Community Swimming



NIS Community Member Definition 

NIS Community Members: A NIS community member is defined as a NIS student, parent, employee, board member, including immediate family members only. Example: Husband, wife, child.

NIS Community Members are entitled to use the swimming pool and fitness room when they are not in use for student programmes. Extended family or visitors may be permitted occasionally – this must be arranged in advance and is subject to approval.

It is required that all NIS community members (adults and children) clearly print name and sign in and out of the Swimming Pool and Fitness room at reception before entering, obtain a locker key and use a locker to store their belongings. This does not include school swimming programmes.

NON – NIS community members may participate in community activity programs with the exception of the swimming pool and fitness room which are only available for NIS community members.

Swimming Pool Hours

Mornings :
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6:30 am – 7:50am 
Closed: Tuesday & Thursday mornings – School swim squads only. 
Afternoons :
Monday,  Wednesday, Friday: 4:40 pm – 6:00pm 
NOTE: Tuesday: 5:15pm ~ 6:00pm Thursday: CLOSED
Lap & leisure swimming – shared pool space. 
Please exit the pool 10 minutes before closing
Saturdays: 9:30am – 3:00pm 
Please exit the pool 10 minutes before closing
Sundays: Closed.

Note: Opening hours vary during holidays this will be in the School Bulletin or please check with reception.PYP students must be accompanied in the pool by a parent. 

Swimming Pool User Guidelines



Please supervise children at all times.

Lifeguards are an important safety feature but cannot and do not replace the close supervision of parents or guardians.

Attention parents……….. How to supervise your children correctly.

* If your child is under 5 years of age he/she should be within arms reach of you. They should never leave your presence.

  • Constant attention should be paid to any child under 10 years of age. This does not mean an occasional glance whilst on your phone, computer or reading.
  • Regular checks on children over 10 years of age.



These activities are NOT allowed on pool deck or in the water:

  • Running, rough play, shoulder rides, throwing or launching children from hands or shoulders.
  • Jumping or diving into the shallow area of pools, bombing, jumping backwards or doing flips etc.
  • Crossing through the lanes, hanging, sitting or standing on the lane ropes.

Mandatory rules:

  • PYP aged swimmers or younger require active supervision by their own parent. No Ayi’s or drivers on pool deck.
  • Glass, sharp objects, water guns, food, drink, gumcomputers or electronic devices are not permitted on pool deck.
  • Appropriate swim attire required. T-shirts, cut-offs, underpants, etc are not permitted. Infants must wear swim diapers.
  • Shoulder length hair or longer must be tied back or put up in a swim cap.
  • Shoes are not allowed on pool deck except aqua shoes and flip flops.

Risk management:

  • Non swimmers are defined as “a person who is not yet swimming at level 4 within the NIS swimming programme.”
  • PYP aged non-swimmers can’t be in the 25M pool without their parent with them in the water.
  • Non swimmers are not permitted past the 15m mark, signed & marked with a yellow line.
  • Non swimming children must be at the pool with their own parents at all times.
  • A lap swimmer is defined as: adult, MYP student or squad level swimmer – please follow lane etiquette guidelines.
  • The diving blocks are for competitions or training purposes and can ONLY be used under supervision by a swimming coach or instructor.
  • Lifeguard supervision is for all users, not specific children. Immediate attention must be given to lifeguard’s whistle.
  • Repeated long blasts of a whistle mean clear the water. Exit swiftly, silently and safely. Then listen for further instructions.



A lap swimmer is defined as: adult, MYP student or squad level swimmer.

Be courteous and considerate to your fellow lap swimmers.

Select a lane based on your ability and the stroke(s) you intend to swim.


• Keep to the left of the lane.

  • If being passed, move to the far left of the lane and continue swimming to the end. It may be appropriate to briefly stop and  give the passing swimmer space.

• If passing, be aware of other swimmers in the lane.

• Do not stop in the middle of the lane.

  • If you have to move across lanes, check both directions before moving.
  • When waiting at the end of the pool, move across towards the corners of the lane to allow other swimmers room to continue swimming.
  • Lifeguards monitor the lanes and may alter the configuration at any time. Please do not be offended if a lifeguard asks you to move to another lane.


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