Day: June 19, 2020

MSUS Final Assembly today

Welcome to the last day of this school year!

The final MSUS assembly is on the bill for 8:45am, this morning!

Please check the linked seating plan for House placements. All audience members should be seated in a ‘honeycomb’ or ‘checkerboard’ formation (no-one sitting in the seat beside you, directly in front or behind).

Come on down following these timings:

  • 8:25am – Taiping
  • 8:30am – Xuanwu
  • 8:35am – WuTaiShan

See you there!

Facility Notice – maintenance in holidays

1. Fire-Fighting system testing by the 3rd party

Time:  July 20th ~ 27th, whole week

Area: Each room of whole school

Please ignore the alarming bells during, thanks.

2. Centre fitness room one day close for equipment maintenance on July 27th (Monday).


Thanks for your understanding.

Facility Department