Year: 2022


These activities will be available all day today, tomorrow and Friday.

Grab some colleagues and head on over to play… or just show up and join in!

All equipment will be provided.

Ping Pong in the foyers | Badminton in the Green Gym | Soccer and Volleyball in the Blue Gym

PLD Brain Break Activities

Breakfast this Morning

Welcome, All!

We will plan to start with our traditional community breakfast from 8am in the Cafeteria. Please see the detailed Primary and Secondary schedules in the respective Sunday messages and/or in the Primary and Secondary digital hubs. Please also let Ruth, Jacqui, or Kasson know what questions you may have regarding the schedule for the week. Otherwise, see you soon!

Fancy a Brain-Break?

The PE department will be setting up some sports activities during our PLD time together this week.

These activities will be available all day from Wednesday morning to Friday afternoon.

All equipment will be provided so just show up and play!

For more info or other activity requests/suggestions get in touch with Lee.

PLD Brain Break Activities

CIS/WASC Accreditation Filming Today

Wicky and Kasson will be moving around campus today filming virtual tours for our upcoming CIS/WASC preparatory visit. These are in-depth, so we will be in nearly all on-campus spaces at some point today. Our focus will be on these spaces, not the humans within them. Thanks!

Today’s New-to-NIS Lunch Information

We are looking forward to welcoming those that have RSVP’ed to lunch today to meet our new colleagues. We will plan to dine in the cafeteria from 1-3pm. A reminder that this is an adults-only event. Usual campus access rules apply.

If you did not RSVP but would like to join, there are few spots left. Please email Kasson before 10am today if this is you!

Many thanks.

Swimming Pool Schedule – Aug 20th ~ 28th

Adult Lap Swim

Tuesday & Thursday: 6:30 – 7:30am (Adult Big Pool Only)

Lap Swim

Monday – Friday: 8:00 – 10:00am (Lap Swim Big Pool Only)

Community Swim

Monday – Friday: 1:00 – 3:00pm (Leisure Swim Big Pool/Small pool)

Swimming Pool Schedule – Aug 13th – 21st

Adult Lap Swim

Tuesday & Thursday: 6:30 – 7:30am (Adult Big Pool Only)

Lap Swim

Monday – Friday: 8:00 – 10:00am (Lap Swim Big Pool Only)

Community Swim

Monday – Friday: 1:00 – 3:00pm (Leisure Swim Big Pool/Small pool)

Facility Notice

Dear all,

1. No entry to Running Truck before August 16th. The project is enter into runway marking, painting and cleaning stage.

2, No car parking on this weekend due to ground marking.

3. Campus access requires scanning in with green codes at the gate, your NIS ID, and mask. For those traveling outside of Jiangsu in the seven days prior to coming to campus, a negative test result within 48 hours is also required. At all-time, please follow the instructions from the security personnel.

4. Campus NAT test continues in August. Every Monday and Thursday 10:00am~10:30am at Centre Foyer.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Facility Team

NIS Swimming Pool Reopening/ NIS 수영장 이용 재개/ NIS 游泳池重新开放

Hello NIS Community,

We are happy to announce that the NIS swimming pool will reopen from Thursday, August 11th for NIS students, parents, and staff. Please click here for the pool schedule for the next two weeks.


Campus access requires green codes, your NIS ID, and a mask. For those traveling outside of Jiangsu in the seven days prior to coming to campus, a negative test result within 48 hours is also required. Please be advised that Primary School students must be accompanied by an adult community member to access the pool. Only currently enrolled NIS students and parents are permitted and no access to campus beyond the NIS Centre is allowed. Also, a reminder that no mobile phone use it allowed on the pool deck and no car parking is permitted.


Please contact our Aquatics Director, Kathrin Lammers, with any questions at . Many thanks to our Aquatics and Facilities teams for making this happen.


Many thanks once again!


안녕하세요 NIS 커뮤니티 여러분,


NIS 수영장은 8월 11일 목요일부터 NIS 재학생, 학부모, 교직원의 이용이 가능해집니다. 다음 2주 동안의 수영장 일정을 보려면 여기를 클릭하십시오.


학교 출입에는 건강 코드, NIS ID 및 마스크가 필요합니다. 최근 7일 이내에 장쑤성 외부로 이동한 경우 학교 출입을 위해  48시간 이내 핵산 검사 음성 결과도 필요합니다. 유초등학교 학생들이 수영장을 이용하기 위해 반드시 NIS 커뮤니티 소속 성인과 동행해야 합니다. 현재 등록된 NIS 학생과 학부모만 이용 가능하며 NIS 센터 이외의 학교 다른 공간에는 출입할 수 없습니다. 또한 수영장 데크에서의 핸드폰 사용과 주차장 이용은 불가능하니 참고해주시기 바랍니다.


질문이 있는 경우 우리의 수영 책임자인 Kathrin Lammers에게 으로 연락해주시기 바랍니다. 수영장 개장을 가능하게 해준 수영팀 및 시설관리 팀에 깊은 감사를 드립니다.


다시 한 번 많은 감사드립니다!


尊敬的NIS 大家庭, 您好! 我们很高兴地宣布,NIS 游泳池将于 8 月 11 日星期四开放,供 NIS 学生、家长和教职员工使用。请点击此处查看接下来两周的泳池时间表。 请出示绿色苏康码、您的 NIS ID卡、并佩戴口罩进入校园。对于7天内有江苏省外旅行史的人员,还需出示48小时内核酸检测阴性证明。小学生必须由成人NIS社区成员陪同才能进入游泳池。仅允许当前注册的 NIS 学生和家长进入 NIS 活动中心。 除活动中心以外的校园区域暂不开放。请注意, 泳池内不允许使用手机, 并且暂不提供停车位。  如有任何问题,请通过  联系我们的水上运动总监 Kathrin Lammers女士。感谢我校的水上运动团队和设施团队对此次泳池开放做出的努力。 再次感谢!

Facility Notice

Dear all,

Monthly Equipment Testing of Lockdown System on this Wednesday (Aug 10th) 8:00am~4:00pm. Please ignore the flickering blue lights during the period.

Monthly Equipment Testing of Fire-fighting System on this coming Saturday (Aug 13th) 8:00am~5:00pm. Please ignore the alarming bell  during the period.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Facility Team