Year: 2022

#PubPDAsia on Tuesday Evening at Viking

A reminder that on Tuesday evening NIS will host #PubPDAsia at Viking Bar. The chat will focus on the OECD 2030 Future of Education Compass (below) and will be facilitated by Sandra Chow from Keystone in Beijing. Our own Ginna Daza will be our Twitter moderator!

If this is of interest to you, please let Kasson know so he can confirm approximate numbers. Just turning up on the evening is ok too! The first round is on Kasson 🙂 Time TBD and more info below. Thanks!

#PubPDAsia is our regional branch of a worldwide movement in which educators across Asia gather at a local establishment at the same date and time to participate in a synchronous, thought-provoking, professional conversation. This conversation has a topic (which is moderated through a series of prompt)s by a regional rockstar. Schools connect in real time via Twitter to see each others’ ideas and add to the discussion.

NAT test schedule – Friday

G6-G12  8:20-8:40

G4           8:50-8:55

G2           8:55-9:00

G1           9:00-9:05

K2           9:25-9:30

G5           9:30-9:35

PKK1     9:40-9:45

G3          9:45-9:50

Happy Friday!

Facility Notice

Dear all,

Monthly Equipment Testing of Fire-fighting & Lockdown System on this coming Sunday (Nov 27th)  8:00am~4:00pm.
Please ignore the broadcasting, the alarming bell and the flickering blue lights during the period.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Facility Team


Are you looking for a volunteering opportunity to develop your creativity, communication, management and organizational skills?

TEDxOrganizers is for you.

Come today from 3:15 in D216. We are waiting!


Ms Kelly, Ms Sonya & Ms Ophelie

Pfrang Giving Tree Gift Card Sale

From now until the December break, the Pfrang Service as Action group will be selling gift cards for RMB 100 a piece (cash, WeChat, or Alipay) to benefit the 270 students sponsored by the Pfrang Association charity. Please consider supporting this worthy cause by purchasing a card from Nicole Cao, Lucy Kim, Alice Lee, Yeeun Min, Zhuoan Wu, Charlie Gu, Leo Lu, or Mr. Orteza. Cards are also available at the Pfrang table in the center foyer from 7:40-7:55, Wednesday to Friday. Important: If paying by QR code, please write “Giving Tree” in the “Add Note” or “Add Remarks” section so that the money will be credited to this project.



Global Citizen Diploma Stories

If  you don’t know how to share your GCD story, continue reading.

Here are some ways you can share your story  (there are others)

  • – you can tell your story (like an interview)
  • – you can make a PPT with or without audio *
  • – you can record yourself talking (video or audio) *
  • – you can write your story (like an essay) *
  • – interpretative dance

*  these will likely require editing, reshooting etc, whereas telling your story through an interpretative dance probably will not need any editing.

Contact Ms Anna for clarifications.

Deadline Dec 14th.


Volunteering, SA, GCD

G6-10 – Fill out your volunteering and SA entries on MB before Dec 14th, 4pm.

G9-12 – GCD stories must also be submitted:

Grade 12 – 10 stories + 1 project + 7 outcomes

Grade 11 – 6 stories + 3 outcomes

Grade 10 – 1 story

Grade 9 – 1 story

Scorekeepers Needed – Saturday, Dec 3rd

Basketball Scorekeepers for the NIS invitational on Saturday, December 3rd. Please sign up for a shift. Open to grades 7-11.

You must attend a short meeting at lunch to learn how to score keep. Choose Thursday, Dec 1 or Friday, Dec 2, Lunch 2 in D218.

Sign up NOW on SchoolsBuddy.

NAT test Thursday

8:25-8:30 PKK1

8:30-8:35  G5

8:35-8:40  G2

8:40-8:45  G3

8:45-8:50  G1

9:00-9:25  G6-G12

9:35-9:40  K2

9:55-10:00 G4


Are you looking for an opportunity to develop your creativity, communication, management and organizational skills?
TEDxOrganizers is for you.
Come today from 3:15 in D240. We are waiting!

Ms Sonya, Ms Kelly and Ms Ophelie