Category: Staff

Vegetable Sale today in center foyer

Weather permitting, there will be another vegetable sale in the center foyer at 4 PM this afternoon.    (Wednesday May 27th).

The Green Team would like to apologize for mistakes made last week in the vegetable sale.
It turns out that the radishes were not very fresh. The Green Team knew that they were grown out of season but we had no idea that the radish tasted like wood.

As a gesture to our customers, the Green Team will offer free spices and herbs this afternoon.
Rosemary, coriander and mint will be freely available this afternoon to anyone who would like to spice up their dinner.

Pfrang Flower Vases

We are missing 19 of these vases that were used for the Pfrang Gala. Could you please return them to either my pigeon hole or to Kath’s? If you would like to buy it from the Pfrang community, it’s only about 20 rmb. Thanks,

Co-Planning & Co-Teaching

If you attended my PLT session on co-planning and co-teaching, you might be interested in this blog post by Grant Wiggins:

I am also attaching the PDF of Co-Teaching Models, created by the PYP ELL team.


Studio Headphones Missing

A pair of AKG K701 reference headphones, identical to the ones pictured below, are missing from the Design Centre studio control room.

Would the person or persons who removed them please return them immediately.


Announcement from U.S. Consulate General, Shanghai

Dear all,
Please find the announcement below from U.S. Consulate General, Shanghai.
U.S. Citizen Services Outreach in Nanjing: 
Do you have questions about passport services?  Emergency assistance from the U.S. Consulate?  What to do if I am arrested in China?  Are there any scams that I need to watch for?  Any other consular questions?
U.S. citizens living in or near Nanjing will have the opportunity for informal interaction with the Consular Officers from the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai.  Consular Officers will be available to answer your questions at the following time and location:
Time: 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM, May 28, Thursday
Location: MYP Large Group Room, Nanjing International School, Xue Heng Lu 8, Xian Lin College and University Town, Qi Xia District, Nanjing  (南京市栖霞区仙林大学城学衡路8)
·        Click here for print-out directions with a map.
·        Please follow the school policy to sign in and wear a visitor sticker.
·        We won’t be able to address visa questions since these are not visa officers.
Come chat with the Consular Officers!
American Citizen Services
U.S. Consulate General, Shanghai

Learning Support Area: Closed

Good morning,

Please note that the Hallway from the Grade 5 classrooms that leads past Learning Support to the PAC will be closed from today through the rest of the school year. Learning Support is now located in the PYP LGR.

Thank you,

Announced Lockdown Drill on Wednesday 27 May 2015

This is kind reminder for the scheduled Lockdown Drill @11.30am on Wednesday 27 May 2015.

Please find out the Procedure Form via your pigeonhole,and kindly return it with your feedback to reception desk after the drill.


PLT Presentations Tuesday May 26th

As a reminder Tuesday the 26th is our last PLT day of the year and a number of people have graciously agreed to present this day.  There are 6 presentations that are running simultaneously in each of three time slots.  Please select the presentation that most interests you for each of these slots.  The attachment has the schedule for the presentations with the presenters and locations.  A big thank you to the presenters for giving of there time so close to the end of the school year.   PLT Presentations – Tuesday May 26th

Games Games Games!

“For when the One Great Scorer comes
To write against your name,
He marks – not that you won or lost –
But how you played the Game.”

-Henry Grantland Rice

A reminder that the last game day will be held today in the foyer in front of the library. 1-1:30 for MYP and 1:30-2:00 for the PYP. Game On!

Bring your own or play one of ours!


Want to be the President or Vice President of NIS Student Council?

Just a reminder to all those interested in becoming the Present or Vice President of the NIS Student council for the 1015-16 school year, there will be a brief meeting in Mr. Langston’s office today (Friday, May 22nd) at the start of lunch  (1:00pm) to discuss the election process. Pairs of applicants must be current grade 9s or above and one person must have at least 1 year of student council experience. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow when all your questions can be answered.

Ms. Hansen & Mr. Langston

Loud Hallways in the MYP

Hello MYP teachers,

Could we please make sure to keep to the exam schedule and avoid dismissing blocks early? It is a challenge to say on top of the release times, but no doing so is causing noisy corridors while other students are still in the midst of assessment.

Please and Thanks!


Truth and Consequence for Grade 7 Boys

The Truth: A critical mass of boys in Grade 7 have not lived up to our behavior standards in the cafeteria.

The Consequences: Grade 7 boys are NOT permitted on the upstairs level of the Cafeteria until the end of the year. No exceptions.

Thanks to duty teachers for your help!

PYP Book Orders

Just a reminder that Book Club orders are due this Friday, May 22nd. We have LOTS of paper catalogs available in the library if any parents or students have expressed an interest.

May Book Clubs PYP