Category: Student

Library Overdues- Gr. 6-12

Thanks for bringing them back!

6A- Emily, Noah, Eric, Ida, So Hyun

6B- Yoonji, Ben, Zhen, Levi

6C- Austin, Hyelin

7A- Lena F., Daehyun,Tillman

7B- Felicity, Erik

7C- Yeonsu, Donghwan, Arron Runzhou, Chuan, Apple

8A- Sean, Toshi, Nancy

8B- Lucas S., Luke

8C- Yoojin, Luisa, Irving, Runzhi, Sally

9A- Alex, Chloe, Jemimah, Lianna, Charles, Johanna, Youjeong

9B- Isobel, Sofia, Prachi, Morgan, Zeju

9C- Ilwoo, Seungyeon, Matthew, Ji Hyun, Dong Young

10B- Ellie, Hajin, Sangjun, Poppy, Jungyoon, Sanjana, Bruce

10C- Abby, Seungjun, Jun Pyo, Sonja

10D- Lauren, Chanho, Nahyun, Tae Gun, Jiayi, Dina, Ji Beom, Alex, Alisa, Suin

Grade 11– Elissa, William

Grade 12– Ayu Isnadya, Alice, Nam Won, Hannah N., Emma, Erica, Mohamad, Pan, Rhys, Lena, Gloria

Assembly Reminder

This Friday we will hold our annual S1 Awards Assembly. Please be reminded to report directly to the PAC, as we have been doing for the past few weeks. It is critical that you arrive before 8am, sans backpacks! 

Here are some handy ways to be on-time:

-Come early and enjoy the awkward silence of the PAC before everyone else arrives!

-Walk faster. Less talk more walk. Think of the calories you’ll burn!

-Ignore your friends in the morning. You can have a dramatic make-up session at break!

-Visualize the embarrassing “walk of shame” to your seat as you squeak open the theatre door during a powerful moment of silence during the assembly. Ouch!

Also, attached to this announcement is the seating plan for tomorrow. We have made some slight alterations to accommodate our proud parents. Have a look!


MYP-DP Award Assembly Seating Plan

The Student Council Talent Show is coming

Teachers, students, parents – we hope to have an excellent audience for the talent show on February 10th from 6-7pm in the theatre. Come and show your support – No tickets required. See the poster attached. Surprises in store.

The Student Council

Talent Show

Locks for locking lockers

MYP/DP students, please be advised: Having a functional lock on you locker is not an option, it’s a must! Not having your locker locked properly could result in theft, vandalism, or 47 of our friends stuffing bags in there because they can’t be bothered to walk the extra steps to their own locker. To get a functioning lock and/or to have your locker repaired you can contact Ms. Zoe (who works just inside Mr. Langston’s office), your homeroom teacher, or even Mr. Bratton. You have until Monday lunch to make this happen, then… the crackdown will commence. You have been warned…

G6-8 inter house badminton

All grade 6-8 inter house badminton competitors please ensure you are in the Green gym today (Wednesday 4th) at the start of lunch. Spectators come and cheer on your friends and house members.

Use Your Power

How do you ‘use your power’ to make the world a better place? What do you do for other people, the environment, animals? Add your action to the board in the foyer. Don’t wait till Earth Hour to take action-make it a habit now!

Earth Hour Meeting

Please come to a meeting on Friday 6th February at 1 pm in C122 if you are planning to run an activity or if you are interested in performing at Earth Hour on March 28th (see the plasma screen for this year’s official Earth Hour video). We would love more musicians, dancers, displays and craft activities. Email me with details, if you cannot attend.



Starts today (Monday) for boys and tomorrow (Tuesday) for girls. Grade 12 students please note that the leavers assembly has been moved so you do not miss it if you attend ACAMIS Soccer tournament in April. Sign ups are on veracross.

Inter house badminton

The inter house badminton competition will be held this week on Wednesday 4th February lunch for G6-8 and Friday 6th of February for G9-12 in the green gym.  Your house needs 3 boys and 3 girls for G6-8 and 4 boys and 4 girls for G9-12.  If you are interested please contact your house leader or house captains ASAP.

Last Call for Awards!

If you think that you have earned an Academic, Principal’s, or Director’s Award for Semester One, please have a look at the list outside of Mr. Bratton’s office TODAY, if you have not already done so. The list will be finalized after lunch TODAY. Thanks!