G6-10 – Fill out your volunteering and SA entries on MB before Dec 14th, 4pm.
G9-12 – GCD stories must also be submitted:
Grade 12 – 10 stories + 1 project + 7 outcomes
Grade 11 – 6 stories + 3 outcomes
Grade 10 – 1 story
Grade 9 – 1 story
Grade 12 – 10 stories + 1 project + 7 outcomes
Grade 11 – 6 stories + 3 outcomes
Grade 10 – 1 story
Grade 9 – 1 story
8:25-8:30 PKK1
8:30-8:35 G5
8:35-8:40 G2
8:40-8:45 G3
8:45-8:50 G1
9:00-9:25 G6-G12
9:35-9:40 K2
9:55-10:00 G4
Hi Grade 11,
go to the LGR today during advisory time.
I will introduce the exam schedule to you.
Your advisors are informed and will remind you as well.
See you there!
Ms Fox
PKK1 8:25- 8:30
G1 8:35-8:40
G4&G5 8:40-8:45
K2 8:45-8:50
G6-G12 9:00-9:25
G2 9:40-9:45
G3 9:45- 9:50
From now until the December break, the Pfrang Service as Action group will be selling gift cards for RMB 100 a piece to benefit the 270 students sponsored by the Pfrang Association charity. Please consider supporting this worthy cause by purchasing a card from Nicole Cao, Lucy Kim, Alice Lee, Yeeun Min, Zhuoan Wu, Charlie Gu, Leo Lu, or Mr. Orteza. Cards are also available at the Pfrang table in the center foyer from 7:40-7:55, Tuesday to Friday.
You know those doors around campus with signs that say “Emergency Exit Only. Alarm Activated?”
They are actually emergency exits with activated alarms!
If you open them, an alarm will sound. It takes around 10 minutes to turn them off. In the meantime learning is disrupted, our security team is activated, and your teachers and fellow students are annoyed.
Please only open these emergency doors in an emergency.
Thanks for your help!
PKK1 8:30-8:35 |
G1 8:35-8:40 |
G2 8:40-8:45 |
K2 8:45-8:50 |
G5 8:50-8:55 |
Gr.6-12 9:00-9:25 |
G3 9:35-9:40 |
G4 9:55-10:00 |
From now until the December break, the Pfrang Service as Action group will be selling gift cards for RMB 100 a piece to benefit the 270 students sponsored by the Pfrang Association charity. Please consider supporting this worthy cause by purchasing a card from Nicole Cao, Lucy Kim, Alice Lee, Yeeun Min, Zhuoan Wu, Charlie Gu, Leo Lu, or Mr. Orteza.
This is another reminder that ManageBac will close on Dec 14th at 4pm.
For students in grades 6-10, please have a look in ManageBac under IB Manager -> Files to see how to upload entries for Volunteering and Service as Action.
If you have questions, please stop by D229 or the Activities Office
8:30-8:35 | PKK1 |
8:35-8:40 | K2 |
8:40-8:45 | G1 |
8:45-8:50 | G2 |
8:50-8:55 | G3 |
8:55-9:00 | Get ready for Secdondary |
9:00-9:05 | Gr.6-12 |
9:05-9:10 | Gr.6-12 |
9:10-9:15 | Gr.6-12 |
9:15-9:20 | Gr.6-12 |
9:20-9:25 | Gr.6-12 |
9:25-9:30 | G4 |
9:55-10:00 | G5 |
From now until the December break, the Pfrang Service as Action group will be selling gift cards for RMB 100 a piece to benefit the 270 students sponsored by the Pfrang Association charity. Please consider supporting this worthy cause by purchasing a card from Nicole Cao, Lucy Kim, Alice Lee, Yeeun Min, Zhuoan Wu, Charlie Gu, Leo Lu, or Mr. Orteza.
Gr.6, 7, 9 8:30-8:40 |
PKK1 8:40-8:45 |
K2 8:45-8:50 |
G2 8:50-8:55 |
G1 8:55-9:00 |
Happy Friday!