Category: Staff

TILT Skills today – Excel

Sessions are held in the Strategy Room (C115), starting at the beginning of Lunch (12:50), and running for about 30 minutes.

Wednesday, August 19 – Creating and Sharing Spreadsheets and Forms in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Thursday, August 20 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Friday, August 21 – Organizing your life with OneNote – Emily

Language Acquisiton

Use non-verbal cues (such as gestures, pictures and concrete objects) in your teaching to assist comprehension. Don’t assume that ELL/English B students understand what you are saying  (even if they act as if they do!). Ask questions to confirm.


PYP Student Council Elections

PYP Student Council Elections

Bella and Marthe-Sophie will work together with PYP Student Council this year. Student voices and choices will be heard!

Please kindly proceed to your class rep elections by Friday. There will be one rep per class for Grades 2, 3 and 4. There will be 2 reps per class for Grade 5. Please send Marthe-Sophie the names of your class rep by Friday morning.

We will send you further information about all the PYP class reps and place&time of our meetings.

Thank you.

MYP/DP Production Auditions

Performers beware!

The next MYP/DP Production is scheduled for November!

We are excited to announce that the production will be Scrooge! and is to be staged in a creative and unique way…. 

ANYONE in Grade 6-12 interested in performing in this year’s production is welcome to attend an audition. You do not need to be studying Drama…you do not need any previous experience…you only need the desire to perform.

Audition dates/time: Wednesday 26th August and Thursday 27th August lunch in the Theatre. Call backs Friday 28th and Monday 31 August lunch.

Please see Mr Brown or Ms Philip in the Black Box for an audition piece and further information.

Language Acquisition

Make sure that ELL/English B  students are seated where they can see and hear well. Provide them with maximum access to the instructional and linguistic input that you are providing. Involve them in some manner in all classroom activities. Make sure that ELL/English B students are not sitting in groups with the same home language.  Sitting in the same home language groups will make it easier for students to get off task. Time should be set aside in the lesson for stronger students to help weaker ones. This should not take up a major part of the lesson, so they do not need to be sitting next to each other. This will also minimise the time spent off task in the home language. Don’t separate and isolate students away from the rest of the class – physically or instructionally.

Sign up for TGIF bus by TODAY

Dear all,

You are all invited to this year’s first TGIF  in Laurie’s house at Top Regent on Friday Aug 21.

Please DO sign up for bus in the Staff Lounge  by 3pm Aug 18 today  if you want to take the bus.  The bus will leave school at 4.30pm on Friday Aug 21.

If you want to drive your own way, please find the map attached.


TGIF – map

The NIS Bulk SMS Test

Dear all,

The NIS Bulk SMS Test will be held on TUESDAY 18TH AUGUST 2015 AT 14.00h


If you do NOT receive this SMS test on your mobile phone, please check on the Veracross Web Page on the right hand side and click on  “Update my Household Profile”.

It is important that in the unlikely event of an emergency we are able to contact you.

If you still have a problem, contact

Community Activities Registration starts TODAY!

Now it is time for Community Activity registration. Here is how you can do it from Veracross:

1. Login Veracross Teacher portal: .

2. From School Report which is at right bottom side of the window, you will find “Community Activity Registration” link. Click on the link to launch the sign-up.

There are a lot of interesting activities such as Yoga, Pilates, Chinese, Basketball, Soccer…..

Screen shot 2014-08-18 at 11.01.13 AM

Sandra Fuchs
Community Activity Coordinator


Nanjing International School
phone: +86 25 85899111*3065
mobile: +86 1590 5165 217

RFG Christmas Market preparation

Calling North American Christmas/Holiday-folk! This year will be the first RFG Holiday Market!

-To bring some more Christmas spirit to our ex-pat life here in Nanjing
-To have a lot of fun

This is a call for people from North America to help out with building, choosing items to sell, sourcing, and selling.
There will be about 10 stalls, one which is for us, from NORTH AMERICA.

