Dear all,
Holly Wang will be the MOD of Nov. 17, 2018.
Best wishes,
Clara Xi
Dear all,
Holly Wang will be the MOD of Nov. 17, 2018.
Best wishes,
Clara Xi
Thanks for your involvement in Friday’s quiz, I hope it was a fun session. Thanks again to Miss Amy for her great questions!
For houses with only two teams, a third team was created by averaging the other two.
The results:
1st: Xuanwu, 314 points
2nd: Taiping, 298 points
3rd: Wutaishan, 295 points
Open to Gr7 -Gr9. Practices are on Mondays and Thursdays. First practice today at 4.15pm in the gym. Sign up on Veracross. If you cannot make it today, don’t worry. Let the coach know (boys – Mr Fischl, girls Mr Johnson) and come to next session on Thursday
8 volunteers are needed to sell Giving Tree cards in the Centre every day from 7.50 – 8.05 am and again after school from 2.50 – 3.10 pm. You can volunteer for:
November 12-19
November 19-23
November 26-30
December 3-7
Sign up on Veracross.
ACAMIS Chinese New Year Greeting Card Challenge – THIS COUNTS AS A CREATIVITY EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!
The Academic and Cultural Enrichment (ACE) component of ACAMIS hosts an annual Chinese New Year Greeting Card Challenge. All member schools are invited to participate! A winner will be selected from each grade level and the artworks displayed on the ACAMIS website. Here is how to participate:
Send your submission to or drop them off in D236.
See attachment for last year’s winners. Two were from NIS!
Grade 10 Mezzanine Upstairs Cafeteria
Grade 11 Large Music Room
Grade 12 LGR
Did you know that Chartwells provide ready made, freshly cooked meals to order.
They need two days notice, and can be picked up from either Cafe.
You can email Annie at Chartwells and pay by WeChat, your card or cash.
I can highly recommend the beef lasagne.
There is also chicken cordon bleu, cottage pie, and fish pie .
The cottage pie is 40 RMB everything else is 35RMB
Portions are quite substantial.
Great to freeze and keep for those days when you do not want to cook…..
Please find attached list of students, they will leave school at 1.30pm on Friday November 16th for CISSA Senior boys soccer.CISSA Senior Boys Soccer
There will be an announced Fire Drill @10.00am on Tuesday, 13 November as scheduled for the whole school.
Rules: Inter House Music Trivia Quiz: Thanks to Ms Amy Keus
• Three advisories, one from each house, meet in the designated room.
• Each advisory should create 3 more or less even sized mixed gender teams – so there are 9 teams in each room.
• 20 questions: PowerPoint to follow. Answer to be written on recycled/scrap paper.
• Total number of questions answered correctly is recorded and added to give a final score for the advisory.
• All the advisory scores are added together to give a final score for that house.
• Winning house: 60 points, second place: 40 points and third place: 30 points
6-8 Advisory
Advisories Location
Ms. terBorg Ms. Kuan Mr. Madlinski Upstairs Design Centre
Mr Dutton Mr Baker Mr Stevens Green Gym
Mr Synder Mr Lee Ms. S Wang Mr Snyder’s Room
Mr Bahilo Mr Winstanley Ms. Maier Mr Winstanley’s Room
Ms. Keus Ms. Seiguneur Mrs. Merrylees Ms. Keus’s Room
9-10 Advisory
Advisories Location
Ms. Law Ms. Fox Mr. Orteza Ms Law’s Room
Ms. Chen Mr. Hammond Ms. L Wang Mr Hammond’s Room
Mr. Chesterman Mr Fischl Ms. Zhang Mr. Chesterman’s room
11-12 Advisory
Advisories Location
Mr Newman Mr Hornell Mr Leitz Mr Hornell’s Room
Mr Kay Ms Moen Mr Coad Ms. Moen’s Room
Ms Lenk Ms Crème Ms Ryan Ms Crème’s Room
Good luck to our Volleyball players at the ACAMIS Volleyball Championships. Play starts this afternoon!! You can see the schedule and follow all the action via livestream by clicking on the link below:
or copy this URL:
We’re getting closer….
But we still need your help to design better Discover China Trips! If you’ve lost the link, I can send you another email!