Month: May 2021

MAP/ISA Results Home Today

Hello Grade 3-5 Homeroom and 6-10 Day One, Block 5 Teachers,

Envelopes containing MAP (Grades 3-10) and ISA (Grades 5-10) results will be delivered to you in your classrooms at the start of Block 5 today. Please distribute these just before the end of the school day and be sure these go home with students.

Many thanks!

OWC – Health Screening Package from Jiahui Health, Shanghai

Dear overseas staff,

Please see below for the package:

OWC – Jiahui Health Check Up Package A – Rmb3,000

OWC – Jiahui Health Check Up Package B – Rmb5,000

Sino United Rmb3,000 Health Screening Package

For making an appointment, members should send an email to with the following information:

– Name

– Date of birth

– Phone number

– Gender

– Health Check Package: A or B

– Payment method: Direct pay or self-pay. If you choose direct pay, please send the insurance membership card in advance with the appointment email.

Their Health Management Department will call after receiving the above details to confirm the date of appointment. You can email in case you have any questions or concerns during the process and OWC are happy to help.

Best wishes,



Grade 9 Science Fair

On Wednesday the 26th of May will be the Grade 9 Science Fair. Come down to the PAC and see the wonderful investigations carried out. Science Fair is open to Parents and Students.

Block 2 (9:15 – 10:20) is open for primary school students to attend

Blocks 3 and 4 (10:40 – 11:50) is open for Secondary students to attend.


Grade 9 Science Fair

Donate books

Thank-you for all the books that you have donated! We are still looking for more books suitable for children in primary school. We would especially like more Chinese language books. This is a great chance to clear your bookshelves and create more space in your home!


SUZMUN IX May 14-15

19 students of Grade 7-11 will attend SUZMUN IX in Suzhou. Please excuse them for Block 5, Day 1, May 14. They are responsible for communicating with relevant teachers for their absence and any assignment they may need to submit.

G6-11 Discover China Meetings

This Friday, we will have our final preparation meeting for Discover China.

After registration, please go to the following rooms:

Grades 6-7 – Tianmu – D218 (Mr Clarke’s room)

Grades 6-7 – Huangshan – D204 (Mr Winstanley’s room)

Grades 6-7 – Chizhou – D247 (Mr Merrylees’ room)

Grades 8-9 – Moganshan – LGR

Grades 8-9 – Wuxi – D219 (Mr Battye’s room)

Grades 10-11 – Lin’an – Blue Gym

Grades 10-11 – Songyang – D215 (Mrs Beck’s room)

Grades 10-11 – Chongming –  in the Design Centre (Mrs terBorg’s room)

Volunteers needed World Cup Saturday

G9-11 Students volunteers are needed to help sell vouchers and baked goods.

5 students for each shift:

9.30 am – 11.45 am

11.45 am – 2.00 pm

2.00 pm – 4.15 pm

Saturday, May 15th

at NIS

outside near the football pitch by the outside basketball courts by the pool.

Please sign up on Veracross after 1pm on Monday.

Last Chance to Volunteer for the Parkinson’s Walkathon!!!! G6-10

Thursday, the 13th is the deadline to sign up for the Parkinson’s Disease Walkathon!


Come help us raise awareness and money for research into Parkinson’s Disease.

Please scan the QR code to sign up.

The walkathon takes place on Sunday, May 16th. We will meet at 8.40 am at Yangshan Park.

Please stop by the Activities Office if you need help with registration.


Grade 7 and Grade 6 WIDA testing today!

Grade 7 and (some) Grade 6   

WIDA  testing


Grade 7, D240, Block 1 and 2. BRING WORKING HEADPHONES.

Jerry H
Jerry L
Nick Chen


WIDA Testing: ENGLISH B Grade 6 – 9 students

   WIDA testing is this week.   

Most English B students (Grade 6-9) will be participating in WIDA testing on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Please check the schedule carefully for your name, time and place.


WIDA-Testing-Schedule-May-2021-1 (1)

P.S. Some students have already completed WIDA this year – so your name is not on the list.

P.P.S. Some Grade 9 English B students will do the WIDA testing after trip week.

Ms Kelly Holmes

PTA May Birthday cupcakes

PTA Cupcakes for May will be available in the foyer on Wednesday morning at break time

Please remind your students to come by and pick them up — and say Thank You to Ms Polona and the PTA  for generously continuing this small act of kindness that brings a smile to the lucky ones each month.

Unclaimed cakes will be in Admissions Office for a short time only – they do not keep for long …
