Day: August 10, 2018

EY Construction Site Closing

Dear all,

Due to construction needs,  Classrooms (C115,C116,C118,C129,C130,C131,C132,C133,C134) and EY playground area is off limits for whole school year 2018~2019.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Facility Department


Welcome to INSET Friday!

-Coffee and tea are provided this morning in the Staff Lounge.

-We’ll plan to start at 8:30am in the Music Room with our Design Thinking sessions led by the Strategy Team.

-A heads-up that Enrollment Morning is on today from 9am-12pm today, with new students and families on campus.

-We’ll have an Evacuation practice today at 2:30pm. FYI.

-Please find today’s schedule reattached here.

-Professional dress guidelines begin from Monday with our Opening Day for new students/parents and all Grade 6 families.

-Have a collaborative and collegial day as we prepare for next week and beyond!

Evacuation Practice Today at 2:30pm

Hello All,

We will practice an evacuation drill today at 2:30pm. Those with Homeroom assignments have been notified. All other teachers should gather on the track, in the area closest to the PAC. SET will help direct traffic.

Once the practice is complete, we’ll plan to launch right into our “Community Connections” sessions.

Many Thanks!

Multi language glossaries to support our learners

Below is an incredibly useful link to glossaries in multiple languages for common words/expressions used in Language Arts, Humanities, Science & Maths at the three levels – primary, middle and upper school.  These might prove to be invaluable as a permanent resource for your respective classrooms.

Thanks to Sarah Merrylees for sharing!

Strategy Session

Dear all,

For the Strategy Session prep Friday 8:30 in Music Room:

  • Please bring pens
  • Do not bring laptops

See you then.