Category: Student

Today’s MAP Testing Schedule

Today’s MAPs (Tuesday)

Grade 8 Maths: 8:00-10:10am (3rd Floor Centre) Please report directly to the Centre.

Grade 7 Reading: 10:30-12:30pm (3rd Floor Centre – Directly after Break)


Tomorrow (Wednesday)

Grade 9 Math (8:00-10:10am) and Grade 10 Maths (1:00pm-3:00pm) are tomorrow (Wednesday) on the 3rd floor of the Centre. Grade 9 mathematicians should report directly to this space tomorrow (Wednesday) morning upon arrival. Thanks!


ManageBac Monday G6-10

Thank you for having ALREADY completed your volunteering experiences!

Here’s how to fill out MB. This has also been sent to your email!

Part 1 Action and Benefit:













































Some new Secondary Student Activities starting soon!

November 15th….sign up on SchoolsBuddy

Ukulele – G6-12, Tuesday Lunch 2

Volleyball for experienced players – G10-12, Tuesday after school

Gundam Model Making – G9-12, Wednesday Lunch 2

Manga Review Comic and Graphic Novels – G10-12, Wednesday after school


Volunteers G7-12 Nov 3rd – 5th

Volunteer as a scorekeeper at the ACAMIS Volleyball Tournament.

Sign up from Monday, Oct 24th at 13:00 on SchoolsBuddy. You must attend one of the two short meetings on Thursday, Nov 3rd at 12:30 (lunch 2) in the Blue Gym to learn how to score keep.

Sign up on SchoolsBuddy:

Shift 1 – 8 people – Thursday, Nov 3rd – 13:40 – 17:00 (G7-10)

Shift 2 – 8 people – Friday, Nov 4th – 9:10 – 11.45 (G7-10)

Shift 3 – 8 people – Friday, Nov 4th – 13:10 – 17.00 (G7-10)

Shift 4 – 8 people – Saturday Nov 5th – 8:40 – 11:30 (G7-12)

Possible Learning outcomes (choose only one)

  • Ethics – You were principled and gave the points to the right team! You did not cheat.
  • Collaboration – You worked with a partner and also listened to the referees.
  • Challenge and New Skills – This was your first time scorekeeping but you know how to do it now and can do it next time and explain to someone else how to do it.
  • Commitment and Perseverance – You did not find the experience interesting and you thought it was too long or volleyball is not an exciting game or you did get to score keep for a NIS game so you had to watch schools that you did not know etc.
  • Strength and Growth – you are a pro at scorekeeping so you were able to teach other people how to do it.  

Volunteers G7-9 Thursday 27

Please sign up on SchoolsBuddy to be an awesome SCOREKEEPER for a friendly volleyball this Thursday, Oct 27th 4 pm – 6 pm in the Blue Gym.

Possible Learning outcomes (choose only one)

  • Ethics! Because you will be principled and give the points to the right team!
  • Collaboration – you need to work with a partner and also listen to the referees.
  • Challenge and New Skills – this is your first time scorekeeping but you know how to do it now and can do it next time and explain to someone else how to do it.

Today’s MAP Testing

Today’s MAPs (Monday)

Grade 6 Maths: 8:00-10:10am (3rd Floor Centre) Please report directly to the Centre.

Grade 5A Maths: 8:00-10:10 (Homerooms)

Grade 3 Maths: 10:30am-12:30pm (Homerooms)

Grade 10 Reading: 1:00-3:00pm (3rd Floor Centre)


Tomorrow (Tuesday)

Grade 8 Math (8:00-10:10am) and Grade 7 Reading (10:30am-12:30pm) are tomorrow (Tuesday) on the 3rd floor of the Centre. Grade 8 mathematicians should report directly to this space tomorrow (Tuesday) morning upon arrival. Thanks!



Grade 6 NAT and MAP Testing Tomorrow

Hello Grade 6 Stars,

Tomorrow morning your Advisors will take you down the PAC Foyer for NAT testing at 8:30am (Thanks, Advisors!). Please be quiet during your NAT because the Primary Variety show will be underway! 🙂

From there, please head directly to the 3rd floor of the Centre with your charged laptop for your MAP reading test.

See you there!

NAT test schedule Thursday

Morning All,

Please see the NAT test schedule below for today

PKK1 8:30-8:35

G1 8:40-8:45

G2 8:50-8:55

G4 8:55-9:00

G6-G12 9:00-9:20

K2 9:20-9:25

G3 9:25-9:30

G5 10:05-10:10

New Edition of the Accord Magazine

Hello NIS Community!

Hope you all had a great time with last Friday’s 30th anniversary celebration! In continuation of the festive atmosphere at NIS, the ACCORD student magazine club has created a special edition to celebrate and share some amazing literary and non-literary works produced by students from MYP and DP.

Volume 2, Issue 1 will be available tomorrow!

Now, if you are also interested in contributing to a future edition of the ACCORD, either becoming a content/layout editor, or sharing your creativity with the NIS community, please contact We would welcome and support students from all grade levels to share their passion through the ACCORD! This can also be a great opportunity for you to achieve some of the GCD elements or fulfil your volunteering requirement! So, if this sounds inspiring to you, please let us know!!!


We wish everyone a fantastic week, have fun reading through the issue!



Best regards,

Fay Fay

Secondary MAP Schedule

Hello Grade 6-10 Students,

The Fall session of MAP testing in Reading and Maths is coming up! This is a chance to showcase your growth in your reading and mathematics skills.

What do you need to do?

  • Check the schedule below and linked here and note your testing times
  • Be sure your laptop NWEA browser is updated this week in Advisory
  • Arrive at your MAP session with a charged laptop and rested, hydrated, and well-fed brain

All Secondary MAP testing will take place in the large room on the third floor of the Centre.

Thanks and see you there!

NAT test schedule -Wednesday

Dear All,

Due to the request from the EDU, we will run all student’s NAT tests today and another round this Friday. Please see the NAT test schedule for today below.

Have a wonderful day!

PKK1 8:30-8:35
G2   8:35-8:40
G3  8:40-8:45
K2 8:45-8:50
G5  8:50-8:55
Get ready for secondary
Gr.6-12 9:00-9:25
G1 9:25-9:30
G4 9:30-9:35


NAT test Monday and Tuesday


The NAT test will be available for staff members Monday from 8:30-9:30.

Tuesday we will run all students test in the morning, please see the schedule below.
Have a wonderful week!

  8:30-8:35  PKK1

  8:35-8:40  G1

  8:40-8:45  G2

  8:45-8:50  G5

  8:50-8:55  G4

  8:55-9:00  Get ready for Secdondary

  9:00-9:20 Gr.6-12

  9:20-9:25  Gr.6-12

  9:25-9:30  K2

  9:30-9:35  G3

New sports team sign ups are open

Starting Wednesday 19 Oct:

Gr4 – 6 Football: Mon & Wed 3.15 – 4.15pm (meet on the field)

Starting Mon 24th Oct

Gr4-6 Floor Hockey: Mon & Thu 3.15 – 4.30pm (meet in the green gym)

Gr7-8 Floor Hockey: Tue 4.20 – 5.30pm, Fri 3.15 – 4.30pm (meet in the green gym)