Month: November 2016

Baseball History is Happening Today.

‘Twill be the World Series Finals,
This morning starting at 8.
A little history lesson for you?
Tell me, do you believe in fate?

The Cleveland Indians and Chicago Cubs,
Are both into the finals at last.
Cheers of happiness or weeps of sorrow,
Could come with just one big home run blast.

The Cubs have their leaders Maddon and Rizzo,
Bryant, Russell, they are all great.
Even though they haven’t won the elusive World Series
Since way back in year 1908.

The Indians last championship win,
Was back in ’48 you see.
Now they have Kluber, Coco and Kipnis,
Gomez and Napoli.

There are teachers here on both sides of this battle,
Some will shout with joy while others may shed tears.
So take it lightly on your teachers today,
For this moment many have been waiting for years.

Well, I’ve kept this unbiased until the end,
Who am I rooting for? Maybe you already know.
I hope you’ll get to hear some singing tomorrow in the hallways,
A little rendition of “Go, Cubs, Go!”

Friday Dress Down Survey

Dear all,

Sorry that the survey link posted earlier this work didn’t work and here is the updated survey.

Please take a few minutes and do it again. Thanks!


Name that Fish!

img_1092The library has a new fish (thanks Mr. Ji!) and we are looking for a name. After the untimely death of Hemmingway, his poor widowed partner Hadley has been very lonely and is happy to have a new mate!

All names MUST have a literary connection of some kind (author, character… male or female since we have no idea which it is!)

Please submit answers to the library (or by email to Mrs. Rinker) by Friday-

See you in the library!

Service Opportunity: Nanjinger Magazine – G10-12

On Thursday (Nov3rd) the Publisher of the Nanjinger Magazine is coming to NIS to speak with students about working with him to produce and publish some articles in the Nanjinger Magazine. If you are interested in writing, art, photography etc. you are welcome to come and hear if it is of interest to you as a Service activity. 12:50pm in MYP Science Room D210. All G10-12 students welcome.

Public Area Reservation Calendar (For Faculty)

What you can check from the Public Area Reservation Calendar: 

  • Whether the public area you try to reserver is free or occupied at the time you plan to use
  • All reservations for each day
  • If your reservations get approved or recorded by Wendy
  • If your reservation has conflicts with others (Indicated in Red color )

What reservations will show up in Public Area Reservation Calendar: 

  • Public Areas such as PYP/MYP LGR, Board Meeting Room, Cafeteria
  • Gym (School time: check with Jo Andrew; After school: check with Danny Clarke)
  • Athletic Fields
  • Auditorium: Theatre, Black Box, PAC (Sam Brown is in charge)

How you can check the Public Area Reservation Calendar: 

  • Login to Veracross Teacher Portal
  • From “School Reports” list, please find and open “Public Area Reservations” (It will gather all the reservations information for you, so it will take a while to load the whole calendar)

Please let either Wendy Huang or Cindy Kong know if you have any question. Thanks.

Lost Lunch box

Lost! PINK/PURPLE lunchbox like this – containing VERY EXPENSIVE RETAINER!! Please – if you find it return to C140.screen-shot-2016-11-02-at-7-53-54-am

PSAT This Morning

In the Center on the third floor in the board room.

Zeju Zhang
Jae Yong Lee
Jun Sang Youn
Yeong Jo (Luna) Kim
Minju Cha
One young Heo
Dong Young Seo
Lucas Smulders
Anthony Chen
Nancy Yan
Muyen Chou
Alexander Gerke
Sangwoo Lee
Winston Zha
Rongkai Chen

Missing MacBook

Hello All,

A MacBook seems to have gone missing during the Autumn Festival this past Friday. If you have mistakenly taken it, please return to Mr. Bratton or Mrs. Clarke ASAP.


Mr. Bratton

2016 AMITY Charity Walk Nov 12th : Service / Physical / Cultural Activity

AMITY is organising its 2016 Charity Walk to raise funds for various Charities and the Pfrang Association. If you, your friends or your family would like to take part in this event please have a look at the attached document. This would be a very good CAS activity for G11 and 12 students, a “core” Service activity for G10  students or a Service activity for G6-9 students. This is not a school organised activity so if you wish to take part you should discuss this with your parents. Teachers are also welcome to take part. Details attached.     amitywalknov12

Do you like Football and / or Dinosaurs? – Service Activity G6-8

The Dinosaurs are coming and they will be playing Football on Sat at NIS. They need 10 students to chase footballs from 1.45 – 4.45 while they exhibit their battle skills on the Football field. If you would like to do this please sign up on Veracross. This activity is open for G6-8 for Wed until lunchtime, then if there are still vacancies at lunchtime Wed it will be opened to Grade 9 students.


Theatre ‘Front of House’ crew

Anyone from MYP/DP interested in joining an elite ‘Front of House’ crew in the theatre should come to a meeting in the Black Box Wednesday morning break.

This crew will be responsible for audience control, monitoring theater doors, assigning audience seats, handing out programs, as well as other theatre-related duties.

See Mr Brown if you have questions, or simply come to the Black Box Wednesday morning break 🙂

Peter Pan Cast Meeting

A reminder for all Peter Pan cast to come to the Black Box at morning break for a meeting today. See you all 10:10!

G9-12 inter house touch rugby

G9-12 inter house touch rugby is on the fields today at lunch time. If you are competing please make sure you get to the fields as soon as Block 4 ends.  Supporters come and cheer on your team.