Personal Project 2016: Final Actions

PP Soft Copy and  PP Hard Copy of Report to Supervisor with Academic Hon. Form, Journal and Product

Drop PP Soft Copy of Report on File Server:


Only one PDF file!

PDF File Naming protocol:  PP_Report_Cameron_Young

You will have completed your Personal Project after you present your product/outcome at the PP exhibition on March 7 and 8.  FYI:  The 3-5 teachers assigned to grade your PP will have a chance to visit you and analyse the quality of your product.




Draft of Report due Wed. Jan. 13, 16:00

An incompleted Draft of Report is better than no draft at all! You will receive feedback on what you have completed already. This will help you focus on what needs to be done to finish. Show and provide to your supervisor:

  • Your journal with all entries up to date
  • A beginning or completed Report Draft with proper structure (even unfinished)
  • Quality journal entries selected for assessment (10 A4 pages maximum)
  • Evidence of product or outcome completed (Photos, videos or product itself)

Book an appointment in person with your supervisor before 16:00 on Wednesday.

Good work!


Where should my PPP be right now?

It has been a very busy few weeks for the Grade 10 and we are sure you’re starting to feel the pressure – here are some things you can/should be working on:

  • With your supervisor, discuss and decide on which type of report you want to produce – the options are here on the blog (look at the first two entries) and a multi–media report is possible.
  • No matter what format you decide, you should still write the first section – Investigating (Crit. A)  – a written (rough draft) early can be helpful and re-focuses you on your goal. See the outline below if you’re not sure what should be included and check the PPP Guide for more detail.
  • You should have a solid first draft of your product completed before the break, so your supervisor can provide some feedback and you can still work on your product over the break.
  • The product should be due when you get back in January, giving you more than a month for the report
  • Please continue to reflect, especially when things get tough and keep the AtL in mind (self-management, research, communication etc).

    The first section of your report should have the following components (Crit. A: Investigating):

  • Personal interests that led to the goal
  • Goal statement or inquiry question and product
  • Global Context – which strand and why this is appropriate to the goal
  • Prior knowledge that will be drawn upon – subject knowledge and/or experiential knowledge
  • The sources used – choose at least 5  sources and discuss how they helped with understanding the goal and creating the product.

    NEXT UP: Specifications, which can be done in a bulleted list or a rubric.