Day: April 26, 2021

Discover China Student Meetings for Grades 6-11

During extended advisory on Friday, April 30th, we will have our Student Meetings for Discover China. Please arrive on time to learn about what you will be doing, when you are leaving and maybe even who you will be rooming with….Don’t be late!

Grades 6-7 – Tianmu – D218 (Mr Clarke’s room)

Grades 6-7 – Huangshan – D204 (Mr Winstanley’s room)

Grades 6-7 – Chizhou – D247 (Mr Merrylees’ room)

Grades 8-9 – Moganshan – LGR

Grades 8-9 – Wuxi – D219 (Mr Battye’s room)

Grades 10-11 – Lin’an – M252 (MS Keus’ room) *

Grades 10-11 – Songyang – D215 (Mrs Beck’s room)

Grades 10-11 – Chongming –  in the Design Centre (Mrs terBorg’s room)

PS Athletics Day TOMORROW!

Our Athletics Day event will kick off promptly at 8am tomorrow morning.

Please ensure all students arrive to school on time to avoid missing their first event.


  • Sufficient healthy snacks to eat throughout the day
  • Hats, Drink Bottles and Sun Cream
  • House Shirts for all students
  • ID cards for all parents/family members

Event Times:

Event Map:

Grade 9 Reading MAP Test Today!

Namaste, Grade 9’s,

Today you will have your MAP Reading test in the LGR after Break.

Please arrive with both your mind and laptop charged and ready!

See you then.


Ps. Grade 6, you are up for MAP Reading on Thursday.