Year: 2024

Update – Thursday Secondary Earth Week

For Thursday, some students will need to leave class early and others will arrive to class a bit late. Updates to the map are marked in green.

Students will set-up from 11.30 am.

Kiosks will be “open” from 12 -13.20 pm.

Students will clean up and be back in class by 13.30.

If the students are doing any type of assessment, they need to stay in class.

Grades 6 & 7 MAP Testing Today, Grade 7 Again Tomorrow!

Hello Grade 6 & 7 MAP’ers,

Grade 7 Sections A & B will take their Maths MAP today in the LGR. 7C will test in Mr. Friedle’s room (D213) from 8:00am.

Grade 6 Sections A & B will take their Reading MAP today in the LGR. 6C will test in Mrs. Fisher’s room (D247) from 1:00pm


Grade 7 Sections A & B will take their Reading MAP in the LGR. 7C will test in Mr. Bennett’s room (D220) from 8:40am.

Here is the MAP Schedule for everyone’s reference. Thanks!

No Green Gym Pick-Up for Primary Today

A reminder that the Green Gym is not open for afternoon pick-up today. Parents have been asked to wait in The Center lobby instead. Pk – G2, please walk students to the lobby. G3 – 5 students should make their own way to the lobby.

Update on Earth Week – Wednesday

For Wednesday, some students will need to leave class early and others will arrive to class a bit late. Updates to the map are marked in green.

Students will set-up from 11.30 am.

Kiosks will be “open” from 12 -13.20 pm.

Students will clean up and be back in class by 13.30.
















In case the rain persists…..we will set up under the tents in front of the HUB construction.

Secondary Sports Day – Parents are Welcome

Hi Parents,

Please see below the schedule and some KEY information for the upcoming Sports Showcase Day

Morning (Blocks 1-4) will be before lunch on this day) This is Track and Field events with students striving to show/achieve their personal excellence in 3 events linked to their learning.

FIRST event starts at 08:30 which is the 6x200m House Relay

Afternoon (Block 5) will be a Grade Level house community event to be organised by the Student House Committee/interested Teachers.

  • Grade 6 and Advisors – Quad area (outdoor Table tennis tables)
  • Grade 7 and Advisors – Blue Gym
  • Grade 8 and Advisors – Grass Quad in front of the PAC
  • Grade 9 and Advisors – Football Field
  • Grade 10/11 and Advisors – Green Gym


  1. Come out to the field to watch the events (wearing your house shirt/colours)
  2. WATCH the student athletes and let them focus on their events
  3. HELP your Student Athletes to bring a HEALTHY snack and refillable water bottles (NO Breaktime)
  4. LUNCH is at 12:30
  5. After LUNCH go to your GRADE level location (above)
  6. 14:10 Closing ceremony in the BLUE gym


Event Schedule
Gr 6 Gr 7 & 8 Gr 9, 10 & 11
08:00 Homerooms/Classroom (attendance) 
8.10 Meet on the Field to warm up/introduce the sports day.
8.25 6X200M Relay (1 Boys/1Girls team per house with a representative from G6,7,8,9,10)
8.30 – 09.45 Long Jump/Triple Jump/High Jump Shot Put , HBT or Javelin Track Events and 4x100m
09:45 – 11.00 Track Events and 4x100m Long Jump and/Triple Jump/High Jump Shot Put or Javelin
11.00 – 12.30 Shot Put, HBT or Javelin Track Events and 4x100m Long Jump and/Triple Jump/High Jump
12:30 – 13.00 Lunch – MS/US EAT 12:30-13:00
13:00-14:30 All Athletes go to their house community event and closing ceremony

Parents we hope you can come and support our student athletes as they work towards showcasing their learning and strive for their personal best/excellence.

Mr Dutton and Mr Farrol

Secondary PE Classes on Thursday and Friday – MEET in the PAC Foyer.

Hi wonderful PE students,

On Thursday and Friday THIS week NIS is hosting the ACAMIS Badminton tournament.

PLEASE can you meet your teachers in the PAC Foyer/Drama Classroom at the start of your classes.

More information will be shared via ManageBac about these classes.

Be ready to work on one or more events linked to Sports Day and or your Seesaw Tasks.

Mr Dutton and Mr Farrol

Grade 6 & 8 Math MAP Today, Grade 6 & 7 Tomorrow!

Hello Grade 6 & 8 Mathematicians!

Grade 8 Sections A & B will take their Maths MAP in the LGR. 8C will test in Mr. Ibanez’s room (D340) from 8:00am.

Grade 6 Sections A & B will take their Maths MAP in the LGR. 6C will test in Mr. Harrold’s room (D219) from 1:00pm


Grade 7 Sections A & B will take their Maths MAP in the LGR. 7C will test in Mr. Friedle’s room (D213) from 8:00am.

Grade 6 Sections A & B will take their Reading MAP in the LGR. 6C will test in Mrs. Fisher’s room (D247) from 1:00pm

Here is the MAP Schedule for everyone’s reference. Thanks!

Secondary Earth Week

Please find attached the locations of the different service groups on the different days. Contact your Service Group Leader to find out which day you are responsible for your table.

Leavers’ Assembly TODAY!

Good morning all,

Please remember that the Leavers’ Assembly is today, starting at 10:35. Doors will open at 10:20. Teachers on BTT during break, please start moving all secondary students toward the PAC by 10:25 at the latest so that we can start on time.

Thank you!

No Green Gym Pick Up on Thursday/Friday

Due to the ACAMIS Badminton tournament, Primary students will not be able to be picked up from the Green Gym on Thursday and Friday afternoon this week. Children who usually go to the Green Gym should be taken/go to the lobby, where parents will meet them. I will inform parents. Can HR teachers also please communicate this to parents of children who are usually collected from the Green Gym.

GCD students to Hawaii!

Five students (Suin, Rosy, Kirsten, Lizzie and Jiansen) will be absent from school from Wednesday the 17th to Wednesday the 24th.

They are participating in the Common Ground Summit hosted by our sister GCD school in Hawaii.


New Activity for Secondary Students

G9-12 – Crossfit/Bodyweight Coaching

This group meets on Thursdays at 3.15 at the Fitness Centre.

The focus of this hour together is to learn how to use kettlebells and body weight to build strength without bulking up. You will practice good form and tone up. No previous experience is required, and everyone is welcome to learn this physical skill set for the rest of their life. Maximum 8 people. Sign up on SchoolsBuddy now. For grade 11s, this would count as Activity. For grades 9-11 this could be a part of your Wellness Story.