Day: December 13, 2021

Feedback on Lockdown drill

This is kind reminder.

Please input your feedback by 4.00PM today via Code Blue on 13 December 2021 or by scanning the enclosed QR code.

All staff members must submit their feedback in the provided online survey.

Thanks for your supports.


Arek Owczarek

Director – Operations and Finance

YinYan Help Desk service on this Friday

The YinYan Travel Agent’s onsite service will be rescheduled @9.30am ~11.00am, on Friday 17 December 2021 due to school closure in the afternoon.

Please feel free to meet with Ms. Mary at Lounge Room behind the front desk of the Centre if you have individual travel plan or tickets to order.

Gyms Closed Monday and Tuesday

A reminder that the Blue and Green Gyms are closed today and tomorrow for vaccination set-up. Primary dismissal is still allowed from the Green Gym as normal. Please see information from Bella for BTT reallocation and Kasson with any questions. Thanks!

Code Blue Today 10:45am

A “Code Blue” drill will be held today at 10:45am. Please note the change in time.

Please also share with students that in Code Blue situations, students should head for the nearest classroom (which might not necessarily be their own) and that those inside classrooms should admit students and staff seeking shelter.

Many thanks!

10:01am Moment of Silence Today

Please be advised that December 13th is the date of the annual public memorial commemorating the Nanjing Massacre. At 10:01am the city is asked to observe a minute of silence. Typically this is accompanied by air raid sirens played throughout the day. A brief article from the Nanjinger is linked here. Many thanks.