies students are conducting a 10-minute face-to-face survey with selected students and teachers. We thank you in advance for taking the time to be interviewed. The interviewers will make sure data collected remains anonymous. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Mr Mello (

Thank you!

Accidental Theatre Audition Date Change

Please note – the audition dates have changed for the up-coming ‘Black Comedy’ auditions.

Auditions will now be held Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th March. Lunch, Black Box.


Track & Field and Basketball start this week

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It is not too late to sign up. Gr8 – 9 SCISAC basketball starts today for the girls and tomorrow for the boys. Gr7 – 12 ACAMIS Track & Field starts today and Gr5 – 8 CISSA Track & Field on Wednesday. Sign up on veracross and meet in the gym or the track.