Switch-off Facts
- Author By opheliehau
- Publication date April 17, 2023
- Categories: •Parent, Staff, Student
Hello Grade 8, 9, and 10’s,
Here is the MAP plan for today:
Grade 10: Go directly to the Centre LGR upon arrival for am 8:00am start
Grade 9: Go directly to the Main LGR upon arrival for am 8:00am start
Grade 8: Head to the Centre LGR after lunch for a 1:00pm start
Here is the MAP plan for Tuesday
Grade 10: Go directly to the Centre LGR upon arrival for am 8:00am start
Grade 9: Go directly to the Main LGR upon arrival for am 8:00am start
Grade 8: Head to the Centre LGR after break for a 10:30am start
Please see this schedule for details.
A reminder to please check the schedule, ensure you have the most recent version of the MAP browser, and arrive with a charged laptop and brain. Getting good sleep and eating a nutritious breakfast is always a good idea! As always, give your best effort to show what you know!
Ps. Grades 6 and 7, you are up on Thursday and Friday. Details in tomorrow’s bulletin!
Good morning,
2 of our Grade 5 inquirers are looking to collect some data to support their Exhibition learning. If you have 5 to 10 minutes to spare, please respond to one or both of these student surveys:
Ezra from 5B
I am Ezra. My survey is about masks, and how people use them before and after 2020.
Soomin from 5A
Soomin’s survey is about exercise. She is investigating barriers to accessing exercise.
Many thanks!
The Grade 5 Team
Hello Grade 8, 9, and 10’s,
Here is the MAP plan for Monday:
Grade 10: Go directly to the Centre LGR upon arrival for am 8:00am start
Grade 9: Go directly to the Main LGR upon arrival for am 8:00am start
Grade 8: Head to the Centre LGR after lunch for a 1:00pm start
Please see this schedule for details.
A reminder to please check the schedule, ensure you have the most recent version of the MAP browser, and arrive with a charged laptop and brain. Getting good sleep and eating a nutritious breakfast is always a good idea!
As always, give your best effort to show what you know!
The Student Leadership Team will meet today in blocks 4 and 5 in D243. 14 students from Grades 10- 12 will be absent from class. Apologies for the disruption.
Hello Secondary Students,
It’s time to demonstrate your amazing growth in Reading and Maths with our Spring MAP tests, happening next week.
Grades 8, 9, and 10 will complete testing on Monday and Tuesday, with Grades 6 and 7 on Thursday and Friday.
Please see this schedule for details.
All testing will take place in the Centre LGR (like last time) except for Grade 9, who will test in the Main LGR across from the G11/12 lounge.
To prepare, please check the schedule, ensure you have the most recent version of the MAP browser, and arrive with a charged laptop and brain. Getting good sleep and eating a nutritious breakfast is always a good idea!
As always, give your best effort to show what you know!
Please make sure you give IT to your Trip Leader. Do not put it on a desk. You must give it to the Trip Leader. Do not put it on a desk. The travel document goes from your hand to theirs. Do not put it on a desk. We are collecting 297 travel documents today.
If you can’t find your Trip Leader, please hand IT in the Activities Office where Mr Clarke, Ms Vicki, Ms Shanshan or Ms Anna will be. You must give your document to a PERSON. Do not put it on a desk.
The first grade level that brings in all their travel documents could get a prize!
Please vote for your favorite Talent Show performance using this link:
Voting will close by 4:30 pm on Friday, March 31, 2023. The winners will be announced at our next Assembly.
Would you like to be the MC for the TEDxYouth@NIS event this year?
When: Thursday April 13th (Rehearsal) and Saturday April 15th (Event)
Where: PAC
What: Introduce the speakers by sharing a little bit about them and their talk (20-40 seconds per speaker)
Who: Someone who is confident, likes speaking in public, willing to come to the rehearsal and be present during the event.
If you are interested, please let Ms.Sonya, Ms. Kelly, or Ms. Ophelie know by Friday.