Hello All,
A reminder of our Middle School parent coffee on Monday of next week from 8:10 in the MYP LGR. Please find the attached slides to guide our presentation.
Thanks and see you then!
Hello All,
A reminder of our Middle School parent coffee on Monday of next week from 8:10 in the MYP LGR. Please find the attached slides to guide our presentation.
Thanks and see you then!
Dear All,
Just a friendly reminder that the ETC deadline is the end of today (Wednesday, October 26th, 2016).
Also, we are always looking for writers or teachers who would like to share about their learning or teaching by submitting an article for the EARCOS Tri-Annual Journal. The winter issue submissions are due at the end of November. Below is information about what you can submit and some guidelines. If you are interested, please let me know. You can send the submissions to me, and I can proof-read it before submitting to EARCOS.
Community Service Projects
Campus Development – New building plans, under construction, just completed.
Curriculum Initiatives – New and exciting adoption efforts, and creative teacher ideas.
Green and Sustainable – Related to campus development and/or curriculum.
Student Art – We will highlight ES art in Fall issue, MS art in Winter issue, and HS art in Spring issue.
Student Literary Work – Short stories, poetry, scholarly writing.
Service Learning
Action Research
1. Submit in MS Word format or PDF format
2. 500 Words
3. Photo in JPEG format with caption
4. Photo resolution atleast 300dpi
4. Font style Gills Sans
5. Font size 9
We want to make sure submitted articles are not in violation of copyright laws. We highly encourage original articles. When you send an articles to ourET Journal, we will make sure you get the proper credit by displaying your name, title, school, and email in the article.
Today (Wednesday) after school.
From 3:15-4:15 anyone grade 6-12 is welcome.
Get support if you need it.
Get all of your work finished.
Have fun.
Enjoy this joke:
Why did the boy eat his homework?
Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.
The Learning Alchemists Environment next meeting will be
Thursday, October 27
in the Strategy Room at Lunch
We will read the attached article.
Please remember, you can drop in and leave any time. 🙂
Contact Tom Johnson for more details
Article for Oct 27
Past Articles
For What?
It is almost that time of the year when men become much, much more handsome by growing (or attempting to grow) bro-mos, cookie dusters, bristel batons, crumb catchers, facial fur, flavor savers, lip foliage, snot catchers, or whiskers (aka a Mustache).
At NIS and around the world
Starting November 1st (or should I say Movember 1st?) and continuing until December 1st
Who can participate?
All students, teachers, and parents can help support the great cause by either growing a mustache, donating or joining the Move movement where you exercise every day during the month of November. (https://ex.movember.com/get-involved/move)
To help men live happier, healthier, longer lives
Visit http://mobro.co/richardfischl and sign up to join the movement or donate to the cause.
The scanner has arrived in C146 (C-ELL room). Please check out the R.C. books using the scanner. There are 3 missing books (not checked out and not in the room). If you have them, please come by C146 and check them out under your name. Thank you!
The G9-12 inter house touch rugby is on tomorrow (Wednesday) at lunch time on the field, make sure you have your house shirt and cleats.
Students in 6C (today) and 6A (Wednesday) and 6B (Friday) please meet for Life 101 upstairs in the cafeteria during your regularly scheduled time.
See Ms. Bezzerides with any questions.
The G9-12 inter house touch rugby is on tomorrow (Wednesday) at lunch time on the field, make sure you have your house shirt and cleats. Contact house leaders or captains if you are interested in playing.
A huge congratulations to Cameron Young, Luke Messom, Callum Dwyer, Ati Underwood, Ato Underwood, Sofia Saavedra, Johanna Rogalla, Lili-anna Morin, Sofia Bellini, Gloria Bellini, Angela Yan and Isobel Ciccocoppo. On Saturday they played several games of touch rugby against adults from national teams such as Singapore, France and Hong Kong. They did an amazing job and competed with all teams, nearly beating the Chinese national team.
Well done to Mr Kay, Mr Chesterman, Miss OBrien, Mrs McBride, Mr Battye and Mrs Battye who competed really well in the Masters division.
Dear staff see you all there for the FCD meeting. This is an important reminder to all of us to remain vigilant and look after our students, regardless of the age we teach.
Dear Grade 12 and Supervisors,
We are in the final countdown to the Extended Essay Deadline. You have 5 weeks remaining until December 2nd. This is the time to refine the analysis, get the final pieces of feedback and polish up the essay ready for submission. The Library workshop will go ahead as usual on Thursday with Ms Rinker on hand for those last minute APA and formatting questions. See you there.