Day: March 7, 2019

NIS Students Tech Team Signup

Click Here to sign up for the Student Tech Team. 

Join the Student Tech Team and have some fun learning and sharing your computer knowledge with your fellow students and teachers. We will meet once a week during lunchtime. Helping others use technology better is our goal.  It will be a fun group to join!!!

Any question, please

Reach Leon Letkeman: or Cindy:

Visit us in Macquarium C102

Click Here to sign up for the Student Tech Team.

Due Date: March 11th 16:00

March Media Mentor Month

Following on from the Weekly Bulletin post about March Media Mentor Month, here is today’s challenge:


While the original post was primarily for parents, teachers are also encouraged to try some of these with their students as well. Try and complete as many of the activities in the calendar as you can throughout the month of March and if you would like to share with our community, make sure to mention @nischinaorg (on Instagram) or @NISChina (on Twitter or Facebook) so we can follow your progress! Together we can mentor each other to be more mindful and purposeful users of technology!

The rest of the calendar can be found below:

March Media Mentor Month – “DnD”

Today’s challenge is for those who want to have a little more control over the distraction their phones bring to their lives. Remember, even though most of these are worded for the Apple universe, many of these same features exist in the Android and Microsoft universes too!

And remember to check out the rest of the calendar for a challenge you might have missed.

Dismiss Students on March 14 at 12:00

The following grade 10 and 11 students will be attending the SSIS University Fair on March 14, Day 6.  Please excuse the following students from your classes at 12:00:

Alice Z
Alina W
Claire Z
Eric Z
Helen J
Maggie Y
Sunny G
 Winner L
Ati U
Ato U
Felicity C
Luke C
Luke L
Maria B
Shuynag T
Winston Z