Category: Student

JEDI Survey

JEDI is for everyone, everywhere!

Dear students,

Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey mentioned in last week’s assembly. We appreciate your input and thoughts on what JEDI (Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) means at NIS. All voices matter.

I can disagree with your opinion, but I can’t disagree with your experience.

– Krista Tippet, OnBeing

Switch-Off 5 minutes at 11am today !

Where: D block

When: Feb 16th 11am

What: only the lights will be turned off

Who: all the teachers in D block

Why: to test out how many electricity will be saved in 5min and to prepare for the 1 hour switch off.

Grade 10 Family Meeting with University Counsellor

University Counsellors will be holding family meetings with our Grade 10 students to support them with finalizing their IB DP/HSD subject choices from 13th February to 3rd March. Grade 10 Students are scheduled through Calendly with their assigned counsellor and please be mindful of your individual meeting time. Here is a gentle reminder of your subject choice. 

Reasons why you might choose a subject

  • Interest and enjoyment of the subject
  • Possess an aptitude/ability for the subject
  • The types of assessments offered suits your learning style
  • Will help you meet your job/career and/or university/college course/program goals.

Most universities and employers expect young people to have studied a broad range of subjects, earned good grades, and been enthusiastic about what they have studied. There are exceptions in University program prerequisite/IB DP/HSD subject requirement. Information about pre-requisites and assumed knowledge for university courses will be discussed with your counsellor during the meeting.

We will look forward to seeing you.

University Counselling team.

Coding For Fun cancelled this week

Hello Coders. Unfortunately Mr Merrylees must attend a meeting this Thursday afternoon, so Coding for Fun is cancelled for this week only. Sorry! Please find an alternative plan for your Thursday afternoon. See you next week. 😁

Have you met your Volunteering requirement yet for Semester 2?

Sign up on SchoolsBuddy to help at the Swim Meet on Saturday the 11th or Sunday the 12th.

Depending on your responsibility, you could achieve one of the following outcomes. ONE. ONE OUTCOME.

  • Ethics – You were honest in timekeeping. You started and stopped the stopwatch at the right time. The time on the stopwatch was almost always the same as the time on the board.
  • Collaboration – You had to work with another person. You and your partner took turns in marshalling the swimmers. You talked and decided who was going to walk the swimmers to the pool. You worked with the person calling the names or maybe you went to find the missing swimmers.
  • Commitment and Perseverance – You stayed for the whole 2.5 hours. It was a long day. Maybe it was hot and humid. You worked the whole time. Maybe you had to stand the whole time. How many steps did you walk? You finished the shift even though you were tired.

Sports Equipment Use – Lunchtime Badminton



Dear Secondary School Student Community,

The PE department fully supports your quest to be active in the gym at lunchtimes using our shared equipment. Unfortunately some/many of you are unable to respect and take care of our shared equipment.

There will be NO badminton equipment used until a solution from the students (who use the equipment) can be found to ensure respect and care is taken towards our equipment.

Please check the photo’s for evidence.

Come and see Mr Dutton if you have any ideas on how YOU can do this? (Might even be a service learning opportunity)

ISA Writing and Google Chrome

Hello Grade 5-10 authors,

In preparation for your upcoming ISA writing assessments could you please ensure your Google Chrome browser is up-to-date? Please follow this short instructional video for assistance.

These ISA assessments will happen in your homeroom (Primary) and regular English classes (Secondary) over two periods/blocks. Please see the schedule here.

Many thanks!

Mr. Bratton

Leadership Opportunities for Grades 9-11

A few groups are recruiting new members:

  • NISSAC -NIS Student Activities Committee – Contact Yerin (G11)
  • GCD Steering Committee – Contact Sofia (G11)
  • NISSCB – NIS Student Community Bank – Contact Rachel (G11)
  • ACCORD Magazine – Contact FayFay (G12)

These experiences not only count for volunteering but could also be used for your GCD stories (Leadership, Management, Community Engagement, Multilingualism, Artistic Expression, Personal Goal, and Public Communication to name a few).

These experiences could also be critical to your university applications. Show us who you are outside of the classroom, and showcase your leadership skills and community involvement.

Join NOW! Get involved NOW!

Don’t wait until S1 of Grade 12.

Leadership Opportunites for students in Grades 9-11

A few groups are recruiting new members:

  • NISSAC -NIS Student Activities Committee – Contact Yerin (G11)
  • GCD Steering Committee – Contact Sofia (G11)
  • NISSCB – NIS Student Community Bank – Contact Rachel (G11)
  • ACCORD Magazine – Contact FayFay (G12)

These experiences not only count for volunteering but could also be used for your GCD stories (Leadership, Management, Community Engagement, Multilingualism, Artistic Expression, Personal Goal, and Public Communication to name a few).

These experiences could also be critical to your university applications. Show us who you are outside of the classroom, and showcase your leadership skills and community involvement.

Join NOW! Get involved NOW!

Don’t wait until S1 of Grade 12.