Category: Student

Sign up now for CISSA Soccer!!

For Grades 5 & 6 on Wednesdays & Fridays and for Gr 7&8 on Mondays and Thursdays. Grade 8, you can do CISSA and SCISAC so if you are playing SCISAC at the moment you can sign up for CISSA. Practices start next week. Sign up on Veracross.

Inter-House Table Tennis

A reminder that the inter-house table tennis competition concludes today with the Grades 6 – 8 students playing. Come along to the Blue Gym at lunchtime and cheer for your House.

Think, Speak, Act

Are you a leader? Do you like being at the helm?

If yes, join the organising team of Think, Speak, Act – an ACAMIS MUN and Speech and Debate extravaganza here at NIS!

Bonus points: It can be a CAS core project, or contribute towards C&S.

Interested? Speak with either Ms Ham or Mr Cofer for further details.

Youre awesome


Scrooge! Rehearsal Change

Due to a conflict, we will swap the following two Scrooge! rehearsals:
Thursday 17th September & Monday 21st September
Therefore, the following will be needed on Thursday 17th September: Narrators, Spirit of Christmas Past, Scrooge, Fred, Fred’s Wife, Miss Rosie, Topper, Guests at Fred’s Party
The following will be needed Monday 21st September: Narrators, Scrooge, The Spirit of Christmas Past, Headmaster, Young Scrooge, Fan
Contact Ms Philip or Mr Brown for clarification.

PYP Football match

There is an ongoing football match in the concrete area outside the school main entrance. This match has been going on for sometime now (I think the actual score is Team A 351-350 Team B). Unfortunately we have to end the match with no clear winner.

The good news… the match will restart in the grass area or football pitch where there is no danger of a window being broken.

If you are part of this incredible game please understand it is for safety reasons we are moving the match. We are not ending it, please do continue to exercise!

Inter-House Table Tennis

A reminder that the inter-house table tennis competition is taking place in the Blue Gym this week. Grades 9 to 12 will compete at lunchtime today and Grades 6 – 8 at lunchtime tomorrow. Come along and cheer for your House.

Environmental Poster Competition

The European Chamber is holding a poster competition under the theme of environment protection. You can design a poster that shows protecting AIR, WATER, FOOD, ENVIRONMENT or SUSTAINABILITY. There will be an open vote to choose the top 3 in each category, which will be made into postcards. These will be sold in aid of the Pfrang Association. All entries should be given to Mrs Tyoschin by Friday 18th September. Good luck!


10-12 Advisories – Friday

For Extended Advisory this coming Friday, please let your advisor know that you are present and then:

Gr10 – with Mr Morin in MYP LGR (PPP)

Gr11 – with Mr Hutchinson in D210 (ManageBac)

Gr12 – updating Family Connection. Use Diploma Lounge and/or Library. Request references both personally and through Family Connection. Complete Profile in Family Connection. Ensure you have a list of Universities in ‘Universities/Colleges I’m thinking about’ and move those you are fairly sure about to ‘Active Applications’. Make sure Common App is matched to Family Connection if you are going to be applying to the US. Start drafting your College Essay or your Personal Statement.


Missing Jacket from costume room

We are currently working on costumes for the MYP/DP production and need a jacket that seems to have gone missing from the costume room

It is light green velvet with a bright coloured silk lining

It was hanging in the ‘MYP Dress-up wardrobe’ in May last school year, we’re not sure when, exactly it went missing.

If you know where it is or you used it please bring it to the black box as soon as possible, we really need it for the production


PolyU, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Polytechnic University will visit on Wednesday 23 September, from 12.00 in my office. here will be a presentation at 12.50.

PolyU visit poster 2015