Dates: November 28, 29
Times: Current open times are 3pm -10pm Saturday and 3pm – 7pm Sunday
Stall Size: about 2.5m x 1.5m Stall Location: They will be lined up in RFG near to each other, like a German Xmas market

Please contact Tom Johnson if you would like to help with the North American stall
or Robin Marsh if you are keen to help with all things else.

TILT Skills today – iPads (Seesaw)

Seesaw is an iPad app that is an excellent area to create an ePortfolio.
Students from PreK and up are able to use this app.
Today’s session is intended mostly for PYP teachers and TAs.

Sessions are held in the Strategy Room (C115), starting at the beginning of Lunch, and running for about 30 minutes.

Tuesday, August 18 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Wednesday, August 19 – Creating and Sharing Spreadsheets and Forms in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Thursday, August 20 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Friday, August 21 – Organizing your life with OneNote – Emily

MYP/DP Theatre Crew Recruitment!

I am looking for 2 more MYP/DP students for the Theatre Tech Crew. The work includes lighting, sound and video projection. We are intrinsic to all theatre events including assemblies, school events, productions, dances, etc.

The right person will show flexibility, dedication, willingness to learn and an appreciation for quality and detail. Previous experience is not a necessity. On-the-job training will be provided.

Interested? Please come to the Black Box Thursday lunch 1:00pm.

Email Mr Brown if you have any queries.

PAC Bookings

The PAC is open for bookings! If you are planning an event in which the Theatre or other areas of the PAC are required, please ensure you have booked the space with me (Sam Brown). Drop me an email or come and see me in the Black Box.

The PAC is heavily used and there are already some weeks which are completely full…so don’t delay your booking.

EARCOS Workshops

The upcoming EARCOS teachers’ conference will be held in International School Manila, Philippines and the theme is “Innovating Arts and Motion”. This year’s strand is on: Physical Education, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Design Technology, Counseling, Technology and General Education Topics. A list of the Keynote speakers and special presenters are uploaded on the website. Please take a look: If you are interested in being a teacher or a counselor Presenter, please email me and I will send you all the necessary information. The deadline for the proposal is due by October 9th, 2015.

Please check the attachment or the website ( for the upcoming workshops.

EARCOS Workshop Information


Language Acquisition

The most important advice

* Make it comprehensible! *

If the teacher can shape the input that each of the ELL/English B learners receives at a level just above their level of comprehension – by modulation of the written and spoken language to which students are exposed, through appropriate classroom organization and careful choice of activities and tasks – then the teacher is creating the most favourable conditions for learning, not only to learn English but also to learn the subject content. This is on the assumption that the cognitive challenge of the activities is also just above the level of comprehension – or in what Vygotsky called the zone of proximal development.The tasks also needs to be interesting and relevant.

PYP Teachers – Pencil Case Q&A

Good morning PYP teachers,

It seems that there have been a few questions about student pencil cases.  I hope that this quick Q&A will help in this transition year. 

Q. Who automatically receives a new pencil case?

A.  We are providing pencil cases to new students only.  

Q. What should returning students expect?

A. Returning students should use the pencil cases from last year, and refill items were available for pick-up in the PYP LGR. 

Q. What if a returning student has a broken pencil case?

A. If students have a pencil case that is broken (broken zippers, ripped, etc) from last year, they may request a new pencil case through Zoe.  Please provide the broken pencil case to Zoe so that we can follow up with common problems with purchasing.

Q. What happens if returning students threw out their pencil case last year because they were broken?

A. If students have informed you that their pencil case was broken and thrown out last year, please ask them if they need a new pencil case.  Some students may opt to use a pencil case from home.  If students would like a replacement pencil case, an empty one can be obtained by Zoe.  Refill items will already have been taken collected from the stationery boxes in the PYP LGR. 

Q. How do I get the pencil cases I need from Zoe?

A. Send Zoe an email by 3:30pm Wednesday that clearly states your homeroom + how many pencil cases you need for each of the 3 houses for your class.  We will need to place an additional order.  You will be informed of their arrival as soon as possible. 

Thanks – have a great week,
