ELL Teaching Positions 2024-25

As mentioned in yesterday’s briefing, we have vacancies for both Primary and Secondary ELL positions for next school year. Anyone interested in applying for or finding out more about these positions should contact Jacqui or Sara directly before 9th November.

ACAMIS Volleyball on Friday

Teachers and Students, I am overwhelmed and excited about the number of classes that want to come to watch our girls’ first game on Friday morning at 8:15. We have reached capacity by end of day Tuesday, so I cannot accept any more Advisories on Wednesday. Those of you coming, I ask for a few items from students, in particular, to remember.

  1. The Green Gym will be pretty full, so please be courteous to all those around and both teams competing. When you enter, take a seat near the court on which the game is taking place or stand further back. As you will be on the boys’ court watching the game, please stay away from the net and make sure you and no one around pull on it. That can damage it and create delays to the tournament.
  2. Please DO NOT  bring backpacks to the gym as that will create clutter in an already crowded environment. Be patient and be kind to those around you.
  3. Cheer loud and positive. All six teams playing have sacrificed their time for their team. They deserve our respect.

Thank you and I look forward to an exciting and loud start to the Friday games

US Consulate General Visit

A team will be visiting from the US Consulate General in Shanghai today from 10:30 am – 1:15 pm. Some History and Global Politics students will be heading to D215 to hear a talk by the USCG Deputy Principal Officer during Block 3. Please contact mattshean@nanjing-school.com if you have any questions.

ACAMIS Volleyball on Friday

Teachers and Students, I am overwhelmed and excited about the number of classes that want to come to watch our girls’ first game on Friday morning at 8:15. We have reached capacity by end of day Tuesday, so I cannot accept any more Advisories on Wednesday. Those of you coming, I ask for a few items from students, in particular, to remember.

  1. The Green Gym will be pretty full, so please be courteous to all those around and both teams competing. When you enter, take a seat near the court on which the game is taking place or stand further back. As you will be on the boys’ court watching the game, please stay away from the net and make sure you and no one around pull on it. That can damage it and create delays to the tournament.
  2. Please DO NOT  bring backpacks to the gym as that will create clutter in an already crowded environment. Be patient and be kind to those around you.
  3. Cheer loud and positive. All six teams playing have sacrificed their time for their team. They deserve our respect.

Thank you and I look forward to an exciting and loud start to the Friday games.


TV Crew On Campus Today

An FYI to all that a film crew from Jiangsu TV will likely be on our campus today. No need to do anything but be our usual inclusive, creative, internationally-minded, excellent selves! Please see Mr. McLellan, Mr. Bratton, or Mr. Bueschlen with questions. Thanks!

Grade 11 JEDI Session Today 12:00pm LGR

Hello Grade 11 students,

A reminder that your are on for a session in LGR hosted by our fabulous consultants in relation to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. This is happening from 12:00pm SHARP, so please eat lunch from 11:30am and plan to be on time.

Many thanks!

Tech Tip 12: Saving and Accessing files in SharePoint (Part 4 of 4)

TLDR: What is SharePoint used for, and accessing Tech Guides from the NIS Tech Hub. 

Today’s Tech Tip is the forth in a series where I’ve been covering the use of OneDrive, Teams and SharePoint to save and share files you’re working on.  In this tip I am going to look using SharePoint.  Remember, SharePoint is best used for files that are generally static, finalized documents which are no longer being edited.

So the first tip is to simply help you understand how these three systems fit together.

Looking at the diagram, you can see that SharePoint is the system that holds these three file saving and sharing tools together. So whilst each App has their different roles, files from OneDrive, Teams and SharePoint can all be accessed from within SharePoint.  This is because we log into the NIS SharePoint (and OneDrive and Teams) using our NIS email address.

So as an overview…

  • OneDrive is generally the tool used for saving individual work,
  • Teams is the tool used for saving files that are being worked on collaboratively, and
  • SharePoint is for accessing files that are finalized documents that are no longer being edited.

And then the SharePoint website https://nanjingschool.sharepoint.com/sites/NISHub which I’ve been plugging in each of these tips, is how you can access each of these tools and access the files shared using each of these Apps.

NOTE: In general the ability to save or upload files to a SharePoint Hub is restricted. The document libraries found on SharePoint are instead for accessing these finalized documents.  Files CAN be saved into SharePoint folders using Teams, and we’ll look at that next week.

The second tip relating to the NIS SharePoint Site, is that this is where you can also access the NIS Tech Hub. https://nanjingschool.sharepoint.com/sites/NISTech.

So whilst the school is moving strongly toward teachers sharing collaborative work and curriculum documents through Teams, the NIS Tech Hub will be remaining as the place where you will find the huge collection of Tech Support Resources and Tech How to Guides.

That’s it for today’s Tech Tip.  Next week we’ll be wrapping up this series and I’ll be looking at working between Teams and SharePoint to build up our collection of shared curriculum documentation.

Tech Coach Ken

Please vote! NIS artworks in the EUCCC Art Competition

Please vote for our NIS artists!

We have been invited by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) to participate in the 10th annual Corporate Social Responsibility Awards this year and the theme is on the “impact of sustainable economic, environmental, and social development on rural China”.

3 of our amazing students have submitted artworks. Please see all entries by clicking on the link below. There are 2 categories, you may vote up to 3 artworks in each category – voting ends Oct. 31st @ 18:00


Scan the QR code to vote:

Here are our 3 finalists to vote for – please congratulate them in person as well:

Sofia (G12) – #26

Yena (G9) – #25

Harin (G7) – #24

YinYan Help Desk moved to G209

The YinYan Travel Agent’s help desk will be relocated to G209 (on the 2nd floor of the Centre ) due to  upcoming PTA Event in W10.  Please feel free to drop in @2.30~4.00PM and meet with Ms. Mary on Friday 27 October or Monday 30 October accordingly.