Category: Staff

ETC 2016 & Field Testing

Dear All,

Attached is a flyer for the ETC 2016 coming up in March, 2016. Looks like an awesome list of wonderful speakers and workshop presenters! To make it even better, teachers at our school have also applied to present at ETC 2016! A part of the application process requires them to do a field test at school. In fact, the first field test is happening this Wednesday, October 14th during 2nd lunch. It will be great if you can come and listen to the presentation, and support your colleague.

On Week 11, there will be other field tests happening throughout the week. Please come and support your colleagues as they share about their presentations. I will send out a list of time and location soon!

Thanks so much!



Sit and Chat extra long during lunch this week!

In order to make duty times work during trip week, the G1-5 students need to stay in the cafeteria a little longer than usual after eating lunch. Please ask your students how they might stay seated and wait respectfully for the cue to leave from the supervising teachers. They will need to show some patience.

Thank you to Ms Neila and Ms Dorothy who will valiantly hold the cafeteria fort down until 12:55. Ms Eleanor, Ms Cherry, Ms Anna, Mr. Lockwood, Ms Debbie and Ms Jacqui W. will be ready for the second duty when the students file out of the cafeteria calmly and respectfully.

Arden out of school

Good morning,

I will be out of school from today though all of next week on an accreditation visit. PYP Teachers – have an inspiring week on campus; MYP/DP – safe travels on your Discover China adventures.


Fridge Emptying

Please empty the staffroom fridges of your food and drink by 2 pm tomorrow (Friday), since they will be used for Pfrang Day on Saturday. Thank you for your cooperation.

DP Biology/ESS Field Trip Oct 27-28

DP Teachers,

The ESS/Biology field trip has been rescheduled and will now take place on October 27th and 28th.

The following students will be absent on those days:

Erika F
Jung Min, C
Kyana G
Jaren J
Won Hee L
Elissa M
Noor O
Jannik S
Maristella W
Diana A
Brydie D
Elena K
Jisoo K
Tara M
Anna (Emma) S
Kirsty C
Jia Shu (Michelle) L
Solange M
William W

Thank you for your support.


Inter house Volleyball Results

Well done to everyone who took part in the Inter house Volleyball yesterday. It was a great event with some entertaining sport and close competition.

Congratulations to the winners: Xuanwu!

Results were as follows:

1st Xuanwu – won 4 lost 0

2nd Wutaishan – won 2 lost 2

3rd Taiping – won 0 lost 4

Many thanks to the referees Ms Weatherly and Mr Fischl.

The overall totals for the house competition now stand at:

Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 9.33.17 PM


Accreditation Preparatory Visit Schedule

I am attaching the schedule for the Accreditation Preparatory Visit. If you are named on this schedule you should already be aware of your meeting times. I am aiming for minimal disruption to school life but please be accommodating if there is a need for a small change to our working week as a result of this visit.

If there are clashes or issues that I have overlooked in this schedule please get in touch.

I would love to say that this is the final version but there will almost certainly be modifications in which case I will contact you if you are affected.

Many thanks for your support with this.

DRAFT Schedule_Preparatory Visit October 19

Inter House Volleyball Today

Come and support the Grade 9-12 students in their inter house volleyball competition at lunchtime today. 

Teams – remember to wear your house shirts.

Competition starts at 12.50 in the blue gym.


Language Acquisition

Provide written notes, summaries, instructions, and prereading

ELL/English B students may not be able to process oral information quickly enough to understand fully or to make their own meaningful notes; your notes can highlight key ideas, new words, etc; written instructions are particularly useful to students when homework or major projects are assigned.