Year: 2015

Nanjing Unofficial Triathlon

Dust off your trainers, oil your chains and polish your goggles-the Nanjing Triathlon is upon us. Sunday 20th September is the day. Get a team together or do the whole thing yourself. See for details and registration.

EARCOS Information

Dear All,

Attached is the information for this year’s upcoming weekend workshops and the EARCOS Teachers’ Conference. You can also find more information about the Teachers’ Conference on its special webpage: If you are interested in the EARCOS Teachers’ Conference, please send me an email.


EARCOS Workshop Information


Weather Instruments

The Humanities Department has mislaid a set of weather instruments that we use to teach weather and climate in Grade 8. If anyone knows of their whereabouts we would be very happy.

Thanks for looking.

TILT Skills today

These will be held in the Strategy Room (C115), starting at the beginning of Lunch, and run for about 30 minutes.

Tuesday, August 11 – Intro to iPads – Tom
Wednesday, August 12 – Functions, Tables, and Graphing in Microsoft Excel – Emily
Thursday, August 13 – SmartBoards – Tom
Friday, August 14 – Designing Presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint – Emily

Monday, August 17 – Creating and Sharing Documents in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Tuesday, August 18 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Wednesday, August 19 – Creating and Sharing Spreadsheets and Forms in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Thursday, August 20 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Friday, August 21 – Organizing your life with OneNote – Emily

We hope to see you there!

Any questions, let us know:


Need file folders?

Hi all,

Need any file folders? In various colors! And sizes! And free!

PS. They are school property, so pls use for school business.

Photo on 8-10-15 at 10.35 AM   Photo on 8-10-15 at 10.26 AM



TILT Skills Today – 12:30 pm – Strategy Room

Today, bulk up on your reviewing, editing, and commenting skills in Microsoft Word. Bring your laptop and a sample document to mark up (if you have one).


Just a reminder of the schedule for the next couple of weeks:

These will be held in the Strategy Room (C115), starting at the beginning of Lunch, and run for about 30 minutes.

Monday , August 10 – Reviewing, Editing, and Commenting in Microsoft Word – Emily
Tuesday, August 11 – Intro to iPads – Tom
Wednesday, August 12 – Functions, Tables, and Graphing in Microsoft Excel – Emily
Thursday, August 13 – SmartBoards – Tom
Friday, August 14 – Designing Presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint – Emily

Monday , August 17 – Creating and Sharing Documents in Microsoft 365  -Emily
Tuesday, August 18 – iPads- Seesaw – Tom
Wednesday, August 19 – Creating and Sharing Spreadsheets and Forms in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Thursday, August 20 – iPads- Seesaw – Tom
Friday, August 21 – Organizing your life with OneNote – Emily
We hope to see you there!

Any questions, let me know.



Your ASA Details on Survey Monkey

Teachers, please don’t forget to put your ASA details that you plan on offering this year in Survey Monkey. I sent you the link in an earlier email. I need this information by Wed so it can be collated and publicised to students and parents. Thanks

Please return Design Centre equipment

Throughout the year, faculty, staff and students have been borrowing equipment from the Design Centre.

Equipment includes cameras (Canon SX20 IS, Nikon Coolpix P100), tripods, SD cards, card-readers, tools from the workshop, etc.

Please return any such equipment as soon as possible so an inventory can be taken for this school year.

June 19 – schedule

Good morning!
Please see the schedule for this morning.
At break time, come and enjoy a slice of cake or pie in the staff room. Duties will be covered by SET.
Take care, be safe, relax, and have a wonderful break!

Closing Day June 19 2015.pdf

Green Team Vegetable/Flower Sale

The rains have finally stopped and so the Green Team will have its last sale of the year. There will be freshly cut sunflowers, green pepper plants, basil, cucumbers and other assorted vegetables.

The vegetables will be available in the center foyer at 3 PM.  Support the green team and its quest for a healthy planet.

Ukuleles Have Arrived!

Wow! That was just in time! Seven ordered ukuleles have arrived in my room. The price tags are attached to their very nice bags (even with music note zip pulls!). I have the list of who ordered what, just in case you forget.

MYP/DP Awards Assembly Today!

MYP/DP Students!


-You eat first lunch today! 12:50-1:20

-10th Graders need to report back to Homerooms at 1:20, then head to the PAC.

-All MYP/DP students need to be seated in the PAC at 1:30 for a 1:40 start.


Thanks and see you there! 

Grimm Tales Production PARTY!

A reminder to all cast and crew and anyone who helped with Grimm Tales…there will be a party during morning break today (Wednesday) in the Drama Classroom! A treat for all who turn up to celebrate the success of the show!

From Jakarta…

Almost every day, someone at NIS asks me about Neil and Ferdi and I know that some of you support them on facebook and twitter. Yesterday afternoon my previous boss went to visit Neil and Ferdi in prison, before he left Indonesia for good. I asked him to give our best wishes. Neil asked Paul to pass on to us at NIS their thanks. He said it meant so much to them to know that people around the world cared about their dreadful predicament. There is now a website you might visit if you are interested in how things are going. Many thanks!