Category: Staff

Pop-up: What do I do?

Hi all, If you get the following pop-up requiring action:

Username: Please type in your first and last name (e.g. tomjohnson)
and then for your Password use your email password

How to Print Double Sided in Black and White Color from

From Word application, here is how you can print double sided in back and white color:

1. Start printing from word File Menu >> Print

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2. The printing setup window will open. Click on “Copies & Pages” to see more options and open “Layout”

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3. On the “Layout” page, turn on “Two-Sided” by choosing the way you want: “Long-Edge Binding” or “Short-Edge binding”. Now if you click on “Print” button you can print double sided.

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If you want to print in black and white, here is how: 

1. Start printing and from the printing setup window, click on “Layout”, find and open “Printer Feature” which is at the bottom of the list.

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2. Find the “Color Mode” from the “Printer Feature” window. Switch to “Black and White” color mode.  Print in Black and White, and save your printing money in your card.

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Save all your print setting and quickly get it next time:

1. Find the “Presets” from the printing setup window. It is usually under the printer.

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2. Save your printing settings. Next time, if you want to use the same settings again, you can get it all from “Presets”

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MYP/DP Schedule FAQ’s…

Q: Why does my schedule say that my homeroom teacher is my Humanities teacher?

A: You are in two groups. One is your advisory, led by your advisor (duh!). The second is your “Study Group,” which is the group of people you see in your Humanities, PE, and some other classes (AKA: 6B or 10A, etc.). Veracross says your HR teacher is the Humanities teacher of your study group. This is basically a tiny glitch we cannot work around (yet). Think of it this way: You have at least two people who love you!

Q: Do I need to know which “Study Group” I’m in (6B, 10A, etc.)? 

A: YES! This is how we will line up at fire drills!

Q: Why do Grades 7-9 have one random, unscheduled blank in their schedules?

A: This is not random at all; it’s “Life 101” (formerly known as Lifeskills). Why is it blank? Who knows? Will is stay blank? Maybe. Does it matter (because you now totally get that this is your “Life 101” block)? Not really.


Keep those questions coming!



TILT Skills today – PowerPoint Presentations – 1:00

These will be held in the Strategy Room (C115), starting at the beginning of Lunch, and run for about 30 minutes.
Friday, August 14 – Designing Presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint – Emily

Monday, August 17 – Creating and Sharing Documents in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Tuesday, August 18 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Wednesday, August 19 – Creating and Sharing Spreadsheets and Forms in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Thursday, August 20 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Friday, August 21 – Organizing your life with OneNote – Emily

We hope to see you there!

Any questions, let us know: tomjohnson or emilyjohnson

Language Acquisition

Should I let ELL/English B students talk in their native language in my classroom?

It depends! There are occasions where stronger students can quickly explain things in their home language to the less proficient – this frees the teacher from constantly needing to check. It is helpful if the lesson contains a number of natural breaks in which less proficient students can be helped to understand the important points made or task set, otherwise students have a tendency of giving simultaneous translations and this can be disruptive for the whole class. Discussing things in their home language will help students develop a deeper understanding of the topic.

SAT testing

I am looking for someone who has experience of SAT testing. We need a ‘secondary’ SAT coordinator. On October 3rd, a Saturday, we are due to run the SAT tests, but I shall be out of the country. If you have this experience and would like to help out, please let me know, asap. Thanks.


Contribution to Staff Social Club

Contribution to Staff Social Club – ONE contribution of RMB100 for overseas and RMB50 for host country to be taken directly from your Aug pay.  Social Club will use the fund to send flowers to colleagues who are either sick or celebrating an important event (e.g. birth of baby, marriage) and other social events.  For anyone doesn’t want to join, please email me ASAP. Thanks!

Best Wishes,

Updates: Amy Yang

Amy Yang will come to attend the MYP Assembly at 2:30PM Fri Aug 14.  She is going to receive the Certificate of over 10 Years Service together with other 15 colleagues.

We will also take this opportunity to send her our greetings for her birthday on Sat Aug 15.  I’ll put a birthday card in the Staff Lounge at lunch time today for all of us as her friends at NIS Community to sign.

Language Acquisition

MYP English B Phases

Phase 3

Phase 3 students understand and respond to simple spoken and written texts. They interact and share information in a limited range of familiar situations, using basic language appropriate to a limited range of contexts.

Phase 4

Phase 4 students understand and respond to a limited variety of spoken and written texts. They engage in conversation and write structured text to express their ideas, opinions and experiences in a range of familiar and some unfamiliar situations.

Phase 6

Phase 6 understand and respond to a variety of spoken and written texts. They engage in conversation and write structured texts in a range of contexts. They can communicate substantial information containing relevant and developed ideas.


At NIS we have a couple of students in some MYP grades who have not yet reached the standard of Phase 3, but who are assessed against the criteria for phase 3 and as such are on Veracross as phase 3 students. A list of these students will be distributed to the relevant teachers by the end of the week.

Smartboard Training Today!

These will be held in the Strategy Room (C115), starting at the beginning of Lunch, and run for about 30 minutes.

Thursday, August 13 – SmartBoards – Tom
Friday, August 14 – Designing Presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint – Emily

Monday, August 17 – Creating and Sharing Documents in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Tuesday, August 18 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Wednesday, August 19 – Creating and Sharing Spreadsheets and Forms in Microsoft 365 – Emily
Thursday, August 20 – iPads – Seesaw – Tom
Friday, August 21 – Organizing your life with OneNote – Emily

We hope to see you there!

Any questions, let us know: tomjohnson or emilyjohnson

New MYP/DP PAC Assembly Seating Plan

Hello Teachers,

Please find the attached seating plan for the PAC. Basically, each house gets 8 rows, 5 for 6-9 sections and 3 for 10-12 sections. It will be up to individual House advisors to sort out exactly where your lovelies sit within your section. There will not be enough rows for each advisory, so some creative thinking will be needed!

On Friday, it would be very helpful to stand beside your rows and direct your students to their seats. Feel free to coordinate ahead of time in today’s or Thursday’s advisory. This will be a good dress rehearsal as attendance will already be taken. I will publish the chart for students tomorrow. Thanks for your flexibility and extra thanks to Sam B.

New MYP Seat Plan-1