Category: Staff

Swim Gala Results

Well done to all the swimmers in Interhouse Swim gala yesterday. Congratulations to Taiping, overall winners. Xuanwu were second and Wutaishan third. Here are the results:

Screen Shot 2015-02-12 at 6.47.10 AM

INSET – lunch provided

Dear Colleagues, Please note that lunch is provided by the school for all 5 days of INSET. Please see the attached menu.
If you have specific dietary needs, please contact Annie at Chartwells before the end of this week.
Thank you,

Inset Week Lunch.pdf

February INSET schedule

Good morning,

Please see attached the schedule for INSET February 23-27. Special thanks to all conference session leaders, and to Amy Keus who designed the layout for the schedule and conference.

Have a wonderful Wednesday,

Feb INSET 2015.pdf

Shanghai Swim Meet – March 7th

On Friday March 6th, (Day 2) a group of PYP and MYP students will be traveling to Shanghai to represent NIS at the Shanghai Swim League Cup. They will be missing Block 5, I have attached a PDF list of their names, please check and contact myself or Danny C if you have any concerns. You should receive an OLF from them soon, if you could please follow this through it would be appreciated. PYP students may need some help from their home room teacher with this.
Thank you for you support and flexibility.
John H.

Tech Committee – Friday

Hello all,

Come and join us for our next “Tech Committee”- “New Literacies Teach-Meet”

What: A relaxed, sharing, spurring ideas group
Where: Design | Strategy Room (C115)
When: 1:10 – 2:00pm Friday, February 13, 2015
Who: All teachers, TAs, and staff are welcome
Why: To bounce ideas off one another.
How: Please pick up your lunch and bring it along.  Feel free to drop in late if you pass by and see us chatting.
To Share: Please add items here –

  • Do you use interesting programs, subscriptions, or online resources in class that you would like to share with others?
  • How about an app that would be useful for learning or life?
  • Do you employ techniques for teaching that others should know about?
  • Are there things you would just like to share?

C&S Opportunity During CNY

Are you facing a long and cold Chinese New Year at home? Have all your friends gone away on the ski trip? Would you like to help someone and improve their life? Well don’t hesitate, contact Mr Marsh before Thursday for details to find out how you can help out this holiday by simply giving up a little time to entertain/be entertained by a 3 year old in our community who has just recently lost all his belongings. It may be in the morning and/or the afternoon and will help put a smile on the faces of 2 members of our community.
Thank you in advance for your support

Robin Marsh
Product Design Teacher robinmarsh
Nanjing International School
ph 86 25 85899111 / Fax +86 25 85899222
NIS: Inspiring International Mindedness, Personal Excellence, Creative Thinking

NIS Code of Conduct

Dear Colleagues,
Please see the updated Code of Conduct based on teacher feedback. This will be discussed at the Mar 24 whole school faculty meeting, and then prepared for signing shortly thereafter.

NIS Code of Conduct.pdf

Wutaishan – House Meeting

Warriors! We will have a pre-swim gala house meeting in my classroom at lunchtime on Tuesday 10th February.  This will be an opportunity for you to find a way to support your house during the swim gala on Wednesday.

Attendance is compulsory – the meeting will only be for 10 minutes.

Come to room D220 at 12.30.

Go Warriors!!

WuTaiShan logo w warriors arc 2


After School Activities

Cycle 2 ASAs will finish on Friday March 13th. Currently we are putting together cycle 3 ASAs based on the survey monkey teachers completed at the beginning of the year. When we have the ASA catalog finished I will publicise it so that you are aware of your ASA commitment. If any teacher would like to change their ASA you are welcome to contact me, and if any teacher not scheduled to do an ASA in cycle 3 would like to do so, you are also welcome to contact me. More info will follow the week after CNY.