Year: 2015

MYP & Grade 5 MacBook Pick up Schedule

Aug. 19th. (Wednesday)

Teacher Room
Weatherly, Jacqui Blue Gym 1
Boothby, Fenella Design Centre
Joyce, Nikolai Design Centre

Aug. 20th (Thursday)

Teacher Room
Fischl, Richard C147
Messom, Andrew C151
Newman, Martin D203
Mello, Luiz D204
Runte, Angela D214

Aug. 21st (Friday)

Teacher Room
Hernandez-Verdugo, Laura D217
Lee, Anthony D221
Yang, Jean D223
Zhang, May D224
Wang, Lisa D225

Aug. 24th (Monday)

Teacher Room
Chen, Angel D227
Wang, Sunny D228
Mazz, Daniel D240
Hwangbo, Jae Yong D342
Creme, Rebecca Lee D346


Aug. 25th (Tuesday)

Grade 5 Homerooms

Teacher Room
Lindy Buckley C140
Nicola Shipley C141
Steven Fielke C147


MYP/DP Schedule FAQ’s…

Q: Why does my schedule say that my homeroom teacher is my Humanities teacher?

A: You are in two groups. One is your advisory, led by your advisor (duh!). The second is your “Study Group,” which is the group of people you see in your Humanities, PE, and some other classes (AKA: 6B or 10A, etc.). Veracross says your HR teacher is the Humanities teacher of your study group. This is basically a tiny glitch we cannot work around (yet). Think of it this way: You have at least two people who love you!

Q: Do I need to know which “Study Group” I’m in (6B, 10A, etc.)? 

A: YES! This is how we will line up at fire drills!

Q: Why do Grades 7-9 have one random, unscheduled blank in their schedules?

A: This is not random at all; it’s “Life 101” (formerly known as Lifeskills). Why is it blank? Who knows? Will is stay blank? Maybe. Does it matter (because you now totally get that this is your “Life 101” block)? Not really.


Keep those questions coming!



MYP/DP Assembly at 2:30pm Today in the PAC

Students: Remember that we will have a Welcome Assembly today at 2:30pm, sharp! Just leave your bags in you Block 5 class.

Teachers: Please bring your Block 5 classes to the PAC at 2:25 for a 2:30pm start.

Advisors: Please show your Advisees the new seating plan (linked below) and stand by your new row this afternoon. Once we work out where each advisory is sitting, that will be your spot for the year. This is practice for the “real thing” when we’ll have to take attendance quickly!


New MYP Seat Plan-1

TILT Skills today – PowerPoint Presentations – 1:00

These will be held in the Strategy Room (C115), starting at the beginning of Lunch, and run for about 30 minutes.
Friday, August 14 – Designing Presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint – Emily

Monday, August 17 – Creating and Sharing Documents in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Tuesday, August 18 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Wednesday, August 19 – Creating and Sharing Spreadsheets and Forms in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Thursday, August 20 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Friday, August 21 – Organizing your life with OneNote – Emily

We hope to see you there!

Any questions, let us know: tomjohnson or emilyjohnson

Language Acquisition

Should I let ELL/English B students talk in their native language in my classroom?

It depends! There are occasions where stronger students can quickly explain things in their home language to the less proficient – this frees the teacher from constantly needing to check. It is helpful if the lesson contains a number of natural breaks in which less proficient students can be helped to understand the important points made or task set, otherwise students have a tendency of giving simultaneous translations and this can be disruptive for the whole class. Discussing things in their home language will help students develop a deeper understanding of the topic.

SAT testing

I am looking for someone who has experience of SAT testing. We need a ‘secondary’ SAT coordinator. On October 3rd, a Saturday, we are due to run the SAT tests, but I shall be out of the country. If you have this experience and would like to help out, please let me know, asap. Thanks.


Contribution to Staff Social Club

Contribution to Staff Social Club – ONE contribution of RMB100 for overseas and RMB50 for host country to be taken directly from your Aug pay.  Social Club will use the fund to send flowers to colleagues who are either sick or celebrating an important event (e.g. birth of baby, marriage) and other social events.  For anyone doesn’t want to join, please email me ASAP. Thanks!

Best Wishes,

MacBook Imaging Schedule

August 13-24 Tech Free 

This week we will image student computers. When we image the computers, we will erase your hard drive and install new software. This year, we are upgrading to Yosemite and installing Microsoft Office 2016. We will pick up your computers from your Advisory groups and take them to the IT Bat Cave. We are planning to complete the process by 3 pm. Please pick up your computer after school from the Apple Store.

Please remember your hard drive will be ERASED. IT department will not back up the hard drive. Please make sure to back up the hard drive before the pick up date.

SCHEDULE for 10-12 Advisory Group   (MYP Schedule will be posted next week)

Aug. 14th (Friday)

Teacher Room
Kay, Andrew

cafeteria (upstairs)

Morin, Francis Design Centre
Marsh, Robin Design Centre


Aug. 17th (Monday)

Teacher Room
 Hornell, Darren D201
 Clarke, Ruth D220
 Cofer, Bob D241
 Hutton, Bronwyn D242

Aug. 18th (Tuesday)

Teacher Room
 Coad, Malcolm D243
 Wiggins, David D246
 Keus, Amy M252
 Ham, Katie D341
Fox, Angela D348


CISSA touch rugby

Training is on today at 3.10pm on the field for anyone in Grade 5-8 wanting to take part in the CISSA touch rugby this year.  Also,  please remember to sign up to the team on Veracross. See you out there, coach Marsh, Kay and O’Brien.

Cafe use for MYP/DP Students

Due to a shift in our approach to Cafe use, only students in Grade 10 and up are allowed use of the Cafe without parental supervision. This means that MYP students in Grades 6-9 MAY NOT use the Cafe during break or lunch (nothing new), or after school without THEIR parent with them.

This means that the only time a 6-9th grade student should be in the Cafe is with their parent, not their friend’s parent… not someone’s friend’s, buddy’s, cousin’s, aquantance’s parent… their parent.

The downstairs portion of the Cafeteria, however, is a cool, comfortable, climate controlled area that IS available to MYP students until 4:15pm each school day for those that need to remain for ASA’s.

Please see Mr. Bratton with questions.

Steadicam Merlin

A Steadicam Merlin is missing from the Design Centre (see photos).

Steadi3 gy4y6e7a


Would the person who has it please return it as soon as possible. Many thanks.

Changed access to the Café after school

Dear Students,

Please remember that only students in Grades 10-12 may access the Café in the Centre after school.  Students in Grades 5-9 who are registered for an activity that starts after 4:00 may wait on the first level of the cafeteria.

Thank you,

Mrs Tyoschin