Day: August 31, 2022

2022/2023 Emergency Contact Card

The newly updated Emergency Contact Card is available for all staff members, please feel free to get it via your pigeonhole today.

Yin Yan Help Desk resumes from Friday, 02 September 2022

Our YinYan onsite help desk service is back to campus from this Friday, 02 September as continued weekly scheme.

Please feel free to meet with Ms. Mary at Lounge Room behind the front desk of the Centre from 2.30PM to 4.00PM on every Monday and Friday, if you have individual travel plan or ticket to order.

Student Activities Cycle 1

Here is Version 3 Cycle 1 Primary School Student Activities and Version 4 Cycle 1 Secondary Student Activities .

Registration opens on Wednesday, Aug 31st at 12.45 pm.

We are using a NEW sign-up system: SchoolsBuddy. Please make sure you are able to log into ManageBac first. Here is the link:

Please email or stop by the Activities Office or D229 if you have any questions.

Staff Social Committee


If you think you might be interested in joining the Staff Social Committee, please come along to a short meeting in room C140 (Class 5A) this Thursday at 3:15.

Student NAT Testing Today

All students will participate in on-campus NAT testing this morning in the PAC Drama classroom.

Teachers who need to bring their classes to the test have been contacted directly.

Please see this schedule for the testing time for each class, starting at 8:15am.

Please arrive at the PAC Drama classroom on time.

Today’s testing is only required for students.

Many thanks for your support!