The Talent show is coming!
Just a reminder that the 2015 Talent Show auditions will be this Thursday (15th) and Friday (16th) at lunch. If you think you’ve got talent, then come on over and show us! Music and Singing will be in the Music Room and dance, theater, or other performances will be in the Black Box. We’re excited to see you there! More information about sign ups to follow.
PM2.5 Readings in Week19
Hi Dears, please see attached PM2.5 data updates from Facility Team.
Coming soon…
Grade 10 will be open for business!
Grade 10 Humanities students will open their businesses next week on Monday to Thursday in the foyer outside the library. This year’s theme is HEALTH. They will be selling a variety of healthy foods but there will also be some non-food businesses such as hats, posters, aroma therapy bracelets and nail and massage treatments.
Make a note of the date and watch out for the promotions coming out this week.
Gr5 & 6 Junior CISSA Volleyball
Sign ups are now open on Veracross for Junior CISSA Volleyball for Gr 5 – 6 girls and boys. Practices are Mondays and Wednesdays starting next Monday (19th Jan)
Teachers’ buses next year
There will be a meeting Wednesday 14th January at 12:50 in the Drama Classroom to discuss issues pertaining to the teacher bus next school year. We will discuss some possible solutions following an initial meeting before the Winter Break. All are welcome, but this is particularly for staff members who use the school bus and/or whose children use the bus.
Teachers’ buses next year
There will be a meeting Wednesday 14th January at 12:50 in the Drama Classroom to discuss issues pertaining to the teacher bus next school year. We will discuss some possible solutions following an initial meeting before the Winter Break. All are welcome, but this particularly for staff members who use the school bus
Inter house spelling competition
On Thursday the 15th of January we will be holding the inter house spelling competition. Your house needs 2 boys and 2 girls from grade 6-8 and 2 boys and 2 girls from grade 9-12 who are keen to compete in a new and improved spelling competition. We have revised the previous format and instead of an individual effort you will be working in house teams to topple the opposition. Contact your house leaders and/or captains.
Tabletennis and Chess ASAs- Vacancies
There are some vacancies in the Tabletennis G6-12 ASA on Tuesday and the Chess G6-12 ASA on Wednesday. Please email me if you would like to join.
CISSA Badminton – more Gr6-8 boys places now available
As we did not fill all the girls available places we have now some spaces opened up for boys from Gr6-8. First come first served, based on veracross sign ups so if you want to take part, sign up on veracross today.
Lost History Book
Kyana Ghani in Grade 11 has lost her History notebook. It is black, wire bound with lots of handwriting!! Please contact me or her if you think you know where it is.
NIS MUN Runners Needed – Sat Jan 31st and Sunday Feb 1st – C&S Opportunity
NIS will hold the ACAMIS MUN on Sat Jan 31st and Sunday Feb 1st and we need some “runners”. The basic task of runners is to carry messages between delegates and various meeting rooms. If you would like to be part of this high level event and get in early to get some C&S points please register on the C&S / CAS registration link. Limited places available.
Poet Laureate Launch
A reminder that the Inaugural Poet Laureate meeting will be held today at lunchtime in D341.
Bring your lunch, creative ideas and, if you have them, examples of the poetry you’ve written in the past.
See you there!
Friday Assembly: A New Era is Born…
This Friday, January 9th 2015, the NIS MYP/DP will usher in a new era in assembly planning and execution.
Our Mission: To avoid running over time.
Our Goal: Happy Block One teachers.
Our Dream: 60 minutes of uninterrupted learning each and every Friday AM.
The Plan:
Students-Please put your bags in your locker and report directly to the theatre. No homeroom required! Why not help your hardworking HR teacher but sitting together with your fellow “Homeroomies” to make attendance a breeze. Late? Check in with the nurse, put your bag in your locker, and get to the assembly! We believe in you.
Teachers-Please remember to bring your laptop to the theatre to take attendance. Your little angels will be sitting together eager to be counted.
Thanks for your flexibility, can-do attitude, and willingness to participate in this epic undertaking. If this works, we’ll do it again. If it doesn’t work, we’ll fix it. If it really doesn’t work, we’ll bin it. Risk takers unite!
CISSA Senior Boys Volleyball
Please note that the practices for this will now be on Wednesdays and Thursdays 3.15 – 4.15pm for the next 4 weeks. After this, the Wednesday session will change to Monday 4.20 – 5.30pm. This is to ensure that those participating in badminton and swimming can also do volleyball. Sign up on veracross and come to the first practice today (Wed).
CISSA Girl Badminton players wanted
There are still some spaces available in the CISSA Girls Badminton team for Grades 6 – 8. If we do not fill the spaces by this coming Friday we will open the remaining spaces up to the boys.