Category: Student

Volunteers in G10 Needed

We need your brains, experience, creativity and patience!

4-6 students are needed to show the younger MS students how to fill out MB.

You will need to commit to 5 out of the 6 sessions – Fridays, lunch 2.

APA Developmental Rubric & Manual

Teachers & students,

I’ve attached the newest NIS APA Research and Style Manual (shared last year). It gives recommendations on how to format papers and reference lists and has examples of the most common references our students use.

The APA Developmental Rubric is taken from the Manual and was created for teacher use. It shows when skills are introduced and when students are expected to master them.

Developmental Rubric – APA


As always, I am available to help by either email or in the library!

Grade 7 MAP Test Today

Hello Grade 7,

Today during Blocks 3 and 4 you will take you MAP Maths tests in the following locations:

                -7A D240 (Ms. Holmes’ Room)

               -7B D215 (Ms. Beck’s  Room)

               -7C D218 (Mr. Clarke’s Room)

Please come directly from Break with a charged laptop and positive mental attitude for the final MAP test of this session!

🔔🔔🔔Latest risk level alert(November 1) and official link for query of risk level🔔🔔🔔

By November 1, there were 2 high-risk area, 28 medium-risk areas.

High Risk Area (2)

Erjinaqi city, Alashan, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (1)

Dalaihubu Town

Beijing City (1)

Hongfuyuan community, Beiqijia Town, Changping District

Medium Risk Area (28)

Beijing City (1)Senlindadi Jiayuan, Dongxiaokou Town, Changping District

Huhehaote city, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (2)

Huaqiaoxincun compound, Xincheng DistrictBishuilanshan compound, Jinchuan development zone

Zunyi city, Guizhou Province (2)

Renheyuan compound, Huichuan District; Dofangxiangjiangwan compound

Rizhao city, Shandong Province (1)

Xuefuyihao compound, Hongning community, Wulian county

Erlianhaote city, Xilinguole, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (3)

Xilin Community Xicheng Community Eren Community

Alashanzuoqi, Alashan, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (1)

Xinhua subdistrict, Bayanhaote Town

Chengguan District, Lanzhou city, Gansu Province (3)

Yunxiang CompoundTianqinglishe CompoundHudong Compound

Zhangye city, Gansu Province (2)

JinxiujiayuanLongwangmiao Compound

Yinchuan city, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (3)

Taiyangdushi Huayuan compoundWuhuaxingzhouyuan compoundSenlinbandao compound

Harbin, Heilongjiang province (3)

Green New Town West Area

Phase I of international Flower Capital

Evergrande Times Square One

Heihe, Heilongjiang (6)

Changhai Community Shengtai community

People insurance property insurance community forestry fund-raising building community

Luyuan Spring community hongzhi small area

Bowen community Changhui Dian city district

Bowen community Shangpin Jiayuan district

Changhai community in 76 building community

Shangrao City, Jiangxi (1)

Ge xian shan Town

Overseas (except Macao) are still all high-risk areas.Official



内蒙古自治区 阿拉善盟 额济纳旗(1):


北京市 昌平区 北七家镇(1):



北京市 昌平区 东小口(地区)镇 (1):


内蒙古自治区 呼和浩特市 新城区 (1):


内蒙古自治区 呼和浩特市 金川开发区 (1):


山东省 日照市 五莲县 (1):


贵州省 遵义市 汇川区(2):



内蒙古自治区 锡林郭勒盟 二连浩特市(3):




内蒙古自治区 阿拉善盟 阿拉善左旗(1):


甘肃省 兰州市 城关区(3):




甘肃省 张掖市 甘州区(2):



宁夏回族自治区 银川市(3) :




黑龙江哈尔滨市 (3




黑龙江黑河市 (6







江西上饶市 (1


Winter Concert

Reina and Sherry are looking for students to perform in this year’s Winter Concert.  Please see their advertisement below.


