Category: Student

Secondary Student Council – Election Results

Congratulations to Melissa and Mariana, our elected Co-Presidents for the 2022-23 Secondary Student Council!

This Friday during Extended Advisory students will have the opportunity to choose a Student Council representative (or 2) from each Advisory. Your Advisors will share information about how to join on Friday. We will hold our first meeting during Lunch 2 on Monday, September 26 in D215.

Please see Melissa, Mariana or Ms. Beck with any questions you may have.

G8-10 New Volunteering Experience Sept 29th

We need 6 students from Grades 8-10 to be scorekeepers for a friendly volleyball match.

Thursday, 29th

4 pm – 6 pm.

Sign up on SchoolsBuddy.



Volunteering Experiences – Student Activities

This is a reminder to sign up for your volunteering experiences. Each student in grades 6 through 10 must complete one volunteering experience per semester.

There are a few spots left for volunteers to help with the Primary school Student Activities. Students must sign up to help at 2 sessions of the same activity. For example, you must help two times for Piñata making because each session is only 1 hour.

Please consult SchoolsBuddy for more info.



Anniversary Edition – Accord Magazine

The ACCORD Magazine is making a special issue for NIS’s 30th year anniversary, which would be published on October 10th. We are gathering literary and non-literary works including creative short stories poems, artworks, and any works of art that you think are worth sharing with the community. We will select 10~12 best pieces to be included in this issue. This would be a perfect opportunity for you to share your creative, original, and outstanding work with the school community.

Also, if you are from grades 6 to 10, this could also count as a volunteering experience, and for grades 11 to 12, you can use this experience for the creativity strand if it not graded. These and other experiences can also be used as examples in your GCD stories. However, please bear in mind that some follow-up editing may be required.

Please submit your work through before October 1st and name the document as Your name_Your grade_The title of your work (eg. Andy Zeng_Grade12_ACCORDSUBMISSION). If you are submitting artwork, please submit a high-quality photo of it, or you can bring your artwork to school to let us take the photo for you.

We look forward to your submissions!

ACCORD Magazine Club

Secondary Student Council – Presidential Elections – Vote!

VOTE – One Student One Vote – for your 2022-2023 Secondary Student Council Presidents!

This morning, in Advisory, please use this link to vote for your Student Council Co-Presidents. Each student may only vote once and voting will close at 3:00 pm today, Monday, September 19

Thanks for exercising your student civic duty!


Today’s All-School NAT Testing Schedule

Hello All,

Please see below for today’s NAT testing schedule. All testing is happening in the PAC Foyer. Many thanks for your cooperation!

8:30-8:40 G2
8:40-8:50 K2
8:50-9:00 PKK1
9:00-9:30 Gr.6-12
9:30-9:40 G3
9:40-9:50 G4
9:50-10:00 G1
10:00-10:10 G5

Lawns will be closed from Sep.18th

Dear all,

Since lawns need to be maintained, all lawn areas will be closed from Sunday (Sep.18th), the estimated open time will be after national holiday, any further change will inform in advance.

Thank you for your understanding!


Grades K2, G2, G4-6 NAT Testing Today

This morning we will NAT test all K2, G2, G4-6 students in the PAC Foyer

Please see the timings below:

K2: 8:30am

G6: 8:40am (as they depart the Assembly)

G2: 8:45am

G4 and 5: 8:55-9:25am

Many thanks for your assistance.


Secondary Swimmers OnDeck Training

Our Secondary swimmers will have an OnDeck tech session lead by our knowledgeable IT staff on Friday at 12.25 in the Large Group room in the main school building. Please make sure you bring your device!

Whole Cast Meeting – A Christmas Carol

Well done to everyone who auditioned! We now have our cast. The list is on the noticeboard outside the Black Box.

We will have a VERY IMPORTANT meeting after school today (Thursday) 3:15-4:15 in the Black Box. Everyone must attend. We will discuss the production, talk about rehearsals and give you all your scripts.

See you this afternoon!

PreK/K1 and Grades 7-9 NAT Today

This morning we will NAT test all PK/K1 and G7-9 students in the PAC Foyer.

Please see the timings below:

Grade 7: Arts (8:35am)

Grade 8: Sciences/PE/Humanities (8:45am)

Grade 9: Design (8:55am)

PK/K1: (9:15am)


Many thanks (again) for your assistance.




G 1, 3, and 10-12 NAT Today

This morning we will NAT test all Grade 10-12 students in the PAC Foyer. Teachers are aware.

Please see the timings below:

Grade 1 and Grade 3*: 8:30-8:50am

Grade 11: 8:55am (Maths)

Grade 12: 9:10am (TOK/Strategies)

Grade 10: 9:20am (Design/GOA)

*Grade 3 can also test tomorrow. Teachers aware.