Please find the attached list of students will be out of school at 1.30pm on Friday April 14th for SISAC Soccer competition in Shanghai.SISAC Soccer Name list-2c4apho
PM2.5 Readings in March 2017
Please see attached PM2.5 data updates in March 2017.
Staff lunch during Student Led Conferences
Just to clarify: Lunch will be available for purchase in the usual way from Chartwells in the Cafe on Wednesday March 29th during the Student Led Conferences.
These are the hot dishes that will be available:
Grilled Beef shank with black pepper sauce or Fish Pie or Chickpeas, onion and cheddar quiche (Vegetarian option).
Welcome staff, teachers to Center cafe!
ACT Calendar Clarification
ACT (Test) will be on April 8, 2017. The NIS calendar says Sunday, April 2, 2017 – this is incorrect. If you signed up for the ACT, the test will be Saturday, April 8, 2017.
New Fitness/Pool Sign-in/-out trial
As of Monday, March 27 and through the April break, we will be piloting a new digital sign-in/-out approach with Faculty to access the 3rd Floor Fitness Center and/or Pool. In the long term, we hope this will replace the current paper and pen method. All other NIS Community members (including non-faculty and students) are welcome to participate in the trial, though there will be one additional step involved as we have not registered all users yet. For this reason, we will still have the paper and pen sheet available for you to use as normal. We will be soliciting feedback through a QR Code, to be reviewed after the April holiday.