Category: Student

Set Up Your School Email on Your Mac

If you have NOT set up school email on your computer yet or if you have problem with checking your school email, please follow the steps to set up your school mail:

1. Open “System Preference” from Apple Menu


2. From the system preference window, please open”Internet Accounts“.


2. You will see the following window pop up. Please select “Exchange” which is our mail account type.


3. Please enter:

Your school email address: your school

Your school account is your first name last name, all together and all lowercase. 

Password: your email password.

Then no matter what message shows, please click “Continue” to move on.


4. Then please enter the following information:

User Name: your school

Password: your email password

Server Address:

Afterwards, please click “Continue” to move on


5. You will see your account summary. Please click “Continue” to move on.

Screen shot 2015-08-25 at 4.45.56 PM

9. Please make sure you check “Mail” and “Contacts” then click “Done” to finish.

Screen shot 2015-08-25 at 4.47.30 PM

Now if you open your “Mail” application, you will be able to check your school emails.



Important Announcement for MYP/DP students

Have you had your computer re-imaged? Frustrated you lost all your data because you didn’t back it up? Can’t figure out where things are? Don’t know how to sign into Microsoft 365?

If so, then you may be eligible for some free tech help!

Learn amazing new skills, like how to set up your email, printing, accessing your email online, logging into Microsoft 365, backing up your computer, and more!

Join Ms. Johnson in the gaming room (across from the Macquarium) this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday during the first half of lunch for some introductory lessons on computer basics. Bring your computers, your hard drives, and any questions/problems you may have.


C&S / CAS Signup on Veracross

The C&S / CAS signup link on Veracross is now open. Activities that require student helpers will be advertised on the daily bulletin during the year and you can signup at this link. You may like to periodically check if there are activities to signup for.

Upcoming C&S Activity

NIC BBQ – Sunday Sept 13th: Students helpers are required for three time sessions – 11.00- 3.00,   12.00-4.00 and 1.00-5.00pm. Students may signup for one of these times. There will be a maximum of 10 places for each time. Please note that only students who sign up will be able to help on the day as no additional helpers will be able to signup or help on the day of the BBQ.

MYP/DP Parent-Led Conferences Today!

Hello MYP/DP students. Today is the day!

Remember that we are ending school at 1:30pm today so that you can sit down with your parent(s) and advisor for a 15 minute session. Please remember the following:

-Normal “Tuesday Schedule” today through Block 4 and the start of lunch.

-At 1:15pm the bell will ring and MYP/DP students are dismissed.

-Buses leave at 1:30pm, but you might not be on them (especially if you have an early conference slot).

-If you are waiting for you parent(s), feel free to relax in the library.


MYP/DP Parent-Led Conferences this Tuesday!

Hello MYP/DP students!

This Tuesday we are ending school at 1:30pm so that you can sit down with your parent(s) and advisor for a 15 minute session. These have been organized between your advisor and parents. Here are some FAQ’s.

Q.  What’s the point?                                       A. For us to get to know you and your family a bit better.

Q. Should students attend?                            A. Yes, unless your parents would rather come alone.

Q. Do my parent and I meet with other teachers too?    A. Not this time.

Q. What’s the deal with the schedule on Tuesday?          A. Normal “Tuesday” schedule until 1:15pm

Q. What happens at 1:15pm?                          A. The bell rings at 1:15pm and buses leave at 1:30pm

Q. When’s my conference?                A. Ask your advisor and/or your parents!

Q. Should I prepare?              A. Yes. Your parents have an e-mail with a prep sheet.

Q. Does NIS love me?           A. Yes.

Thanks and see you then!

Eco Team

There are still places on the Eco Team for caring, dynamic MYP/DP students who wish to take the lead with environmental action. Email me or drop in to C122/speak to Cosima Conen or Sophia Rinker if you want to know more. First meeting on September 2nd.

School Bells

Thanks to those who have submitted for carefully labeling your bells and dropping them off in the correct folders. This year we have had -no- metronome ticks and I’m really happy!

Dear Super Mario and New Thang, who are you and where do you come from?

Dear MostAnnoyingBellEver, did you not hear the grade 9 bell from last year?

Please keep the bells coming! I’d love to have some PYP bells, especially as we want to play something you’ve picked while the MYP/DP students are away on trip week.



House Meetings today

A reminder that there will be house meetings for PYP and MYP/DP students from 8.10am – 8.40am this morning (Friday). Taiping go to the MYP Large Group Room, Wutaishan to the Black Box and Xuanwu to the theatre.

Life101 begins this today….

Excited? I know, right?

Here’s what you’re doing, who you’re doing it with and where you’re doin’ it!


Grade 6 – Organisation/getting to grips with MYP – Mrs Bezzerides – and your class location is on your schedules already. You are good to go.

For the rest of you, Life101 is ALWAYS Day 8, Block 2:

Grade 7 – Organisation – yep, we’re still getting to grips with MYP! – Mrs Moen and Mr Marsh will be your guides on this journey. Please go to D213 for your first session.

Grade 8 – Relationships – Mrs Bezzerides and Mr Underwood – PAC

Grade 9 – Growing up Digital – Mrs Johnson and Mr Morin – upstairs in the Design Centre

Grade 10 – Health and Physical Well-Being – Mr T – and, I’m guessing here, but one of the gyms?

Grade 11 – UNIQUEST – me, myself and I – MYP LGR. You will need something to write with and your computers.

Grade 12 – hang out. Diploma Lounge or library only, not Café or McD’s! Dr Saavedra will no doubt drop in to say ‘hi’.

(Can you hear everyone NOT in Grade 12 yelling, ‘No fair!’ ?)

Personal Project Launch

All students in grade 10 are required to attend a meeting during first part of lunch on Monday August 24th.

Where: Music Room (Ms Keus)

Why:  Setting your goal for the Personal Project (PP) or (PPP)

When: Aug. 24th. after block 4

Who: All Grade 10 Students

How: Cancel any other activity and be there!

Tell:  Remind everyone



The House competition begins!!

We will have our first House assemblies on Friday morning. Wear your House shirt to show your House Spirit. Could this be the year that Xuanwu start their fight back to get back to their days of glory? Or are Wutaishan going to regroup after their failure to retain the shield last year? Or will Taiping get 2 in a row? This is where it all starts!!

Venues for our assemblies are:

Taiping – MYP Large Group Room

Wutaishan – Black Box in PAC

Xuanwu – Theatre in PAC