Month: August 2016

Announced Lockdown Drill on Wednesday 31 August 2016

The announced Lockdown Drill will take place on Wednesday 31 August @10.10am as scheduled for whole school.
Please find out the Procedure Form via your pigeonhole and return it with your feedback to reception desk by Thursday 01 September.
Thank you

Timing Updated: OWC & Cigna site visit on Aug. 31, 2016

Dear overseas staff,

The visit on Aug. 31, 2016 will be from 9:00 to 16:00 @ H303 Centre.

Best wishes,

Clara Xi
HR Assistant
Nanjing International School
Tel: +86 25 85899111*3060 / Fax: +86 25 85899222

US Admissions Process

Today at lunch 12:50 to 1:50 there will be a guest lecture on the US admissions process in the MYP/LGR.  Grade 11 and 12 this is a great opportunity to get some insight into the college search and application process!

ASA Cycle 1 – Signups (Open Monday Aug 29th)

ASA Cycle 1 Signups will open at 1.00pm Monday. Please sign up on your Veracross portal.

Signup Schedule

MOnday 1.00pm : G1-12 students can sign up for 1 ASA.

Tuesday 1.00pm : G2-12 students can sign up for a second ASA

Wednesday 1.00pm : G6-12 students can sign up for a third ASA.

Signups close Thursday 9.00

Lost glasses

If anyone has found a pair of dark blue glasses in a grey case, please return them to me in C146 or leave in my pigeonhole. Many thanks.

PYP Student Council camp-Friday, 2nd September

Hi G2-G5 HR teacher,

Please remind your student council reps that we will have our student council camp this Friday. Parent letter will be send home today too.

Where: NIS cafeteria 1st floor

When: Friday, 2nd September  8:40am-13:00pm (start after assembly and finish before lunch)

Note: It will be happen in our school compus this year.

Thank you and have a good week.

OWC – Cigna August visit

Dear overseas staff,

The OWC – Cigna monthly visit will be on Aug. 31, 2016 (Wed) @ H303 Centre from 11:15 to 16:00.

The next monthly visit will be on Sept. 21, 2016.

Best wishes,

Clara Xi
HR Assistant
Nanjing International School
Tel: +86 25 85899111*3060 / Fax: +86 25 85899222

ISA Scheduling change

Dear Teachers of Grades 3 – 10,

Due to a change in the way that the ISAs (International Schools’ Assessments) are being conducted, we are now planning to have full ISA testing for Grades 5 and 6 ONLY. These will take place during the mornings of 26th and 27th September, as shown on the calendar. Please note this change from previous years. We plan to do the writing ISAs for Grades 3 and 4, and Grades 7 – 10 in February 2017.

Primary FYI (and MS/US Reminder): Mike’s Assistant

Hello PYP Staff,

One of our new Grade 6 students, Mike Zhang, has a parent-provided one-to-one assistant to support him in transitioning from class to class and few other items relating to a physical disability. His assistant’s name is Xueliang Huang (see attached). An FYI if you see him around campus (he often looks a lot like a student!). Please see Rick or I with questions. Thanks!


Million dollar question: What is about to be announced?

Homework Club is back!

Not only is it back, it’s expanding!

This year, every Monday and Wednesday there will be Homework Club in Learning Support (C142) from 3:15-4:15 for ALL grade 6-12 students.

That’s right! ANY student can come ANY time, no sign up required!

There will always be multiple teachers there to assist you on anything you need help with.

Confused? Homework Club.
Need help? Homework Club.
Want to work in a quiet space? Homework Club.
Want some candy and junk food? Eat some when you get home with parent permission 🙂

Students helping run Activities : MYP Service and DP CAS

During the year you may be organising and running an activity and you might like to consider engaging some student volunteers to help. If you like you can email me the the details and I will setup up a class on Veracross with you as the teacher. The activity can then be advertised by you or me and students can register on Veracross allowing you to contact them as a group. However, please note that for any activity to be considered Service (MYP) or CAS (DP), students must be able to show they achieved one of the following outcomes. Please contact me if you have any questions.

G6-10 Outcomes
a. become more aware of your own strengths and areas for growth
b. undertake challenges that develop new skills
c. discuss, evaluate and plan student-initiated activities
d. persevere in action
e. work collaboratively with others
f. develop international-mindedness through global engagement, multilingualism and intercultural understanding
g. consider the ethical implications of your actions.

G11-12 Outcomes
1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth
2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

C&S/CAS activity opportunity – volleyball scorers

Grade 6 – 12 students, volunteer your time at the High School Volleyball tournament on Saturday 3 September. Sign up for either the morning session (9.15am – 12.30pm) or the afternoon session (1.15pm – 3.30pm).

Speak to Mr Clarke if you would like more details.


Middle School and Upper School Assembly Tomorrow!

Hello All Grade 6-12 Students and Teachers,

A reminder that we will have our assembly tomorrow morning from 8am. Remember that we will report directly to the PAC tomorrow morning for attendance. Students, please sit in your advisory.

We’ll experience the introduction of this year’s Middle and Upper School Student Council by Abbie and Angela, Some words to live by my Mr. Bratton, and a practice PAC evacuation! Good times will be had by all!

See everyone there by 8am!