Category: Student

Grade 12 EE Intensive

For the final three weeks before the Extended Essay is due my classroom will be available to all grade 12 students at lunchtime to work on your Extended Essay. This is an open invitation to all of grade 12.

If you would like to come along, please can I ask that you wither bring your lunch with you or you go and get lunch and then come along within the first 15 minutes.

First session is today, Tuesday 17th November.

All welcome.



Green Team Vegetable Sale: Wednesday 4:00 PM

The Green Team will be hosting our second vegetable sale this Wednesday at 4:00 PM (as long as the weather cooperates with us!)

Last sale went fast, so get there on time!  We will have fresh organic salad mixes available (10RMB each) and everything else 5 RMB which includes white radish and kong xin cai (water spinach).   Possibly some carrots, micro radishes, tomatoes (ripe or green) and other various veggies that we will pick on the day.


For your information, the money raised helps us buy new tools, more organic fertilizers and seeds.

TedxYouth@NIS This Sunday!

TedxYouth@NIS This Sunday!!!!!!!!

How old will you be in 2035? What will you be wearing? TEDYouth 2015 is an opportunity for you to think about the world in 2035, and to engage with experts who consider the corners of our intangible imagination to be the foundation for our potential future reality.


Where? The Design Centre, THIS Sunday, 15th November 2015, for the trip of a lifetime! Destination 2035! Parents Welcome :)
Kick off 10am. Three mind-blowing session, each one jammed with amazing orators. sessions: 10.00-11.30; 12.00 – 13.30; 14.00 – 15.30.

Get there early to reserve your beanbag!
Triona Ryan

MYP/DP Assembly Today!

Hello MYP/DP Students,

If you are reading this on Friday morning, STOP AND GET TO THE PAC! You have an assembly TODAY!

Last one is a rotten egg.

Eco Team Success

Very excited and proud to announce that Cosima and Sophie were awarded the European Chamber Corporate and Social Responsibility Award in the category of Sustainable Growth and Environment Protection, for their presentation about ‘Earth Hour’ at NIS. The trophy is on display in the Centre foyer-please let it be a reminder that we all have the power to improve the state of the planet. We just need the will and empathy. Look our for exciting news of what you can do to show the world’s governments you care about global warming.

SCISAC Volleyball starts next week

As the SCISAC Soccer comes to an end this weekend with the tournament here at NIS, we replace it immediately with SCISAC Volleyball. This is for Gr8-9 students (Age 13 or 14 on 1 Sep 2015) and practices will be on Mondays and Wednesdays 3.15 – 4.15 for the girls and Tuesdays and Thursdays 4.20 – 5.50pm for the boys. The tournament will be in Xiamen on 25 – 28 Feb. Sign up now on Veracross and come to the gym on Monday(girls) and Tuesday (boys).

TedxYouth@NIS This Sunday!

How old will you be in 2035? What will you be wearing? TEDYouth 2015 is an opportunity for you to think about the world in 2035, and to engage with experts who consider the corners of our intangible imagination to be the foundation for our potential future reality.


Where? The Design Centre, THIS Sunday, 15th November 2015, for the trip of a lifetime! Destination 2035! Parents Welcome :)
Kick off 10am. Three mind-blowing session, each one jammed with amazing orators. sessions: 10.00-11.30; 12.00 – 13.30; 14.00 – 15.30.

Get there early to reserve your beanbag!
Triona Ryan

Xmas at RFG – C&S / CAS Helpers wanted Nov 27th, 28th and 29th

The Organisers of the Xmas at RFG on Saturday Nov 28th and Sunday Nov 29th would like some helpers. I expect signups for these opportunities will open on Friday this week at 0800am. There will be opportunities for:

Friday 3.30 – 6.00pm (G6-11)

Sat 3.00 – 6.30pm (G6-11)

Sat 6.30-10.00pm (G8-11)

Sun 3.00 – 7.00pm (G6-11)