ManageBac Monday Part 2

We have had a super busy weekend with over 80 students volunteering for the Football Tournament, the Student Council Haunted House & Octopus Games and finally the PTA Autumn Festival.

Thank you. With your help, these events can take place. Your commitment & perseverance (long hours, hot weather, crowds), your ability to collaborate (with students, parents and teachers) and initiate & plan (organise and execute the plans) allows our school to host these amazing community events on our beautiful campus. These experiences may have challenged you or strengthen your existing skills. We also thank you for being ethical. You purchased your ticket and worked your shift and joined in on the fun and games when you were not working. Finally, the global significance of our events mirrors some of the UN SDGS.

Uploading Volunteering Experience to MB

The deadline for experiences to be uploaded (description, reflections and evidence) is December 15th at 4pm.

Last week I posted Part 1. Here is Part 2:






























Hi students, parents and teachers, we’re collecting materials for a service project and we need your help!

If you have:

-useless/unused candles

-burned out candles

-empty candle holders

Please put them in the box near the PTA desk in the Centre Foyer. It’ll really help us a lot!

Thank you!!

Old Cosmetics

Hello, we are Yeeun Min and Minji Kim (G9) from Cosmetic Art Team (CAT) of Service as Action.

The main focus of our project is to recycle the cosmetics that you don’t use anymore. We are going to create usable items through a painting and drawing using cosmetics that you have donated to us.

WE NEED COSMETICS! We would be grateful if you can bring us any cosmetics that you don’t use anymore. Please drop them off in the box outside D229.

Required: Blush, lipstick, lipliner, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow, mascara, etc.

Not Required: Suncream, face cream, moisturizers, etc.

We are looking forward to your kind donation😊

Best Regards,

Cosmetic Art Team

Autumn MAP Testing Grand Finale

Over the next two days we plan to wrap up a successful autumn MAP session.

Wrap-Up/Make-Up Testing: This morning all Secondary students in need of wrap-up/make-up should report to the LGR. These students have been contacted via email from Mr. Bratton. Block One teachers are also aware.

Grade 7 MAP Maths: Grade 7 students will have their MAP Maths test tomorrow (Tuesday) during Blocks 3 and 4. We will plan to test 7A, 7B, and 7C in separate locations this time. Mr. Bratton will message students directly once these locations are confirmed. In the meantime, be sure to get a good sleep tonight and charge those laptops!

Primary: The MAP final make-up session for Primary students is happening today at 9:00am with Mr. Jacobson.

Please let Mr. Bratton know what questions you have. Many thanks to everyone for your efforts!

Grade 10 MAP Testing Today, Make-Ups Monday, Grade 7 Tuesday

Grade 10 MAP testing is happening this morning after Extended Advisory in the LGR. Please bring along a charged laptop and a positive mental attitude for your penultimate MAP session!

MAP Make-Up testing for all Secondary Grades will happen on Monday during Block One and Block Two in the LGR. Students in need of additional time will be contacted by Mr. Bratton.

The Grade 7 MAP assessment that was postponed yesterday is now planned for Tuesday during Blocks 3 and 4. More information on locations to come on Monday.

Keep up the great effort!

Autumn Festival – Haunted House

This Sunday, Oct. 31 – Haunted House at the Autumn Festival 3:30-6:30

This Sunday is the Autumn Festival and the Secondary Student Council will be hosting a Haunted House and the 1st Annual Octopus Games on the field. Some of you may already be volunteering – thank you for your support – we hope the rest of you can join us on Sunday, Oct. 31 from 3:30-6:30. All Primary and Secondary students are welcome to visit the Haunted House and participate in the Octopus Games.

Secondary Student Council

PTA Autumn Festival – Buy a ticket!

Buy your ticket for the PTA Autumn Festival! 50 rmb – cash only

They will be on sale outside the library at lunch today (Thursday).

Remember: Student volunteers must also buy tickets.

Last chance! Don’t miss out on the fun this Sunday, October 31 from 3:30-6:30pm.