Category: Student

Slingshot Challenge – Make a 1 minute video

This could be a GCD experience (gr 9-12) or it can achieve an outcome or be your project (Gr 11-12) .

Slingshot Challenge

If you’re aged 13-18 and you’re passionate about developing innovative solutions to environmental issues, join a global competition.
Participation is FREE and you can join as an individual or team. Details on their website (official rules here). 


The 2023 ACAMIS Virtual Student Film Festival

ACAMIS Virtual Student Film Festival

The 2023 ACAMIS Virtual Student Film Festival is an opportunity for student filmmakers in ACAMIS member schools to write, produce, film, edit, and submit their own student films. It’s a chance for young auteurs to be creative, demonstrate their cinematic skills/knowledge, and showcase their creations virtually to teachers and students all over China and Mongolia.

The theme of this year’s Virtual Film Festival is A Trailer for a proposed/non-existent movie.

The virtual film festival submission deadline is Thursday, January 12, 2023.

For questions or more information please contact Scott Ramon at

You could use this experience as a part of your GCD story or for the Artistic strand if you are in Grade 11 or 12!


Experimental Music Composition

This is the first ACAMIS Experimental Music Composition for students who have the potential to unleash their music composition capability.

Deadline for submissions is Thursday, January 12, 2023. 

The theme for the first experimental music composition is The Natural World.  

For questions and more information please contact Scott Ramon at
















You could use this experience as a part of GCD!!! Personal Goal, Artistic Expression etc.

Grade 11s could also could this as Creativity.


Showcase your digital visual art creativeness via any drawing or design program or app.

The Digital Art Competition’s theme is “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X.

We accept entries over the three grade levels:  G6-7, 8-9 and 10-12

Here are the following categories:

  • Landscape
  • Anime
  • Portrait
  • Abstract
  • Product

The deadline for entries is Friday, February 17, 2023. 

Winners of each age group and category will have their artwork displayed at the ACAMIS Spring Leadership Conference and on the ACAMIS website.

Please contact Mr Griffith for more details.

You could use this as a part of your GCD stories and the Creativity Strand. What are you waiting for?

ACAMIS Digital Art Competition


Showcase your digital visual art creativeness via any drawing or design program or app.

The Digital Art Competition’s theme is “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X.

We accept entries over the three grade levels:  G6-7, 8-9 and 10-12

Here are the following categories:

  • Landscape
  • Anime
  • Portrait
  • Abstract
  • Product

The deadline for entries is Friday, February 17, 2023. 

Winners of each age group and category will have their artwork displayed at the ACAMIS Spring Leadership Conference and on the ACAMIS website.

Please contact Mr Griffith for more details.

You could use this as a part of your GCD stories and the Creativity Strand. What are you waiting for?

The First Ever ACAMIS Experimental Music Composition

This is the first ACAMIS Experimental Music Composition for students who have the potential to unleash their music composition capability.

Deadline for submissions is Thursday, January 12, 2023. 

The theme for the first experimental music composition is The Natural World.  

For questions and more information please contact Scott Ramon at


ACAMIS Virtual Student Film Festival

The 2022 ACAMIS Virtual Student Film Festival is an opportunity for student filmmakers in ACAMIS member schools to write, produce, film, edit, and submit their own student films. It’s a chance for young auteurs to be creative, demonstrate their cinematic skills/knowledge, and showcase their creations virtually for teachers and students all over China and Mongolia.

The theme of this year’s Virtual Film Festival is A Trailer for a proposed/non-existent movie.

The virtual film festival submission deadline is Thursday, January 12, 2023.

For questions or more information please contact Scott Ramon at

You could use this experience as a part of your GCD story or for the Artistic strand if you are in Grade 11 or 12!


The ACCORD, Vol. 2, Issue 1

Hello NIS Community!

As we are coming to the end of October, ACCORD, the student magazine club, have created the first issue of the year to share some amazing literary and non-literary works produced by students from MYP and DP! To check them out, please click on the link below!

Now, if you are also interested in contributing to ACCORD, either becoming a content/layout editor or sharing your genuine voice with the NIS community, please contact We would love to welcome and support students from all grade levels to share their passion through ACCORD! This can also be a great opportunity for you to achieve some of the GCD elements or fulfilling some volunteering experiences! So, if this sounds inspiring to you, please let us know!!!

We wish everyone a fantastic week, have fun reading through the issue!


MAP Testing Status

MAP testing will be paused for now. We will look to reschedule these assessments when students are able to return to campus. Many thanks.

Volunteering Experiences – SOOOO many opportunities

Please check SchoolsBuddy for more information. Please check back frequently.

Tuesday, Oct. 25 – Swim Meet Timers 2.45 – 5.00 pm

Wednesday, Oct. 26 – Precious Plastics 3.15 – 5.00 pm

Tuesday, Nov. 1 – Reading and Colouring Specialists 2.45 – 3.45 pm

Thursday, Nov. 3 – Volleyball Scorekeepers (various times)

Friday, Nov. 4 – Volleyball Scorekeepers (various times)

Saturday, Nov. 5 – Volleyball Scorekeepers (various times)

Tuesday, Nov. 8 – Reading and Colouring Specialists 2.45 – 3.45 pm

Wednesday, Nov. 9 – Precious Plastics 3.15 – 5.00 pm

Monday – Friday – Activities Photographers


Start date to be determined:

Monday and Wednesday Peering Tutors 3.15 – 4.15 pm

Locker Lockers – Lunchtimes + after school

Peer Tutors wanted! G10-11

Looking for Grade 10-11 students who can share their knowledge with MYP students. Are you good at Math? Biology? English? Mandarin? Humanities? etc. Come help some younger students during Homework Club on Monday or Wednesday.

This could be a volunteering experience for Grade 10 (attend twice) or a G11 Project if you help for 7 weeks.

Please sign up on SchoolsBuddy. A training session will be offered.


Volunteers G7-9 Photography

I need help! I need students to take photos of the Student Activities on my iPad or your device.

You will need to come for 20-30 minutes every day for one week at lunch and after school. Please sign up on SchoolsBuddy and see Ms Anna for the exact week and locations.

NAT Testing Today

Hello All,

Students in Grade 5-7 and 9-12 are scheduled for an NAT today (Grade 8 will be MAP testing at this time).

All Secondary grades (minus Grade 8) will test at 9:00am.

It would also be helpful if all secondary teachers that are able could come down to the PAC Foyer between 8:30-9:30am for a quick NAT as well.

Many thanks!