Category: Student

Alice in Wonderland Rehearsals

Dear Cast,

See below extra rehearsals for this week!

Monday lunchtime 12:30-1:00: All Flowers in the Design Centre

Monday lunchtime 12:30-1:00: Duchess, Cook, Alice, Cat in the Theatre

Tuesday lunchtime 11:30-12:00: Hatter, Hare, Dormouse, Alice in the Theatre

Wednesday lunchtime 12:30-1:00: All Flowers in the Theatre

Friday lunchtime 12:30-1:00: Wonderland Ensemble in the Black Box

New York Times subscription

Congrats! As a student or faculty member at NIS, you have access to 

The New York Times. Get started by following these easy steps:

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Contact Ms. Romero with any questions!

Thank You Primary Students

I would like to say thank you to all of the Primary Students for helping our guests feel welcome this past weekend during the ACAMIS Volleyball Tournament. They all loved your signs (and map) so much, they took pictures with them.

Film Crew on Campus Today

Hello All,

Please be advised that there will be a film crew on campus today. No need to do anything differently; just be your usual, wonderful selves. Please see Mr. Bueschlen with questions. Thanks!

Service as Action Gardeners

Meet in the Drama classroom, C154, tomorrow, Tuesday, after morning break to get ready to work in the garden. Do NOT go to D204.

Questions? See Ms. Moen or Mr. Shane.

ISNAC Football Roster

Teachers, the following students from Primary and Secondary will be leaving at lunch time for their ISNAC Football Festival games. Those on cafeteria BTT, please allow them to eat Lunch 1 so that they have a proper meal before getting on their buses. Thank you.

Noreen Cai,

Tilda Grossschmidt,

Esther Jansen,

Ellie Bae (Gyuri) ,

Hedy Hao ,

Billie Bradley

Gaon Lee (Elly)

Chan, George

Dai, Zhisong

Farnham, Theodore

Hong, Sungmin (Simon)

Kim, Eunseong

Kim, MinJun

Lee, Changhyeong

Lee, Eunseong

Lee, Sangjun

Lee, Sangmin

Li, Mars

Ma, Ivan wenhao

Park, Chan Heum (Tony)

Park, Dohyun

Tregambe, Edoardo

Tregambe, Federico

van Nunen, Felix

Wang, Haoqi (William)

Charlotte Brady

Pauline Jansen

Gianna Brown

Aila Adam

Sarah Shean

Dani Ramos

Qiqi Dai

Ziza Landry

Yoonseo Heo

NISSAC Students Out Thursday & Friday

Teachers, the following students are NISSAC members and will be volunteering during the entirety of the ACAMIS Volleyball Tournament. They will not be attending classes. If you absolutely must have them during your class during these days, please let them know so that they can make sure that they find cover for their responsibilities. Thank you all for your flexibility and support for this event.


Ahn, SooJin
Ahn, YooJin
Cao, Nicole
Chen, Stephanie (Effie)
Gong, Na Yeong
Hyun, Sujin (Irene)
Jeong, HyoBin (Jane)
Lee, Da Eun (Jen)
Lee, Ho Yun (Alice)
Lee, Yeeun (Jenny)
Lim, Yerin
Loo, Geonha
Oh, Haju
Oh, Suin
Park, Sohyun
Reid, Daniel
Romero, Elizabeth (Lizzie)
Zhang, Tian Yu (Anna)


Volleyball Players Out of Class Thursday & Friday

Teachers, the following students are members of our ACAMIS Volleyball teams and will be out of school during the entirety of the ACAMIS Volleyball Tournament. They will not be attending classes. Thank you all for your flexibility and support for this event.


Miranda, Guilherme M
Grade 9 Cetin, Mete M
Grade 12 Jung, Seongmin M
Grade 11 Roberts, Sherlock M
Grade 9 Zhuo, Steven M
Grade 9 Dean, Tom M
Grade 9 Li, XiaoRan Lucas M
Grade 9 Zhu, Yichen Eason M
Grade 9 Du, Yixuan Eason M
Grade 11 Loo, Geonha M
Grade 11 Lam, Cheuk Him M
Grade 9 Buddy, Matthews M
Grade 9 Fan, Yuchen F
Grade 9 Heckelmann, Jessica F
Grade 9 Pizzolito, Agatha F
Grade 10 Romero, Elizabeth Lizzie F
Grade 11 Grinberga, Linda F
Grade 12 Bartholomew, Sophie F
Grade 9 Lee, Yena F
Grade 9 Zhang, Yiqing Emily F
Grade 11 Wu, Yuxian  Yoyo F
Grade 11 Grossschmidt, Carolina F
Grade 9 Grossschmidt, Malin F


ACAMIS Volleyball on Friday

Teachers and Students, I am overwhelmed and excited about the number of classes that want to come to watch our girls’ first game on Friday morning at 8:15. We have reached capacity by end of day Tuesday, so I cannot accept any more Advisories on Wednesday. Those of you coming, I ask for a few items from students, in particular, to remember.

  1. The Green Gym will be pretty full, so please be courteous to all those around and both teams competing. When you enter, take a seat near the court on which the game is taking place or stand further back. As you will be on the boys’ court watching the game, please stay away from the net and make sure you and no one around pull on it. That can damage it and create delays to the tournament.
  2. Please DO NOT  bring backpacks to the gym as that will create clutter in an already crowded environment. Be patient and be kind to those around you.
  3. Cheer loud and positive. All six teams playing have sacrificed their time for their team. They deserve our respect.

Thank you and I look forward to an exciting and loud start to the Friday games

TV Crew On Campus Today

An FYI to all that a film crew from Jiangsu TV will likely be on our campus today. No need to do anything but be our usual inclusive, creative, internationally-minded, excellent selves! Please see Mr. McLellan, Mr. Bratton, or Mr. Bueschlen with questions. Thanks!

Grade 11 JEDI Session Today 12:00pm LGR

Hello Grade 11 students,

A reminder that your are on for a session in LGR hosted by our fabulous consultants in relation to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. This is happening from 12:00pm SHARP, so please eat lunch from 11:30am and plan to be on time.

Many thanks!

Please vote! NIS artworks in the EUCCC Art Competition

Please vote for our NIS artists!

We have been invited by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) to participate in the 10th annual Corporate Social Responsibility Awards this year and the theme is on the “impact of sustainable economic, environmental, and social development on rural China”.

3 of our amazing students have submitted artworks. Please see all entries by clicking on the link below. There are 2 categories, you may vote up to 3 artworks in each category – voting ends Oct. 31st @ 18:00

Scan the QR code to vote:

Here are our 3 finalists to vote for – please congratulate them in person as well:

Sofia (G12) – #26

Yena (G9) – #25

Harin (G7) – #24