Category: Staff

Language Acquisition

Provide follow-up activities that reinforce vocabulary and concepts.

PYP Student Council

A gentle reminder to all of the members of our PYP Student Council: we meet every Wednesday at 1:20 in room C113.

Pevin from MYP/DP Student Council will come to talk to us this Wednesday about how we can communicate and collaborate better.

We apologize for our poor communication regarding our last Spirit Day.


MYP/DP FCD Assemblies Today!

Hello MYP/DP Students,

TODAY we will begin our annual visit by our friends from FCD (Freedom from Chemical Dependency). Please see below for the plan:

Grade 6-9 assembly 8:00-8:30am:  Report directly to the PAC BY 8:00am. Teachers, please head to the PAC to take attendance, then head back to class. Students only! At 8:30, students will head back to class.

Grades 10-12 assembly 8:40-9:10am: Report directly to class in the morning, then head to the PAC at 8:30am for an 8:40 start.

Thanks for your flexibility and see you then!

Language Acquisition

Avoid complex syntax in question prompts. Use simple sentences and separate out the actual task from the illustrative detail. For example, the second of these prompts is probably more readily understood than the first:

Explain why metals expand when they get warmer and contract when they get cooler, whereas water does the opposite.

Metals expand when they get warmer and contract when they get cooler. Water does the opposite. Explain why.


Language Acquisition

Have students create their own examples when trying to understand and remember a general concept. This not only helps students remember the concept better, but also helps them check their own understanding.

Check Public Area Reservations

Before you book the public areas, you might want to check what are other reservations on certain date and when it is available. You can go and get those information from Veracross:

1. Login Veracross Teacher Portal:

2. From “School Report“, please find and open “Public Area Reservations

You will get a reservation calendar and see what are reservations each day.

Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 2.23.27 PMScreen Shot 2015-11-05 at 2.56.38 PM


Grade 11 Extended Essay

Grade 11 you have begun your Extended Essay journey.

The first step is to decide on which subject you want to write your EE in or if you want to take our new and exciting World Studies EE.

You must speak to your subject teachers and come and see me. If you want to look at examples see the EE Edublog:

After that please write your proposal in Managebac and get the supervisor to approve it.

Deadline for choosing your EE subject is: November 13th.

The full timeline for the class of 2017 is attached.

Time frame for Extended Essay Class of 2017


Language Acquisition

Increasing wait time will give students a chance to process what they have heard and formulate answers in their mind. It is particularly helpful to repeat or rephrase questions that are in complex syntax or require more than simple answers.

Random Acts of Reading and Kids Read

Random Acts of Reading and Kids Read prep today, couches at the back of the library, 12:55.

Readers of all ages and languages are encouraged to come and share what you’ve been reading.


Friday Spirit Day

Just a reminder for all students that this FRIDAY will be the SECOND ANNUAL SPIRIT DAY. The THEME of this Spirit Day is going to be ‘’OPPOSITE DAY”. Now what does Opposite Day mean? Well, dress up exactly in an opposite way as you would dress up, students being dressed as teachers, dress as the opposite gender. Make sure to stick to the school dress code and HAVE FUN WITH IT!!

                                                          Be cool and dress yourself up for school. 

FCD visit next week

To: All staff

As part of our health education program and commitment to prevention and wellness, we have invited FCD Educational Services to visit our community from Monday 9th November to Thursday 12th. FCD is a non-profit organization that provides substance abuse prevention education for schools world wide.

During their visit, FCD Prevention Specialists will:
Promote awareness of addiction, including alcoholism, as a progressive, chronic, and often fatal disease
Empower students to make healthy, responsible choices regarding alcohol and other drug use
Educate students, parents, teachers, and school administrators on the physiological and psychological effects of alcohol and other drugs
Teach students and adults to recognize the early  warning signs of substance abuse and to intervene appropriately
Encourage and support the non-use of alcohol and other illegal or illicit drugs during the growing years.
Provide our community with the guidance and training necessary to implement comprehensive, effective approaches to substance abuse prevention

FCD Prevention Specialists are highly trained professionals who have achieved long-term recovery from alcohol or other drug addictions. This unique perspective enhances the credibility of their message and provides students with role models for happy, healthy, drug-free living.

Faculty members play an important role in prevention by encouraging ongoing teacher-student dialogue on the subject of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The FCD educators will conduct a faculty workshop to give us their  advice on ways to help our students enjoy a drug-free adolescence. They will also assist in helping formulate ideas to continue these dialogues throughout the year.

During class sessions, FCD facilitators will usually ask staff not to remain present. There will be a meeting with teachers on the Tuesday staff meeting and an opportunity to discuss further on Thursday 12th during Block 5. There is also a parent session on Wednesday evening at 6pm which, if you are also a parent, you would be welcome to attend.

Scott Langston and Kris Bezzerides
School Counsellors