Category: Student

Duck Season Has Begun.

Dearest Ducklings,

Thanks to everyone who filled in our survey.

We hope your trip week goes swimmingly. If it doesn’t, at least you’ll have some good stories. If you’d like to brag, complain or quack us up after you get back, we want to hear about it. We don’t mind how you tell your story… Wing us a:

Short Story or paragraph
Photograph with a story or caption
An illustration
A Quote

Send your stuff to or We’ll be Peking at your entries on the 28th October 2015. If your entry fits the bill, we’ll publish it the Purple Duck magazine.

Love from the P.Ducky Team.

Front Slide Door

We found the front slide door was not working properly since Tuesday. As it was in vacation outside, the maintenance people will come after 7th, Oct. For safety reason, the door will be kept open this week. Thank for your support!

Wayne Liu

Trashbusters go to the Park – C&S for G9-10

Do you like venturing out into the wild? Are you keen to do your bit for the environment? Would you like to make an effort to “Burst the Bubble” and get outside NIS? Are you in G9 or 10? Are you still looking for a core C&S activity? If you can answer yes to these questions then Trustbusters go to the Park is for you. Signup now on Veracoss. This could be your last opportunity to sign up for a core C&S activity. Please note that you will need to be able to meet at RFG gate (家天下门口) on four Sunday mornings - Oct 25, Nov 8, 15 and 22. Please email me if you have any questions.

Pfrang Day

Come and have fun at Pfrang Day on Saturday! Sports and activities begin at 3:30 (except badminton which starts at 2:00). We have Human Foosball, The Amazing Race (QR code reader needed), Hungry Hippos, touch rugby, volleyball, badminton, a penalty shoot-out for kids, football for adults, petanque, golf for kids, a bouncy castle, games and activities from the Student Council, ultimate frisbee (in the dark), music and a BBQ. See the schedule attached.

Pfrang Day 2015 schedule bulletin.pages

MYP C&S – Some ideas

I know many of you are looking forward to signing up for one or more of the school offered C&S activities. However, before you signup for these you may like to consider other opportunities – the best C&S is often what you think up for yourself and you don’t necessarily have to do “hands on” C&S work to achieve your C&S outcomes. e.g. you may have a strong interest in in looking after the environment. A good C&S activity from this interest could be putting together and publicising an environmentally friendly lifestyle guide for our community in Nanjing. Or, you may like to do an informal audit of NIS activities to see whether they are environmentally sensitive. Or, you may like to highlight the plight of a certain species of animal and publicise how we as individuals or community can change this. Or you may like to promote a charity or other cause. or you may like to … . There are many opportunities and they can be publicised via number of forums. NIS screens, notice boards, at NIS events, digital media etc. This could be done individually, in small groups or even as an advisory group as a whole. Have a look at the C&S outcomes and think of innovative ways of achieving these. If all else fails or you are looking for some variety in activities you are welcome to sign up for the activities I advertise in the daily bulletin.

Local School English Tutor Group now open to G8-12 – C&S/CAS

The local school English Tutoring group is now open to G8-12 for C&S / CAS. There are a few vacancies. We go to the local Middle School on Wed after school and do about 40 minutes small group English conservation. If you are interested please signup on Veracross on the C&S/CAS signup link. The next visit is Wed after Discover China Week. We meet in the MYP LGR at 3.10pm then go to the school.

Inter House Volleyball Today

Come and support the Grade 9-12 students in their inter house volleyball competition at lunchtime today. 

Teams – remember to wear your house shirts.

Competition starts at 12.50 in the blue gym.


Sharpen Those Razors

It is getting close to that time of the year again.  Little hairs are slowly preparing to start covering the lips of men around the world. In 24 Days, Movember 2015 is set to begin.

Movember is more than just a bunch of men looking stunningly handsome for one month of the year, it is about raising awareness and money to help find solutions to a variety of men’s health issues.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Mo Bro or a Mo Sista – Movember is for everyone. There are two ways to participate: sign up to grow a moustache for 30 days, and/or take the MOVE challenge and get active every day for 30 days.

If you’d like to learn more about the important work and impact the Movember Foundation is having please visit:

If you’d like to get involved and join Team Nanjing, please visit

Parents, Teachers, and Students are welcome to join the team. If you can’t grow an amazing moustache, take the MOVE challenge and exercise every day during the month of Movember (November).

If you have any questions please email me at or Mr. Buhler at


Grade 10 – Family Connection

All Grade 10 students. Please log in to Family Connection this week and see Zoe or myself if you have any difficulties in doing so. You need to be able to log in before you go away for Discover China Week.

Username is school email address.

Password will have arrived by email yesterday if you had not previously logged in.

Eco Team Meeting

The whole Eco Team will meet on Friday 9th October in C122 at 1:20, allowing everyone time to eat their lunch first. We will then split into sub-committees. PYP teachers, please pass the message on to all members in your homeroom. Members who cannot attend should email Cosima Conen or Sophia Rinker. Thanks.


NIS Speech and Debate Extravaganza: Think, Speak, Act

* Do you love arguing your point of view?

* Are you an actor?

* Can you talk your way out of anything?

If your answer is yes to any (or all) of the above, Speech and Debate needs you!

NIS is hosting an ACAMIS weekend dedicated to all things Speech and Debate, alongside our MUN pals on February 27th and 28th.

Come to an info session in Ms Ham’s classroom (D341) this Wednesday (October 7th) at the beginning of lunch to find out more!

10.10 aka El Capitan isn’t supported

I’m sure there are some high flyer eager students who have already upgraded to 10.10, Apple’s newest Mac OS. It is important to know the school at this time only supports Mac OS 10.9 also known as Yosemite.

We purposely wait on upgrading the base Mac OS because of software issues. For example it has been reported that Microsoft Office will not run on 10.10 and I’m confident there will be more issues. (see reader reports on

Screen Shot 2015-10-05 at 8.39.33 PM

If you have upgraded to 10.10 we can help you down grade to 10.9. If you have upgraded but are not interested in down grading then you will be responsible for your own tech support.