Month: March 2016

Inter House Trivia Quiz Today

The Great NIS Inter house Trivia Challenge is today during Extended Advisory time. Advisories should pair up as shown below. You will need scrap paper.

Advisors, please take your group to these locations straight after you have taken the attendance. Questions will be sent in an email to each advisor.

Grades 6 – 9 (shh – Grade 12 exams are on so move quietly..):


Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 12.01.47 PM


Grades 10 – 11:

Screen Shot 2016-03-16 at 4.21.26 PM

MYP Tech Challenge-when and where?

Today is the MYP Tech Challenge after lunch!

To avoid the long hallway being filled with MYP students and blocking the passageway for teachers and PYP students, the MYP Students will be lining up in grade levels outside of the foyer in the courtyard. Please start lining 5-10 minutes before the end of lunch. Leave your bags in your lockers.

There will be 5 teams per house per grade level. While waiting in line, please start organizing your teams.

Here are the locations for each grade:

  • Grade 6: Robotics Area (Ms. Boothby)
  • Grade 7:  C154 / Drama Room (please go straight there) (Mr. Orteza)
  • Grade 8: Back Courtyard area (enter via the cafeteria) (Ms. Fox)
  • Grade 9: Hallway between gym and design centre (Mr. Messom)
  • Grade 10: Workshop (Mr. Wiggins)


Enjoy you afternoon and represent your house well.

Teachers please arrive 7 minutes early for MYP tech challenge

In order to have a smooth start to the MYP tech challenge please arrive to the Design Centre, 7 minutes early so you beat the crowd of students and your teacher leader can give any instructions necessary. Enjoy the afternoon.

semester 2-2016


PYP Boomwhacker Orchestra

We will be having a PYP music performance on Saturday, April 16th and are looking for students in grades 4 & 5 who would like to participate in a boomwhacker orchestra. We need between 8 – 20 students. This would require several lunch-hour practices and perhaps Thursdays after school.

The first practice is Monday during the 2nd half of lunch. If you are interested, please come at 1:20 to the MYP music room and see Miss Keus.

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What time is it?


It’s Game Time!

Today from 1-1:30 (during lunch) Game Day will be held in the Fishbowl across from IT for all grade 6-12 students and any teacher that would like to join in.

See you there!


Sprit Day on Friday 25th March

PYP Student Council is happy to announce the next Spirit Day on March 25:


Wear anything that involves Magic: wizards, witches, magicians, goblins, elves, fairies, unicorns

Only fun and kind tricks

Football Pitch Duty

Staff on Football Pitch duty are kindly asked to position themselves at the far end of the track keeping an eye on PYP students playing by the school’s fence. The area behind the shed is a no go area as there is equipment there.

Do you know what I’m looking forward to?


What? A Day of Games including but not limited to Jenga, Spoons, Uno Attack, and many others!

Who? ANYONE Grades 6-12 + Teachers!!

When? Friday during lunch

Where? In the Fishbowl across from the Macquarium

Why? Because it’s Friday Funday!

Jenga Gameface


Grade 4 Helping Swap Update

Please share with your students. The Grade 4s are learning about organising themselves and the importance of clear communication. Any questions, please see Calidore, Saelyn, Su Min or Victoria in Grade 4.

Helping Swap poster

PYP student council meeting-Today

Dear PYP homeroom teachers, please remind your student council member to present the meeting today after lunch at Grade 1 A classroom.

Thank you!

Grade 7 Health IDU

On Wednesday March 16th the Grade 7 students will be exhibiting their IDU between Science, Humanities, Language Arts & Art.  Please come celebrate the students learning by attending the exhibition.
Health and Disease Exhibition
When – Wed. 16th March – 8:30 am – 11:45  am
Where – Library Foyer
Statement of Inquiry – “Systems are not developed upon fairness and choice”
Key Concept – Systems
Related Concept – Connections & Choice
Global Context – Fairness & Development