Category: Student

Old Cosmetics Needed

Hello, we are Yeeun Min and Minji Kim (G9) from Cosmetic Art Team (CAT) of Service as Action.

The main focus of our project is to recycle the cosmetics that you don’t use anymore. We are going to create usable items through a painting and drawing using cosmetics that you have donated to us.

WE NEED COSMETICS! We would be grateful if you can bring us any cosmetics that you don’t use anymore. Please drop them off in the box outside D229.

Required: Blush, lipstick, lipliner, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow, mascara, etc.

Not Required: Suncream, face cream, moisturizers, etc.

We are looking forward to your kind donation😊

Best Regards,

Cosmetic Art Team

Grade 8 and Grade 7 MAP Testing Today

Hello Energetic 8’s and Super 7’s,

Grade 8 is up this morning for their Reading MAP from 8:00am in the LGR. Mr. Bratton will take attendance, so please head there directly with a charged laptop and a positive mental attitude.

Grade 7 is then up after lunch for their Maths MAP from 1:00pm in the LGR. Charged laptop and PMA also required!


Ps. Grade 1o, you will finish tomorrow morning after Extended Advisory in the LGR with your Reading test. Get a good night sleep and eat a nutritious breakfast!

Pss. All Secondary Make-Up Tests will happen on Monday. More details to come in tomorrow’s bulletin.

Two Birds, One Stone

Join the GCD steering committee

Come share your Leadership skills! Or maybe you want to gain experience in leadership, management or collaboration? Join the GCD Steering Committee! The Global Citizen Diploma Steering Committee is recruiting grade 9 and 10 students!

This experience can be counted as volunteering and your can also use this to write one of your GCD stories.

We meet Tuesdays, Lunch 1.

To join, click on the link to answer a REALLY short survey.

Autumn Festival – Haunted House

This Sunday! Oct. 31 – Haunted House at the Autumn Festival

This Sunday is the Autumn Festival and the Secondary Student Council will be hosting a Haunted House and the 1st Annual Octopus Games on the field. Some of you may already be volunteering – thank you for your support – we hope the rest of you can join us on Sunday, Oct. 31 from 3:30-6:30.

Kari Beck (on behalf of Secondary Student Council)

Old Cosmetics Needed

Hello, we are Yeeun Min and Minji Kim (G9) from Cosmetic Art Team (CAT) of Service as Action.

The main focus of our project is to recycle the cosmetics that you don’t use anymore. We are going to create usable items through a painting and drawing using cosmetics that you have donated to us.

WE NEED COSMETICS! We would be grateful if you can bring us any cosmetics that you don’t use anymore. Please drop them off in the box outside D229.

Required: Blush, lipstick, lipliner, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow, mascara, etc.

Not Required: Suncream, face cream, moisturizers, etc.

We are looking forward to your kind donation😊

Best Regards,

Cosmetic Art Team


All students in Grades 6-10!!!!

ManageBac will close on

Wednesday, December 15 at 4.15pm

All student in G6-10 must complete at least one entry for Service as Action and one for Volunteering in order to be eligible for Academic Achievement Awards.

Oct 31st Volunteering

Please make sure you sign with the correct supervising teacher for the Autumn Festival.

If you are a PTA volunteer – please see Ms Moen or Ms Walker (Shift 1, Shift 2)

If you are a Student Council volunteer – please see Mrs Beck (Haunted House, Octopus Game)


Grade 9 and 10 MAP Testing Today, Grade 7 and 8 Thursday

Hello Gnarly Nines and Terrific Tens,

Your Maths MAP tests are happening today. Grade 9 is up first from 8:00-10:10am, then Grade 10 is on from 10:30am-12:30pm. Please bring along a charged laptop and a positive mental attitude. The data we gather from this assessment will help us best support your learning and reflect all of your hard work. Mr. Bratton will take Grade 9 Block One attendance for Grade 9.

The schedule for all grades for this round of MAP testing is reposted here.

See you there!

Ps. Grade 8’s are up Thursday morning with the Reading assessment from 8:00am in the LGR. Grade 7, you are on for Maths Thursday after lunch (Block 4). See you all in the LGR.

Autumn Festival – Haunted House

Oct. 31 – Haunted House at the Autumn Festival

This Sunday is the Autumn Festival and the Secondary Student Council will be hosting a Haunted House and the 1st Annual Octopus Games on the field. Some of you may already be volunteering – thank you for your support – we hope the rest of you can join us on Sunday, Oct. 31 from 3:30-6:30.

Kari Beck (on behalf of Secondary Student Council)

SC Haunted House Poster2021.pdf

G6-10 Volunteering Experiences

Please sign up as soon as possible for your volunteering experience.

In case you didn’t know, students in grades 6-10 must complete at least ONE experience and write it up on ManageBac before Dec 15th at 4pm

Check Veracross for a variety of ways you can help others!

ManageBac Monday!!!!!

So far, 202 people have signed up to help with upcoming Volunteering Experiences!!!! That’s so great!!!!!!!!

Please update your ManageBac description as follows: (we’ll look at how to add a reflection next Monday)

POTS!!! from Wuxi Discover China Spring 2021

Last spring, a group of students made these beautiful clay pottery on their WUXI DISCOVER CHINA trip. They were recently sent to us.

Please claim your beautiful clay pots from outside D229.


After Tuesday, 1pm they are free to a good home!

Volunteering Reminders – October 31st

There are TWO different volunteering experiences taking place on Sunday, October 31st. There are volunteers for the PTA and volunteers with the Student Council.

Please make sure you report to the correct group.

All volunteers (PTA and SC) must purchase a ticket. Tickets are only 50 rmb and this entitles you to some food and drink. Tickets will be on sale in the Centre Foyer before school.


Grade 9 MAP Testing Today and Tomorrow!

Hello Gnarly Nines,

Your Reading MAP test is happening today from 8:00am in the LGR. Please bring along a charged laptop and a positive mental attitude. The data we gather from this assessment will help us best support your learning and reflect all of your hard work. Mr. Bratton will take your Block One attendance there, so no need to go to Block One today.

The schedule for all grades for this round of MAP testing is reposted here.

See you there!

Ps. Grade 9’s are up again Tuesday morning with the Maths assessment from 8:00am in the LGR. See you all there!