Category: Student


Do you like surprises?  Do you lOVE surprises?

You do?  Then come to the 4C homeroom at lunchtime (after you have eaten) to get a guaranteed surprise! Any time between 1.10 and 1.50 will be fine.  Hope to see you there!

MCPHS University (Massachusetts) on Monday 9th March

MCPHS University (Massachusetts)
Monday 9th March – 9.15 Block 2 Counsellor’s Office
Talks for prospective students on pharmacy, premed, nursing or other healthcare majors. Also a possible brief presentation on the field of healthcare and careers out there for students who chose to major in the health sciences.

Interested students should email me BEFORE the end of this week. I will need to talk to your class teachers to see if you can be excused.

Manchester University – Friday

Manchester University Friday 6th March
A visiting professor will give a Biology lecture to Gr10 and 11 students, followed by the Admissions representative discussing the UK admissions process and university life in general. A must for potential UK students in Grade 11!

When? Block 4 (12.00 – 1.00pm) Where? MYP LGR.

Teachers of Grade 10 may take their classes if they wish to. Grade 11 student should all come.

Track & Field

We have 26 athletes currently signed up for the Track & Field season. If there are any more Gr 5 – 12 athletes out there, please come and join us on Wednesday afternoon for the next Track session. You can sign up on Veracross.

PPP Presentation: Start up a business

Jose in G10 has been working on his PPP about starting up a business. He is going to present in the MYP/DP LGR on Tue, Mar. 3 lunch 1 (12:30-1:00pm) and needs audience for his presentation. He also needs help from the audience to fill out a survey for his PPP product. Please come and support Jose if you have time.

“In this presentation the main aspects of starting up a business will be discussed. I will talk about the product, financial, advertising, human resources, and negotiating skills. This presentation’s purposes are to show my PPP learning and to serve as a basic guideline for others so that they can get started up on a business themselves.”


Time: Mar. 3, Tue, lunch 1, for 30min

Audience: Grade 9-12 students, teachers

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Thank you!

Seeking Spine Poets and Shelfies for Book Week

Book week is coming up (March 16th-20th) and we would like your help with a couple of things:

  1. Shelfies – Bookshelf + Selfie = Shelfie
  2. Spine Poetry – Stack up books to create a poem or short story

Submissions should be placed in the proper folder on student large storage here afp:// Week 2015 (link only works in Safari)

For more information, there are examples and instructions in the folder or you can email

Submissions will be vetted and streamed via LCD screens during book week.

MYP/DP Swim Gala Feedback

Please help us to improve the MYP/DP Swim Gala by giving feedback on this year’s event by completing the Survey Monkey at the link below. We want everyone to feedback whether you were a participant or a spectator. It should only take a few minutes to complete.

Swim Gala Survey Monkey

Track & Field Starts today

For all Grade 5 – 12 students who have signed up or would like to sign up for Track & Field, the first session is today (Monday) at 4.20pm. Meet at the Track. Other sessions this week will be on Wednesday at 4.20pm and Thursday at 3.15pm. See you there. Sign up on Veracross if you have not already signed up.

Displaced people

Dear Colleagues,  This year the ‘shanty town experience’ is being replaced with a ‘displaced people experience’. For this to be successful we need a large collection of materials for Grade 8 to use to build shelters. As this will be in March / April this year they will need to keep warm and dry. We are looking for cardboard boxes, tarpaulins, plastic sheeting, string, wood, bamboo poles and whatever else would be useful for shelter construction. We only want used items.

If you have anything please bring to our classrooms (D220), the Design Centre, or contact us and we will collect. We are the Grade 8 Humanities team (Ruth, Rebecca and Laurie) and the Grade 8 Design team (Francis, Robin and Nikolai). Many thanks.

Don’t complain…..

….about the air pollution if you won’t do anything about it! The more energy we save, the less coal that has to be burned to create our energy, the less air pollution we have to suffer. AT LEAST shut all doors and turn off lights. USE YOUR POWER!

More LOST… and FOUND…

Good morning,

LOST: a badminton racquet.  If you have seen it or if you think you may have borrowed it for interhouse badminton, please let Mrs Tyoschin know.

FOUND: two wallets were turned in.  One wallet has a Chinese bank card in it.  If you have lost your wallet, please see Mrs Tyoschin.

Please help match these items to their owners!